Mexico, NAFTA, and the Future of the North American Economy
May 30, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion featuring Kenneth Smith, Head of the Trade and NAFTA Office of the Ministry of the Economy of Mexico, and Jay Pelosky, Principal of Pelosky Global Strategies.
Skills Workshop at the EU Parliament
Annual Meeting of the Finance, Law, and Economics Working Group
WorkshopMay 29–30, 2017
This two-day skills workshop / annual meeting of the Finance, Law, and Economics Working Group (FLE) aims to connect participants with politicians (MEP), lobbyists, NGOs, and practitioners working in fields related to law and finance. It will comprise workshops and visits with representatives, which will facilitate exchanges between academia and politics. Participants will gain fresh insights into the decision-making and lobbying processes in Brussels, allowing them to translate their ideas into actions and create a stronger social impact.
The New New Deal
May 26, 2017
Globalization has fallen into disrepute; the myth of the prosperity and happiness-generating free market has been dispelled. A visionary concept that provides guidance and direction is required now.
The New Normal
May 19, 2017
Demand, Secular Stagnation and the Vanishing Middle-Class
Working Paper Series
The New Normal: Demand, Secular Stagnation and the Vanishing Middle-Class
May 2017
The U.S. economy is widely diagnosed with two ‘diseases’: a secular stagnation of potential U.S. growth, and rising income and job polarization. The two diseases have a common root inthe demand shortfall, originating from the ‘unbalanced’ growth between technologically ‘dynamic’ and ‘stagnant’ sectors.
Methods in the History of Economic Thought
WorkshopMay 17, 2017
The Institute of New Economic Thinking Young Scholars Initiative (INET YSI) Working Group on the History of Economic Thought is organizing a YSI Workshop on Methods in the History of Economic Thought on 17 May in Antwerp, Belgium, ahead of the Annual ESHET Conference.
Institutions and Communities in the History of Economic Thought
YSI Workshop @ ESHET 2018
WorkshopMay 17, 2017–Jun 6, 2018
The Institute of New Economic Thinking Young Scholars Initiative (INET YSI) Working Group on the History of Economic Thought is organizing a YSI Workshop on Institutions and Communities in the History of Economic Thought on 6 June in Madrid, Spain, ahead of the Annual ESHET Conference.
It’s Not Just Profit Wrecking American Healthcare
May 15, 2017
A look at America’s strange and dangerous approach to medicine, and how to fix it
Working Paper Series
The Political Economy of Mass Incarceration: An Analytical Model
May 2017
This paper presents a model of mass incarceration in the United States, which has the largest proportion of its population imprisoned among advanced countries.
Call for Papers - “Institutional Responses to Financial Crises 1870 to 2017”
YSI Economic History Workshop
WorkshopMay 12–13, 2017
The Economic History Working Group and the Financial Stability Working Group are organizing a two day seminar on May, 12th-13th in New York. The theme for the will be “Institutional responses to financial crises 1870 to 2017”.
The New Economic History of India
ConferenceMay 11–12, 2017
The History Project will hold its fifth conference on May 11-12, 2017 at the University of Cambridge. The conference will be concerned with the economic history of India, particularly in relation to exchanges across frontiers, the history of the law, and the history of economic thought.
Europe Will Find A Way Forward with the Euro
May 10, 2017
A breakup of the Euro will be too difficult and costly for member countries.
India's Economic Challenges
May 9, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion with Kaushik Basu, Professor of Economics and the C. Marks Professor of International Studies at Cornell University and former Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank.
The Push and Pull of Inequality and Identity
May 3, 2017
Professor Dutt discusses how group identity is key to addressing inequality and how inequality can disrupt group identity.
Political Conflict and Economic Pluralism in Brazil
May 2, 2017
The reaction to repressive political conditions that prevailed in Brazil during the 1970s helped to produce a commitment to diversity and tolerance among Brazilian economists.