Ekaterina (Kat) Cleary, PhD, is Lead Data Analyst at the Center for Integration of Science and Industry and an Adjunct Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Bentley University, where she teaches Data Visualization. She received her BS in Biology/Bioinformatics from UMass Lowell and MS degree in Bioinformatics from Boston University. She holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology from UMass Lowell, where her thesis work focused on statistical modeling of environmental risk factors influencing cognitive decline. Her current research examines the public sector’s contribution to the science underlying drug discovery, as well as the public value created from this science. Her recent publication on the “Contribution of NIH funding to new drug approvals 2010–2016” has informed legislation to address fair prices on drugs supported by taxpayer funded research.

US Tax Dollars Funded Every New Pharmaceutical in the Last Decade

Article | Sep 2, 2020

Amid debates over costs—and profits—from a coronavirus vaccine, a new study shows that taxpayers have been footing the bill for every new drug approved between 2010 and 2019

Government as the First Investor in Biopharmaceutical Innovation: Evidence From New Drug Approvals 2010–2019

Paper Working Paper Series | | Sep 2020

Amid debates over costs—and profits—from a coronavirus vaccine, a new study shows that taxpayers have been footing the bill for every new drug approved between 2010 and 2019

Big Pharma Wants to Pocket the Profits From a COVID Treatment You Already Paid For

Article | Jul 7, 2020

Gilead’s shareholders want exorbitant profits from Remdesivir, even though it was the public that enabled its development.

The Fleming Myth and the Public Sector Contribution to Discovery and Development of New Cancer Drugs

Article | Jun 2, 2020

Abstract, “basic science” research is essential to drug discovery. It is also largely funded by the public sector.

Ledley, Cleary & Jackson’s INET working paper is cited in Missoulian

News May 19, 2021

“But COVID vaccines are by no means unique — most medicines developed and approved in the United States involve taxpayer investment. Between 2010 and 2019, every single new medicine approved by the Food and Drug Administration included taxpayer-funded research through NIH. Drug companies patent the drugs we pay to develop and then charge us exorbitant prices for them that increase every year — sometimes twice a year.” — Terry Minow, Missoulian

Senator Baldwin cites INET's working paper on pharmaceutical funding in the HELP Committee meeting

News Mar 24, 2021

“From 2010 to 2019 the FDA approved 356 drugs. Recent research from Bentley University finds that NIH funding contributed to every single new drug approved. At a cost to the tax payer of roughly $230 billion dollars. In spite of this contribution the NIH is listed on only 27 of those patents. This suggests that while tax payers provide funding for the bulk of the early stage research they do not get patent protections supposedly secured by the by dole act. In essence American tax payers are paying the highest prices in the world for drugs they already paid to help develop.” — Senator Tammy Baldwin

INET working paper is cited in a corrective letter to the editor of the Washington Post

News Nov 17, 2020

“Her omission understates drug spending by almost one-third, or about $145 billion. She claimed most drugs are developed in pharmaceutical firms, but funding from the National Institutes of Health contributed to all 356 new drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration from 2010 to 2019. Drug corporations take a handoff after the most risky research is done and a drug shows promise.” — David Mitchell

INET working paper on NIH's funding of new pharmaceuticals is cited

News Nov 2, 2020

“Third, U.S. taxpayers foot a huge portion of the bill for basic science leading to new drugs. The National Institutes of Health is the single largest source of biomedical research in the world. In fact, NIH funding contributed to research associated with every single new drug approved by the FDA from 2010-2019, totaling $230 billion according to a recent report.”