By the Way, Why Does the History of the JEL Codes Matter ?
Dec 21, 2014
Full paper is here. Comments are much welcome.And because it’s an epic story (and because I suck at writing abstracts), here is an audio trailer. I thank Paul for his beautiful Memphis accent.
Identifying Weaknesses in the Eurozone
Dec 19, 2014
How should the Eurozone handle unemployment and other immediate hurdles?
A sparsity based model of bounded rationality
Dec 17, 2014
A more realistic version of how people “maximize utility”
New Theoretical Perspectives on the Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals
Dec 17, 2014
The recently observed surge in wealth doesn’t equate to growth of productive capital. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Branko Milanovic, Paul Krugman and Duncan Foley discuss these issues and more.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesIntra-Financial Lending, Credit, and Capital Formation
Dec 2014
This paper examines the effects of intra-financial lending – claims between financial institutions – on aggregate investment and credit to the non-financial sector in the United States.
Stiglitz: Economics Has to Come to Terms with Wealth and Income Inequality
Dec 15, 2014
How Superstar Companies Like Apple Are Killing America’s High-Tech Future
Dec 8, 2014
Few would argue that America’s fortunes rise and fall on its ability to generate technological innovations — to put bold ideas to work and then bring them to market.
They called it a sunspot
Dec 7, 2014
One of the earliest attempts to tackle the problem of multiple equilibria in Macroeconomics was a byproduct of David Cass and Karl Shell’s engagement with Robert Lucas’s 1972 paper on ‘Expectations and the Neutrality of Money.’
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesSkill Development and Sustainable Prosperity: Cumulative and Collective Careers versus Skill-Biased Technical Change
Dec 2014
There is widespread and growing concern about the availability of good jobs in the U.S. economy. Inequality has been growing for thirty years and is now at levels not seen since the 1920s. Stable and remunerative employment has become harder for U.S. workers to find.
Lessons from the Great Depression
Dec 5, 2014
How can we better integrate history into economic analysis?
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesLong-term trends in intra-financial sector lending in the U.S. 1950 - 2012
Nov 2014
This paper examines the evolution of intra-financial sector lending in the United States, 1950- 2012, presenting estimates constructed from the Federal Reserve’s Flow of Funds Accounts.
Why is the U.S. Economy Underperforming? Rising Inequality is the Key.
Nov 18, 2014
Financial Regulations In Paralysis
Nov 14, 2014
Bill Black knows banks.
Governing With A Higher Purpose To Spur Innovation
Nov 7, 2014
How can the state manage its central role in the innovation economy if the state itself has become an instrument for facilitating corporate predation?
Government Risk and Private Sector Reward
Oct 29, 2014
How should the government recoup the benefits from the fruits of its research? And what role should the government play going forward in important areas such as clean tech?
Why Keynes is Important Today
Oct 28, 2014
Income and Wealth Distribution in Germany: A Macroeconomic Perspective
Oct 26, 2014
Household economic surveys, such as the German Socio-Economic Panel, notoriously underestimate the degree of income and wealth inequality at the upper end of the distribution.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesInequality, the Great Recession, and Slow Recovery
Oct 2014
Rising inequality reduced income growth for the bottom 95 percent of the US personal income distribution beginning about 1980.
Nobel Win Doesn’t Equate To Policy Prescriptions
Oct 21, 2014
The “keys under the streetlight story” is well known among economists, but in case you haven’t heard it, it goes like this.
The Consequences of Money-Manager Capitalism
Oct 20, 2014
In the wake of World War II, much of the western world, particularly the United States, adopted a new form of capitalism called “managerial welfare-state capitalism.”
What Apple Should Do with Its Massive Piles of Money
Oct 19, 2014
An Open Letter to Tim Cook, CEO of Apple
Adam Smith's first - and last! - book: what rational choice?
Oct 18, 2014
I was going to call this blog post ‘Utility maximising agents in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments’ but realised that was much too dull - even if it accurately describes my bedtime reading at the present moment.
Numbers Show Apple Shareholders Have Already Gotten Plenty
Oct 16, 2014
Apple should be returning profits to workers who have invested their time and effort into generating its products and to taxpayers who have funded the investments in the physical infrastructure and human knowledge so critical to Apple’s success.
How Financialization Leads To Income Inequality
Oct 16, 2014
The paper referenced in this post, “Financialization and U.S. Income Inequality, 1970–2008,” recently was awarded the 2014 Outstanding Article Award from the Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility section of the American Sociological Association.
Two Hundred Years of Politics and High Finance
Oct 16, 2014
These videos cover not only Dr. de Cecco’s seminal research on the international gold standard, but his views on the international monetary system between the wars, the formation of the Bretton Woods system, and its breakdown – all topics on which Dr. de Cecco has written copiously.
A History of the JEL Codes: Classifying Economics During the War [Part 1]
Oct 15, 2014
In the spring of 1940, as the war in Europe escalated and the likelihood of American involvement grew greater and greater, scientists understood that they would soon be drafted to help national defense planning.
The IMF and Human Development: Little Progress and Worrisome Trends
Oct 13, 2014
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank celebrate their 70th anniversary this year, yet few countries have been eager to join the festivities.
The man who will not win the Nobel
Oct 9, 2014
Last Spring Larry Summers wounded Thomas Piketty in a friendly embrace.
Fixing The Eurozone Architecture
Oct 8, 2014
Has the euro experiment largely failed to meet the needs of the people who use it? If so, what can be done? Andrea Terzi suggests innovative ways to repair the Eurozone’s flawed fiscal architecture.
Development and Underdevelopment in Postwar Europe
Oct 1, 2014
The question of underdevelopment and development policies in postwar Europe will be the theme of a workshop organized by Michele Alacevich, Sandrine Kott, and Mark Mazower, at Columbia University, the Heyman Center for the Humanities, Friday, October 10, 2014. The program is available here. Below are some of Alacevich’s insights on the issue leading up the event:
What’s the Difference Between Growth and Prosperity?
Sep 30, 2014
Peter Victor challenges the basis of our obsession with economic growth
Working Paper
Working paperCommunity Networks and the Process of Development
Sep 2014
Anyone who has spent time in a developing country knows the importance of social connections. Among their many roles, these connections help individuals land jobs, and provide them with credit and other forms of support.
The torch that wouldn't burn - UCLA in 1968
Sep 29, 2014
Employment as University Professor is by comparison with the grind of the professional world a peaceful, perhaps even relaxing, assignment.
New Research Shows Pollution Inequality in America is Even Worse Than Income Inequality
Sep 28, 2014
The Tenacity of the Free Market Ideology
Sep 23, 2014
Fred Block discusses his book, “The Power of Market Fundamentalism”.
The Flummery of Capital-Requirement Repairs Since The Crisis
Sep 15, 2014
Government safety nets give protected institutions an implicit subsidy and intensify incentives for value-maximizing boards and managers to risk the ruin of their firms. Standard accounting statements do not record the value of this subsidy and forcing subsidized institutions to show more accounting capital will do little to curb their enhanced appetite for tail risk.
To Boost Investment, End SEC Rule Encouraging Buybacks
Sep 14, 2014
The New York Times is having a “Room For Debate” discussion on its Opinion Page about how corporations should handle profits based on the Harvard Business Review article “Profits Without Prosperity” by William Lazonick of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, who is a grantee of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. The discussion features contributions by Bruce Greenwald, Peter Thiel, and Lazonick, among others. Lazonick argues that the capital being used for stock buybacks would be better spent on investment. Lazonick’s “Room For Debate” piece is below. To read the full discussion on The New York Times, click here.
Austerity Defangs the Celtic Tiger
Sep 11, 2014
Will the “Celtic Tiger” re-emerge or is Ireland’s recovery stunted by austerity programs?
All Together Now?: Inequality and Growth in US Metro Areas
Sep 10, 2014
With the publication of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century, the American public has become increasingly concerned about the scale and impact of inequality in economic life.
Working Paper
Working paperPlease Don't Throw Me In The Briar Patch
Sep 2014
The flummery of capital-requirement repairs undertaken in response to the Great Financial Crisis.
Creating A Legal Foundation For Finance
Sep 4, 2014
How does the law interact with finance? Katharina Pistor on the paradoxical relationship between law and finance.
Early Interventions Lead To Higher IQs
Sep 2, 2014
We can change who we are. We can improve ourselves in various ways, and we can give ourselves possibilities to grow intellectually.
Working Paper
Grantee paperThe Emergence of a Finance Culture in American Households, 1989-2007
Aug 2014
As the financial economy has expanded beginning in the mid-1980s, it has done so in part by selling more products to individuals and households.
Working Paper
Grantee paperFinancial Crises, Political Constraints, and Policy Responses
Aug 2014
We analyze the political environment in the wake of financial crises and try to infer its implications on decision making and economic policies.
Working Paper
Grantee paperVisualising Stock-Flow-Consistent Models as Directed Acyclic Graphs
Aug 2014
We show how every stock-flow consistent model of the macroeconomy can be represented as a directed acyclic graph.
Working Paper
Grantee paperU.S. Public Pension Funds and Alternative Investments
Aug 2014
In the past decade and a half, state and local public employee retirement systems in the United States have significantly shifted their fund investment strategies toward a greater allocation in alternative investments. Today, roughly $660 billion of public pension funds are invested in hedge funds and private equity funds. These alternative investments typically require new governance structures within the pension funds in order to adequately monitor accompanying risks and returns, management fee arrangements and investment complexity.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Political Movement that Dared not Speak its own Name: The Neoliberal Thought Collective Under Erasure
Aug 2014
Why do so many people who should know better argue that Neoliberalism ‘does not exist’?
Cyber Security & Centralized Data, What Could Go Wrong?
Aug 26, 2014
What is the scale of effort that is actually required to initiate global cyber warfare? Amir Herzberg elaborates on cyber security, cyber warfare and basic privacy in the global digital age.
How to Make Economics Students More Critical and Adaptive Thinkers?
Aug 14, 2014
Can we learn something from philosophy students?
Healthcare In The 21st Century
Aug 9, 2014
Many believe that we already have a healthcare problem. But let’s get this straight: healthcare is a solution. Joon Yun posits a new way of thinking about health, illness and aging.
Beyond Dodd-Frank
Aug 3, 2014
Has the Dodd-Frank Act had its intended effect?
Working Paper
Grantee paperThe Rich Stay Richer: The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Household Well-being, 2007-2009
Jul 2014
The 2007-2009 financial crisis initially appeared to have destroyed a huge amount of wealth in the U.S.
What's Holding Back Reform in Economics?
Jul 31, 2014
Before reforming economics, we need to reform the discourse.
Pasinetti on Institutional Forces and the Discipline of Economics
Jul 29, 2014
Ever since 2008, increasing numbers of economists, students, and even market professionals have protested the way economics is currently taught and practiced.
Destabilizing A Stable Crisis
Jul 28, 2014
Readers of Minsky are familiar with the idea that governments should act as financial stabilizing agents for their economies by running surpluses in times of boom and deficits in times of crises.
Creating a Culture of Entrepreneurship in India
Jul 23, 2014
Ajay Kela on creating a culture of entrepreneurship in India.
Top incomes and the glass ceiling
Jul 17, 2014
The glass ceiling is typically examined in terms of the distribution of earnings. This column discusses the glass ceiling in the gender distribution of total incomes, including self-employment and capital income. Evidence from Canada and the UK shows we are still far from equality. Though the proportion of women in the top 1% has been rising, the progress is slower, almost non-existent, at the very top of the distribution.
Self-Control and Public Pensions
Jul 13, 2014
Our welfare depends not only on our actual consumption, but also on alternate choices wedid not make.
HES 2014: It made a happy man very old!
Jul 1, 2014
This year, the History of Economics Society (HES) meeting was organized at the University of Quebec at Montreal. The meeting was, on the whole, a nice affair, there were plenty of interesting sessions, I reconvened with old friends and was able to present there my latest work and receive constructive comments.
Who Wins and Loses From Innovation?
Jul 1, 2014
Improved access to education is often touted as the key to addressing racial inequality in the economy, but Lisa Cook’s research into the innovation economy shows that women and African-Americans are underrepresented despite their educational qualifications.
Working Paper
Grantee paperNetwork Efficiency and the Banking System
Jun 2014
Inspired by the Coasean “market vs firm” dichotomy, we offer a new definition of efficiency by applying the notions of network cost and network efficiency as developed in complex network theory.
Working Paper
Grantee paperClassical Competition and Freedom of Contract in American Laissez Faire Constitutionalism
Jun 2014
It is impossible to tell the history of American antitrust law and economics during the so-called formative era (1890- 1915) without a preliminary understanding of the economic rationale underlying that major phase of American constitutional law commonly called laissez faire constitutionalism, or Lochner era.
Webinars and Events
Azim Premji Summer School 2014
WorkshopJun 30–Jul 6, 2014
India has for the last twenty years been undergoing a rapid and abiding structural shift in its pattern of development. The transformation of the economy from the period of the license raj to the post liberalization era has wrought many changes, with somewhat ambiguous implications.
The Nature of Invention
Jun 26, 2014
The Institute for New Economic Thinking at Oxford researchers and collaborators data mine 200 years of US Patent Office records to uncover the true nature of innovation.
Inequality and the Future of Capitalism
Jun 25, 2014
The Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) organises its 18th annual conference on Inequality and the Future of Capitalism with introductory lectures on heterodox economics for graduate students.
Why Standard Macro Models Fail During Crises
Jun 25, 2014
Why Economics Curriculum Needs Historical Context?
Jun 24, 2014
Can Economists Be Adequate Without Studying History?
Economic Thinking in A Fallible World
Jun 21, 2014
Eric Weinstein of Thiel Capital, a mathematician, physicist, and economist, explains the issues around economic thought and their potential consequences.
Post-Crash Economics
Jun 18, 2014
Robert Skidelsky knocks the scientific halo off mainstream economists’ teaching and research
Preparing For The Next Financial Crisis
Jun 14, 2014
So how far have we come since Lehman? How much more do we have to do?
Innovation And Its Potential To Damage Society
Jun 6, 2014
What if innovation is not an unalloyed good for society? What if it simply adds to our current dystopian dysfunction?
The Perils Of Our Growing Inequality
May 31, 2014
Institute President Rob Johnson interviews David Cay Johnston about his new book, Divided: The Perils of Our Growing Inequality.
Piketty Responds in Detail to FT Criticism
May 29, 2014
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesWho Invests in the High-Tech Knowledge Base?
May 2014
A nation must accumulate a high-tech knowledge base to prosper.
We Can Blog it!
May 6, 2014
The more reflexive mode brought by the financial crisis to macroeconomics made economists more outspoken about methodological, historical and sociological issues: how have we come to the DSGE dogma? What are its limitations? How can we produce alternative knowledge? Do publishing practices favor a “monolithic” thinking, and if so, how can we change it? What about the graduate training in economics?
Working Paper
CommentaryThe Triumph of the Rentier?
May 2014
Thomas Piketty vs. Luigi Pasinetti and John Maynard Keynes
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesWage Increases, Transfers, and the Socially Determined Income Distribution in the USA
Apr 2014
This paper is based on a social accounting matrix (SAM) which incorporates the size distribution of income based on data from the BEA national accounts, the widely discussed 2012 CBO distribution study, and BLS consumer surveys.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThree Measures of Environmental Inequality
Apr 2014
Using data on industrial air pollution exposure in the United States, we compute three measures of environmental inequality: the Gini coefficient of exposure, the ratio of median exposure of minorities to that of non-Hispanic whites, and the ratio of median exposure of poor households to that of nonpoor households.
A Fight Over Inequality: The 5% Vs. The Rest
Apr 29, 2014
In late 2007, the United States started feeling the effects of the Great Recession. And over the ensuing two years the economic disaster spread across the globe.
Piketty and thinking about economics
Apr 18, 2014
There is a new economics rock-star touring the US by all accounts, and his name is Thomas Piketty.
Conference Session
Worldwide Revolutions: Is History Repeating Itself?
Apr 11, 2014 | 11:00—12:30
Conference Session
Innovation and Inequality: Cause or Cure
Apr 11, 2014 | 11:00—12:30
Working Paper
Conference paperMethodological Problems in Macroeconomics: Curriculum and Computers
Apr 2014
The financial crisis of 2008, and the subsequent worldwide economic depression and continuing dislocation, have made little to no impression on the way macroeconomics is taught at the university level, from Economics 101 through graduate school. It has been “business as usual’, which (it seems to me) means an almost studious avoidance of any attempt to acquire knowledge of how monetary economies actually work.
Working Paper
Conference paperCan Structural Reform Boost Economic Growth?
Apr 2014
How to rebalance Chinese economy has become a topic of heated discussion. After years of fast economic expansion, now China faces a difficult crossroad. The global financial crisis provided clear evidence that China’s traditional export-driven strategy is vulnerable to slumps of the external demand.
Working Paper
Conference paperNew Economic Teaching -Bridging Four Gaps
Apr 2014
When the Curriculum Open-access Resources in Economics (CORE) project launched on 11 November 2013 at Her Majesty’s Treasury in London, we promised that we would be ‘teaching economics as if the last three decades had happened’. The last six months have shown us that this is challenging but we are well on our way to doing it.
Working Paper
Conference paperNarrative in Teaching Economics
Apr 2014
Economics has advanced an enormous distance from the Walrasian paradigm and the Neoclassical synthesis. However, undergraduate curriculums continue to heavily favour these views of what economics is and what tools it provides for understanding contemporarypublic problems.
Conference Session
Economic Progress and Financial Reform in China
Apr 11, 2014 | 07:00—07:00
Conference Session
New Economic Thinking
Apr 11, 2014 | 03:45—05:00
Conference Session
Finance and the Real Economy
Apr 11, 2014 | 05:15—06:30
Working Paper
Conference paperThe Chinese Economic Model Revisited: Any Implications for the New Economic Thinking?
Apr 2014
The president of INET, Johnson(2013) emphasized the importance of Asian tradition for building up the New Economic Thinking. “It ismy sense that the Asian tradition of thought and philosophical perspective are better suited to embracing this radical uncertainty and living in the experimentation of the adaptive complex system that our world appears to resemble than are the Western mindsets that are the product of the Cartesian Enlightenment.” In the summary he argues that “As the Asian societies continue to evolve the architects will be better served by an new economics for Asia and from Asia that is based on the notions of radical uncertainty, complex adaptive systems, mimetic desire, the inseparability of politics and economics, and a vision of a world where policy makers are themselves less knowing and less capable of control than we often yearn to believe is within their power.”
Working Paper
Conference paperThe Arab Spring is Genuine Revolution, But a Bumpy and Arduous Road Ahead
Apr 2014
The Arab Spring has been a fundamental event in the Arab world and yet among Middle East scholars, there is great intellectual and analytical debate about the degree of political change or continuity that the Arab Spring had produced. As reverberations of the global economic crisis have continued and the international rules of the game have fundamentally remained unchanged, the demand on post-Arab Spring governments to change policy course is high.
Working Paper
Conference paperLeveling the Playing Field From College To Career
Apr 2014
In the United States achieving equal opportunity in postsecondary education is typically described in terms of enrolling more underrepresented groups into the selective colleges. The belief is that if this step is accomplished it will have a fundamental impact on the problem of inequality at the national level. However, what if there are not enough places in selective colleges to accomplish this goal? What if the selective colleges do not have enough capacity to make a significant impact in the problem of serving students from underrepresented groups withdemonstrated high abilities?
Working Paper
Conference paperSocial Power and Development in the Middle East: a transnational perspective
Apr 2014
The chief obstacle to transformative change in the contemporary Middle East is the region-wide configuration of social power which was consolidated in the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire and which survived the transition from empire to post-Ottoman independent states largely intact.
Working Paper
Conference paperVague Hopes, Active Aspirations and Equality
Apr 2014
The term human capital describes a set of skills, strengths and know-how that are valuable—both in the narrow sense of being “commercially valuable” (Lindsey, 2013), and the wider one of contributing to a flourishing, deliberate, purposeful life.As Heckman (2014) puts it: “Skills are capacities to act [emphasis added]…They shapeexpectations, constraints, and information” (p. 6).
Working Paper
Conference paperThe Arab revolutions: any new paths from here?
Apr 2014
While successive waves of democratization over the last half century changed the political landscape in various regions of the world, the authoritarian regimes have maintained their hold on power in the Arab region.
Conference Session
The Problem of the Predator State: Fostering Innovation While Facilitating Corporate Predation
Apr 11, 2014 | 07:00—08:30
Conference Session
Law and Innovation: Is Intellectual Property a Path to Progress
Apr 11, 2014 | 07:00—08:30
Conference Session
Education and Human Development: What are the Questions?
Apr 11, 2014 | 09:00—10:45
Conference Session
Secular Stagnation? The Future Challenge for Economic Policy
Apr 11, 2014 | 03:15—05:00
Conference Session
The Environment and Innovation: What Are The Real Costs?
Apr 11, 2014 | 12:45—02:15