America’s Dire Inequality Demands a New Conceptual Framework. This Economist Has One.
Sep 10, 2020
In a new book from Cambridge University Press, Lance Taylor reveals that wage repression — far more than monopoly power, offshoring or technological change — is driving rising inequality.
What Happens When a Noted Female Economist Fights Toxic Culture in the Field?
Sep 9, 2020
Claudia Sahm dares to call out systemic bullying and harassment that drives out talent and compromises science. Perpetrators are not happy.
Globalization's Discontents
Sep 9, 2020
The promise of globalization is built on a lie, designed to spread risk while concentrating reward.
Summary of the Book Macroeconomic Inequality From Reagan to Trump
Sep 3, 2020
Wage Repression, Asset Price Inflation, and Structural Change Caused Rising Macroeconomic Inequality for Fifty Years from before Reagan through Trump.This is a summary of a new book that is being published as part of a new book series with Cambridge University Press.
US Tax Dollars Funded Every New Pharmaceutical in the Last Decade
Sep 2, 2020
Amid debates over costs—and profits—from a coronavirus vaccine, a new study shows that taxpayers have been footing the bill for every new drug approved between 2010 and 2019
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesGovernment as the First Investor in Biopharmaceutical Innovation: Evidence From New Drug Approvals 2010–2019
Sep 2020
Amid debates over costs—and profits—from a coronavirus vaccine, a new study shows that taxpayers have been footing the bill for every new drug approved between 2010 and 2019
College Now
Sep 2, 2020
Why are we creating an education shortage?
Professor Kako Nubukpo: COVID-19 Shows that Global Value Chains Shouldn’t Keep Africa in Chains of Dependence
Sep 1, 2020
During this interview, Professor Kako Nubukpo, Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Lomé, Togo and former Minister of Prospective and Evaluation of Public Policy of Togo considers the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 crisis and its repercussions on monetary policy and fiscal reforms underway in West and Central Africa today.
Pr Kako Nubukpo: « Le Covid-19 montre que les chaînes de valeur mondiales ne devraient pas être des chaînes de dépendance pour l’Afrique »
Sep 1, 2020
Dans le cadre de cet entretien, Pr Kako Nubukpo, Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (FASEG) de l’Université de Lomé au Togo, et ancien Ministre de la Prospective et de l’Evaluation des politiques publiques du Togo, revient sur l’impact économique et social de la crise du COVID-19 au Togo et sur ses répercussions sur les politiques économiques dont les réformes monétaires et fiscales en cours en Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale.
Second Round: Final Reply to Smithers
Aug 31, 2020
Lance Taylor provides a second and final response to Andrew Smithers’ criticism of his working paper on the role of the “Global Savings Glut”
Second Round: The Labor Share of Corporate Income
Aug 31, 2020
Andrew Smithers responds to Lance Taylor’s rebuttal.
Students Fear Ideas Not Viruses
Aug 26, 2020
“Good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure.”
Final Response: Andrew Smithers' Challenge to Lance Taylor's Global Savings Glut Paper
A debate between Lance Taylor and Andrew Smithers on the alleged “global savings glut.” Smithers responds to Taylor’s INET working paper, to which Taylor then offers a rebuttal. A second round of the debate is now included as well.
Comment on Lance Taylor’s “’Savings Glut’ Fables and International Trade Theory: An Autopsy”
Aug 24, 2020
Financial commentator Andrew Smithers responds to Lance Taylor’s INET working paper. You may also read Taylor’s response to Smithers’s comment here.
Reply to Andrew Smithers
Aug 24, 2020
Lance Taylor responds to Andrew Smithers’s comment on his INET working paper, “Germany and China Have Savings Gluts, the USA Is a Sump: So What?”
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesSpilt Milk: COVID-19 and the Dangers of Dairy Industry Consolidation
Aug 2020
Consolidation in the dairy industry has created separate, inflexible supply chains for consumers and commercial markets. When COVID killed commercial demand, perfectly good milk and cheese was wasted.
Webinars and Events
Digital Transformation: Pre and Post Covid-19
Webinarwith Jim Balsillie
Aug 20, 2020
The rise of the Knowledge Based Economy and subsequent Data Driven Economy has created a new world in which the basis of wealth and power is derived from control of these intangible assets, alongside creating a new kind of social and political space in which both our public and private spheres are technologically reshaped. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated these transformations that permeate our world and has amplified their effects.
How Dairy Monopolies Keep Milk Off the Shelves
Aug 19, 2020
Consolidation in the dairy industry has created separate, inflexible supply chains for consumers and commercial markets. When COVID killed commercial demand, perfectly good milk and cheese was wasted.
The Future of the Safety Net
Aug 19, 2020
A lot has changed since our taxes and benefits were designed, and the consequences of delaying reform are rising.
Webinars and Events
Climate Risk and Response in a Post-Pandemic World
Webinarwith Dr. Jonathan Woetzel and Dr. Mekala Krishnan
Aug 13, 2020
Global carbon emissions could fall by an estimated 5.5% in 2020 as a result of declining industrial production in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. But if the change is not systemic these effects may be fleeting, and the changing climate could put hundreds of millions of lives, trillions of dollars of economic activity, and the world’s physical and natural capital at risk.
“Savings Glut” Fables and International Trade Theory: An Autopsy
Aug 11, 2020
A “global saving glut” was invented by Ben Bernanke in 2005 as a label for positive net lending (imports exceeding exports) to the American economy by the rest of the world. However, there is a more plausible explanation for the persistent trade imbalance between the US and its major trading partners.
Working Paper
Working PaperGermany and China Have Savings Gluts, the USA Is a Sump: So What?
Aug 2020
An alternative look at the “global savings glut”
Webinars and Events
How Might the Pandemic Change the World Economy? Peering into the Future
Webinarwith Dr. Kaushik Basu
Aug 6, 2020
While policymakers around the world are in fire-fighting mode, trying to keep the economies in their charge running and the mysterious pandemic under control, the global terrain beneath our feet is shifting. Which countries will emerge as winners and losers in the new global landscape?
Why International Financial Regulation Still Falls Short
Aug 5, 2020
Despite post-2008 regulations, the boom-bust credit cycle continues to run wild
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesInternational Financial Regulation: Why It Still Falls Short
Aug 2020
Despite post-2008 regulations, the boom-bust credit cycle continues to run wild
African Youth Lead Response to COVID-19
Aug 4, 2020
Chioma Agwuegbo of TechHer Nigeria, talks to Folashadé Soulé and Herbert Mba Aki about how the pandemic is impacting young people in Nigeria, especially young women, and how African youth are tackling the crisis.
Why Do Economists Have Trouble Understanding Racialized Inequalities?
Aug 3, 2020
Mainstream economics ignores historical and structural factors by design
Is Silicon Valley Nudging Us Towards an Authoritarian Future?
Jul 29, 2020
Margaret Heffernan’s new book “Uncharted” warns against giving up the power to shape our destiny to gurus and gadgets promising false certainty.
Coronavirus Perceptions and Economic Anxiety
Jul 28, 2020
When people recognize just how dangerous covid is, they worry more about the economy
Professor Njuguna Ndung’u: COVID-19 is a wake-up call to reform the healthcare system and make it inclusive for all
Jul 24, 2020
In this conversation with Folashadé Soulé and Camilla Toulmin, Pr Njuguna Ndung’u, a Kenyan economist, Director of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), a pan-African organization devoted to the advancement of economic policy research and training in sub-Saharan Africa, and former Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya (2007-2015) analyses how the pandemic creates more fragility in African economies, but also how reforms could be implemented during this crisis; and the urgent need for investment in strong health institutional capacities
The $5.3 Trillion Question Behind America’s COVID-19 Failure
Jul 24, 2020
That’s the amount of buybacks U.S. corporations funneled to shareholders during the past decade—rather than invest in technologies for the common good. This article is being published jointly by INET and The American Prospect
Working Paper
Working PaperHow “Maximizing Shareholder Value” Minimized the Strategic National Stockpile: The $5.3 Trillion Question for Pandemic Preparedness Raised by the Ventilator Fiasco
Jul 2020
The success of projects for pandemic preparedness and response depends on the strength of government-business collaborations.
Webinars and Events
The AI Awakening: Implications for the Economy
Webinarwith Erik Brynjolfsson | 12:00pm ET / 9:00am PT
Jul 23, 2020
Technology has played a critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic, facilitating remote work and automating certain pandemic responses. But it has also accelerated technological adoption, and the “future of work” may now be the present.
Are American Colleges and Universities the Next Covid Casualties?
Jul 22, 2020
Colleges and universities need to be saved, not only from financial ruin, but also, all too often, from themselves.
Economics & Beyond Podcast
Jul 22, 2020
Rob Johnson is not your average economist, and this is not your average economics podcast.
Webinars and Events
Debt Talks Episode 1 | The Secular Rise of Debt
Webinarmoderated by Moritz Schularick with Laura Carvalho, Matthew C. Klein, and Amir Sufi | 12:00pm ET / 9:00am PT
Hosted by Private Debt
Jul 21, 2020
A webinar panel discussion moderated by INET Fellow Moritz Schularick, with Laura Carvalho, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of São Paulo, Matthew C. Klein, Economics Commentator at Barron’s, and Amir Sufi, Bruce Lindsay Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Immaculate Deception
Jul 20, 2020
How and Why Bankers Still Enjoy a Global Rescue Network
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesImmaculate Deception: How (and Why) Bankers Still Enjoy a Global Rescue Network
Jul 2020
A look at Dodd-Frank’s impact
There Can Be No Equality Without a Dramatic Renewal of Employment Opportunity for All American Workers
Jul 16, 2020
To fulfill MLK’s vision of jobs and freedom for Black Americans, Washington must rein in corporate greed
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesEmployment and Earnings of African Americans Fifty Years After: Progress?
Jul 2020
To fulfill MLK’s vision of jobs and freedom for Black Americans, Washington must rein in corporate greed
Webinars and Events
Building a Global Economic Response to COVID-19
Webinarwith Mohamed A. El-Erian | 12:30pm ET / 9:30 PT
Jul 16, 2020
As the world economy seeks to emerge from the deep recession caused by the pandemic, economic nationalism and isolationism are on the rise. Yet the better response to lower growth and worsening inequality could involve globally-coordinated policy responses that focus on broad based, sustainable economic growth. Now more than ever it is time for a new global economic policy paradigm that can facilitate a strong recovery.
Should We Remain Hopeful About Globalization?
Jul 15, 2020
A closer look at unique structural conditions is essential
Never Together: Black and White People in the Postwar Economic Era
Jul 13, 2020
Coming out of the Great Depression, America built a middle class, but systematic discrimination kept most African-American families from being part of it
Europe’s Fateful Choices for Recovery – An Italian Perspective
Jul 13, 2020
To fight COVID-19, the EU must recognize that spending restraints have to go
Working Paper
Working PaperNever Together: Black and White People in the Postwar Economic Era
Jul 2020
Over and over again, US government policies designed to transfer and create wealth and economic opportunity were restricted to whites by design.
Elites Have Made the American Dream a Nightmare for Black People. Who’s Next?
Jul 9, 2020
Researchers reveal the enemies to stability and prosperity that threaten us all.
INET & Luohan Academy Announce Partnership to Bring INET Video to China
Jul 8, 2020
Luohan Academy will share content while working with INET to plan future co-sponsored events, seminars & more
Big Pharma Wants to Pocket the Profits From a COVID Treatment You Already Paid For
Jul 7, 2020
Gilead’s shareholders want exorbitant profits from Remdesivir, even though it was the public that enabled its development.
Webinars and Events
The Crash of 2008 & The Pandemic of 2020: The Combination That Changed Capitalism Forever
Webinarwith Yanis Varoufakis | 12:00pm ET / 9:00am PT
Jul 2, 2020
As protests erupt on the streets of America and the world, current power structures no longer feel tenable. Can this popular uprising break the neoliberal grip on the state and create lasting structural change that will empower the disenfranchised?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly About the Fed’s New Credit Allocation Policy
Jun 30, 2020
The Fed is taking an aggressive approach to put out the economic fires of the pandemic. But it needs to allow for flexibility as some business models irreparably change.
The COVID-19 Bailout and its Financing Dilemmas
Jun 30, 2020
The speed and duration of COVID-19 economic recovery will depend on how the government will finance emergency programs.
Research Program News
Debt Talks
Jun 29, 2020
Debt Talks is a new online webinar series that will bring together diverse voices to discuss one of the most pressing economic issue of our times: the surge in indebtedness. We are inviting prominent thinkers, policy-makers, and scholars from different backgrounds and countries to present and debate their views . Each monthly webinar will feature a lively panel presentation followed by Q&A. INET Fellow Moritz Schularick will moderate the events.
Takyiwaa Manuh: Governments need to focus more on the gendered impacts of COVID-19
Jun 26, 2020
In this conversation with Folashadé Soulé and Camilla Toulmin, Pr Takyiwaa Manuh analyses how the pandemic has disproportionately affected women at different levels especially in Ghana, and describes why governments need to focus more strongly on the gendered impacts of COVID-19 in both their sanitary and economic response.
OSHA in the 21st Century: Real Protection for America’s Workers
Jun 25, 2020
The Occupational Safety Health Administration was created 50 years ago. Today, it’s in dire straits, say OSHA’s leaders during the Obama administration
Elaine Brown, Who Led Black Panthers, Sizes Up America’s Racial Reckoning
Jun 24, 2020
The activist and author shares a free-ranging conversation with INET president Rob Johnson.
The Dangerous Ideological Bias of Economists
Jun 24, 2020
“We do not publish papers about our own profession.” – Top Five Journal
Who Benefits From New Technologies?
Jun 22, 2020
Do the benefits of new technologies accrue primarily to inventors, early investors, and highly skilled users, or to society more widely as their adoption generates employment growth?
Working Paper
Working PaperThe Geography of New Technologies
Jun 2020
Rising inequality has focused attention on the benefits of new technologies. Do these accrue primarily to inventors, early investors, and highly skilled users, or to society more widely as their adoption generates employment growth?
Profits from Job Losses Will Finance Government Borrowing for COVID-19 Bailouts
Jun 18, 2020
COVID has meant unemployment for the many and a corporate profit-fueled windfall for the few.
Webinars and Events
Trillions in COVID-19 Bailouts: Where Did it Go?
WebinarIn Discussion: Jesse Eisinger, Pulitzer Prize Winner, Senior Reporter and Editor for ProPublica with Rob Johnson, President of INET | 12:00pm ET - 9:00am PT
Jun 18, 2020
In March the US government authorized the largest domestic bailout in history. Who were the real winners and losers of this bailout? Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Jesse Eisinger has been following the money.
Innovation Needs Inventors
Jun 17, 2020
By not addressing inclusivity, we are losing entire generations of new minds.
Felwine Sarr : La crise du COVID-19 indique une nécessité de changement et de repenser le monde de demain
Jun 16, 2020
Entretien avec Pr Felwine Sarr, Professeur Titulaire des Universités et agrégé en économie à l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis au Sénégal, pour la série d’INET sur COVID-19 et l’Afrique
Felwine Sarr: The COVID-19 crisis demonstrates the need to change track and re-think the world of tomorrow.
Jun 16, 2020
An interview with Professor Felwine Sarr, Professor of Economics at the Université Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis in Senegal, for INET’s series on COVID-19 and Africa
How the Disappearance of Unionized Jobs Obliterated an Emergent Black Middle Class
Jun 15, 2020
Since the 1980s, the enemy of equal employment opportunity through upward socioeconomic mobility has been the pervasive and entrenched corporate-governance ideology and practice of maximizing shareholder value.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesHow the Disappearance of Unionized Jobs Obliterated an Emergent Black Middle Class
Jun 2020
In this introduction to our project, “Fifty Years After: Black Employment in the United States Under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,” we outline the socioeconomic forces behind the promising rise and disastrous fall of an African American blue-collar middle class.
Webinars and Events
Reshaping Economic Strategy After COVID-19
Webinarwith Dani Rodrik 12:00pm ET / 9:00am PT
Jun 11, 2020
As the collapse of global supply chains highlights the fragility that comes with economic interdependence, the pandemic is fueling the rise of ethnonationalism. Policy decisions in response to the crisis will play an important role in determining the fate of the world economy.
Fatima Denton: Governments must accelerate a plan for a diversified economy, an exit from fossil fuels, and shift towards a green transition
Jun 10, 2020
An interview with Dr Fatima Denton, Director of the United Nations University – Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, for INET’s series on COVID-19 and Africa
If You Want Justice for Black Americans, You Have to Fix This
Jun 10, 2020
Economist Darrick Hamilton explains why confronting the racial wealth gap is the only way to address 400 years of discrimination.
What is Work?
Jun 10, 2020
What counts as work and what doesn’t?
Why a V-Shaped Recession Is a Pipe Dream
Jun 8, 2020
Regardless of what Trump says, the economic pain of the pandemic isn’t going anywhere
How America’s Economy Runs on Racism
Jun 5, 2020
Economist Darrick Hamilton explains that pursuit of profit, not hatred of black people, is the real root of discrimination.
Webinars and Events
Money, Politics, and Social Conflict in the Age of COVID & YSI Discussion
Webinarwith Thomas Ferguson - 12pm ET / 9am PT
Jun 4, 2020
Every country has had a different policy response to the crisis; and within countries different political parties have championed various approaches. How has COVID-19 affected politics and social life in developed western countries?
Benno Ndulu: The pandemic has laid bare the pivotal roles of both the informal sector and SMEs
Jun 3, 2020
An interview with Pr Benno Ndulu, the former Governor of the Bank of Tanzania, for INET’s series on COVID-19 and Africa
COVID-19 and Africa
A series of interviews by Folashadé Soulé and Camilla Toulmin with African leaders on the pandemic.
Enhancing Resilience in African Economies: Policy Responses to the COVID19 Pandemic in Africa
Jun 3, 2020
An introduction to a series of interviews conducted by Dr. Dr. Folashadé Soulé and Dr. Camilla Toulmin in support of INET’s Commission on Global Economic Transformation (CGET)
The Fleming Myth and the Public Sector Contribution to Discovery and Development of New Cancer Drugs
Jun 2, 2020
Abstract, “basic science” research is essential to drug discovery. It is also largely funded by the public sector.
We're in a Moment of Collective Trauma. But There Are Glimmers of Hope
Jun 2, 2020
A special note from INET board member john a. powell
From Eric Garner to George Floyd: How History Repeats Itself
May 30, 2020
The Great Migration brought many freedmen to the North, and the reaction to that brought the Southern Mind to northern police officers as well.
Race and Economics From INET
A collection of INET’s research and articles on race and the US economy, reposted in connection with recent protests against police brutality in Black communities.
Webinars and Events
COVID-19 and Surveillance Technology
Webinarwith Bruce Schneier - 12:30pm EDT / 9:30am PDT
May 29, 2020
Technology has played a central role in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But that has come with increased risks to privacy. How do we balance our needs for safety, convenience and privacy in the wake of this crisis?
COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Surge: The Impact of Wisconsin’s In-person Primary Vote
May 27, 2020
The world is on edge at the prospect of a resurgent wave of infections. Models and speculation are rife, but facts remain scarce, which is why the events in Wisconsin on April 7, and their eventual impact, are so important.
Corona Crisis and Eurobonds
May 26, 2020
The Calamity of Germany’s Distorted Perception of Italy
Webinars and Events
A Global Perspective on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Webinarwith Michael Spence - 12pm EDT / 9am PDT
May 21, 2020
The economic and social costs of the global lockdown have been astronomical but as governments look to begin the process of reopening economies it will be critical to develop strategies that balance both the health and economic risks of the pandemic.
Indian Economic Policy: Stimulus, Deficits and Privatisation
May 20, 2020
Over five phased announcements last week, the Indian government set in motion an unprecedented fiscal stimulus. Gaurav Dalmia looks at India’s near-term economic challenges and offers a prescription on how privatisation can help India achieve its objectives.
Has China Won?
May 20, 2020
The geopolitical showdown between the United States and China is both inevitable, and avoidable.
Webinars and Events
Europe’s Hamiltonian Moment...or the Beginning of the End?
Webinar11:30am EDT / 5:30pm CET
May 20, 2020
A webinar panel discussion, moderated by Gillian Tett, US Managing Editor of the Financial Times, with Laurence Boone, OECD Chief Economist, Moritz Schularick, INET Research Fellow, and Adam Tooze, Director of the European Institute at Columbia University.
America’s Chilling Experiment in Human Sacrifice
May 14, 2020
John Ruskin helps shed light on what it means to have an economy that demands we die for it
The Economics and Politics of Social Democracy: A Reconsideration
May 14, 2020
To able to deal with these consequences, our crisis response now should not lock us in into a permanent state of austerity, greater inequality and heightened vulnerability to future health calamities. New-old social democratic solutions are needed more than ever before.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Economics and Politics of Social Democracy: A Reconsideration
May 2020
The popular discontent and rise of ‘populist’ political parties is closely related to the failure of New Labor to navigate social democracy’s dilemma.
Webinars and Events
Pandemic Relief Efforts
Webinarwith Joseph Stiglitz - 12pm EDT / 9am PDT
May 14, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust us into a new reality, and any course we set now will have huge and lasting repercussions on public health and the economy.
How Populists Use Economics to Exploit Crisis
May 13, 2020
MIT Sloan Assistant Professor Emil Verner discusses his research into credit markets, and the role of economics in the rise of populism.
The Wealth Effects of Bailouts: A Quantitative Assessment
May 9, 2020
Once again, income earned by the many is used to save the wealth of the few.
Webinars and Events
COVID-19 and the Developing World
Webinarwith Dr. Jayati Ghosh | 12:00pm ET / 9:00am PT
May 8, 2020
Developing countries, many of which appear not to have felt the health effects of COVID to the same extent as Europe and the US, are nonetheless facing severe economic effects as the pandemic pushes the global economy into a recession.
How Market Sentiment Underpins Knightian Uncertainty
May 7, 2020
We find empirical evidence that changes in market sentiment drive unforeseeable change in how stock returns unfold over time, thereby engendering Knightian uncertainty.
Modigliani Meets Minsky: Inequality and U.S. Household Debt Since 1950
May 7, 2020
A look at the American household debt boom
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesModigliani Meets Minsky: Inequality, Debt, and Financial Fragility in America, 1950-2016
May 2020
Increased borrowing by middle-class families with low income growth played a central role in rising indebtedness
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesHow Market Sentiment Drives Forecasts of Stock Returns
May 2020
We reveal a novel channel through which market participants’ sentiment influences how they forecast stock returns: their optimism (pessimism) affects the weights they assign to fundamentals.
Chile’s Outburst of Discontent
May 6, 2020
How the fear-of-the-new transformed a “miracle” into an aborted attempt at catching-up
The COVID-19 Economic Crisis
Find all of our COVID-19 pandemic articles, webinars, and working papers here.
Gender Equality Works for Everyone.
May 6, 2020
If a tree falls outside of the market sector, does it make a sound?