Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesCan Panel Data Methodologies Determine the Impact of Climate Change on Economic Growth?
Dec 2021
Some cautionary remarks
Our Own Worst Enemy
Dec 13, 2021
Tom Nichols, Professor of National Security Affairs, US Naval War College, columnist for USA Today, and contributing writer at The Atlantic, discusses his new book, Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault from within on Modern Democracy, and how a decline in civic virtue has generated a dangerous illiberalism.
Remembering Geoffrey Harcourt (1931 - 2021)
Dec 10, 2021
The INET community mourns Harcourt’s passing
Webinars and Events
Law, Economics & Policy Conference (LEPC) 4.3 -The Path for India's Climate Transition
Conference6:00-7:30pm IST | 12:30-2:00pm GMT | 7:30-9:00am EST
Dec 10, 2021
The 4th Law, Economics & Policy Conference (LEPC) is a virtual, multi-capsule conference series that aims to bring together legal, economic and public policy thinkers to consider a variety of real world issues in India in a holistic manner.
Should Central Bank Liquidity Provision Be a Vehicle for Fiscal Discipline?
Dec 8, 2021
By helping abate the liquidity crisis, incidences of banks becoming insolvent are reduced, and hence moral hazard in its severest form is minimized.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesCentral Banks Caught Between Market Liquidity and Fiscal Disciplining: A Money View Perspective on Collateral Policy
Dec 2021
By helping abate the liquidity crisis, incidences of banks becoming insolvent are reduced, and hence moral hazard in its severest form is minimized.
A Clash of Two Gilded Ages
Dec 6, 2021
Yuen Yuen Ang, political science professor at the University of Michigan and author of the book, China’s Gilded Age, argues that the US and China have more in common than we usually think and that it makes more sense to see the conflict as a clash of gilded ages instead of a clash of civilizations.
Looking for a Libertarian Who’s Not Afraid of History
Dec 2, 2021
A response to Phillip Magness in The Wall Street Journal
The Legacy of Systemic Racism
Dec 1, 2021
How systemic racism of the past continues to haunt the present.
Webinars and Events
The Paralysis From Above: COP26 and Beyond for the Developing World
WebinarDec 1, 2021
For several weeks, representatives of governments across the globe gathered in Glasgow to discuss plans for climate mitigation and adaptation. But the meetings were dominated by representatives of the world’s most advanced economies, often to the detriment of the places where the majority of the world’s population lives: the developing world.
Warning: COVID-Fueled Mental Health Crisis Will Be a Costly Second Pandemic
Nov 30, 2021
It’s time to prioritize mental well-being to avoid far-reaching economic and social consequences.
The Pandemic Triggered the Questioning of Current Governance Systems in Africa
Nov 30, 2021
An interview with Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)
Innovation in the Service of Society
Nov 24, 2021
How innovation ought to be guided if it is to be successful in addressing our most pressing problems.
Experts on Inflation: Prognosis, Political Fallout and Who’s Really to Blame
Nov 18, 2021
Economists Claudia Sahm, Servaas Storm, and Pia Malaney share their views on the problem that has everyone freaking out. Here’s what it all means for your pocketbook – and your democracy.
Webinars and Events
Young Scholars Initiative Early Career Days
ConferenceNov 18–20, 2021
publishing • the job market • writing • teaching • mental health • work-life balance
2020’s Knife Edge Election: An Analysis
Nov 16, 2021
Covid and BLM protests were key to Biden’s victory
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Knife Edge Election of 2020: American Politics Between Washington, Kabul, and Weimar
Nov 2021
Covid and BLM protests were key to Biden’s victory
Why Mislead Readers about Milton Friedman and Segregation?
Nov 15, 2021
The curious case of the Wall Street Journal article on Virginia and school vouchers
Trade and Development Backstory: The Struggle Over the UNCTAD 15 Mandate
Nov 10, 2021
Governments and civil society organizations must work together with UNCTAD to provide developing countries the tools — and the transformed governance regimes — they need to “build back better” through these challenging and difficult times.
Can Markets Save the Planet?
Nov 10, 2021
Graciela Chichilnisky has a plan to do exactly that.
The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism
Nov 5, 2021
Economic journalist Martin Wolf’s address to the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University’s 20th anniversary conference, Economic Policy and Economic Theory for the Future
Economist Betsey Stevenson: Dads Seeking Time With Kids Will Drive Workplace Change
Nov 5, 2021
In a trend that has surprised social scientists, fathers are seeking better work/life balance and rejecting their pre-pandemic status as secondary parents – a movement that’s good for moms, too.
A New Vision for Economics Education
Nov 5, 2021
The education of the next generation of economists too often ignores the real crisis we face today: climate change, inequality, and financial instability.
Halloween Is Over - Are Corporate Zombies Still Out There?
Nov 4, 2021
Swift reorganization or liquidation of insolvent businesses is the single best policy to deal with corporate debt booms.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesZombies at Large? Corporate Debt Overhang and the Macroeconomy*
Nov 2021
Swift reorganization or liquidation of insolvent businesses is the single best policy to deal with corporate debt booms.
How Do We Create the Financial Conditions for a Green New Deal?
Nov 3, 2021
Political economist, author, and public speaker Ann Pettifor talks about her latest book, The Case for a Green New Deal, which not only lays out the urgency for such a deal, but also proposes a roadmap for both national and global financial reform to make it possible.
Dr John Nkengasong: A Collective Regional Approach Has Shown Its Power
Nov 2, 2021
An interview with John Nkengasong, Director of Africa CDC, about how a coordinated response to COVID-19 in Africa has proven to be effective
The US Federal Government's Fifty-Year Role in Causing the Climate Crisis
Nov 1, 2021
From LBJ to the present, the federal government has knowingly continued to expand the US fossil economy, not passively but as a major active player, endangering the future of young people.
How China Escaped Shock Therapy
Oct 27, 2021
A story spanning thousands of years, there is far more to China’s market reformation than many Western scholars might have you believe.
Mexico’s Auto Industry Between Radical Change and Trade Wars
Oct 26, 2021
Between a rock and a hard place
William Lazonick’s INET funded research is cited in the American Prospect.
Oct 26, 2021
“Nobody but those top corporate executives was really paying attention to share buybacks until the middle of the last decade, when University of Massachusetts economist William Lazonick wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review documenting the surprising and depressing fact that the companies that had belonged to the Fortune 500 during the previous decade had spent so much on share buybacks and dividends that the total was either equal to or actually exceeded their profits.”
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesMexico’s Automotive Industry: A Success Story?
Oct 2021
Between a rock and a hard place
What Universities Owe Democracy
Oct 25, 2021
We have certainly been testing the resilience of democracy, but are we paying attention to the lessons?
INET in the News: Lynn Parramore’s INET Interview with Jim Chanos is cited by The New York Times
Oct 22, 2021
Paul Krugman links to INET article
Nimrod Zalk: “Let’s Be Strategic in Our Thinking About Trade”
Oct 19, 2021
An interview with the Industrial Development Advisor in the Office of the Director-General of the South African Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC).
Public Opinion on U.S. Trade Policy: Time to Ask Better Questions
Oct 19, 2021
Open-ended polling responses reveal considerably more complexity – and more ambivalence and negativity – in Americans’ views of international trade than has been inferred from widely cited closed questions
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesAmbivalence About International Trade in Open- and Closed-ended Survey Responses
Oct 2021
Open-ended polling responses reveal considerably more complexity – and more ambivalence and negativity – in Americans’ views of international trade than has been inferred from widely cited closed questions
Jim Chanos: China’s “Leveraged Prosperity” Model is Doomed. And That’s Not the Worst.
Oct 14, 2021
Famed short-seller is even more concerned with political fallout from Evergrande than economic/financial woes.
Globalization and Its Big Data: The Historical Record in Financial Markets
Oct 14, 2021
In the 19th Century, “hypothecations” provided investors with valuable information on sovereign fiscal resources
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesWhy do Sovereign Borrowers Post Collateral? Evidence from the 19th Century
Oct 2021
In the 19th Century, “hypothecations” provided investors with valuable information on sovereign fiscal resources
Welcome to the Emergency Room. A Wall Street Honcho Will Decide Your Treatment.
Oct 12, 2021
Doctors and medical experts say private equity firms and profiteering corporations are putting American lives at risk and compromising the practice of medicine.
Conference Session
Great Powers and One Planet: Faultline, Key Issues, and Common Challenges
Oct 12, 2021 | 09:00—10:00
From climate change to global public health, from inclusive development and sustainable growth, areas for cooperation abound between the US and China in a world hungry for directions and leadership. If, as Martin Luther King says, we may arrive in different ships, but we are in same boat”, how might the US and China work together on these issues?
Conference Session
Beyond Thucydides's Trap: In Search of Alternative Public Discourse
Oct 12, 2021 | 10:05—11:00
Faced with increasing media polarization on different areas of technological, military and trade conflicts, can China and US manage the relationship and/or media relationship so that they avoid falling into the Thucydides’s Trap?
Conference Session
Towards A Constructive Path Forward
Oct 12, 2021 | 11:00—12:00
In spite of their differences and divergent interests, how can the two nations manage a bilateral relationship with far-reaching global implications towards peaceful coexistence forward?
Webinars and Events
INET Live | Summit on Climate and U.S. China Relations
ConferenceOct 12, 2021
The pandemic has caused havoc to the world’s health and economy, worsening inequality and disparities already disrupted by geopolitical rivalry, climate change, financialization and technology. Health, wealth and self are entangled in anger over rising inequality and temperatures.
Webinars and Events
Related Content
Mzukisi Qobo: The Old Mantra About Growth Has Reached Exhaustion
Oct 7, 2021
In this interview, Dr. Folashadé Soulé and Dr. Camilla Toulmin speak with Pr. Mzukisi Qobo. Pr Qobo is the Head of the Wits School of Governance, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
When Knightian Uncertainty Becomes Obvious
Oct 7, 2021
Stock-Price Volatility During the Pandemic
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesExpectations Concordance and Stock Market Volatility: Knightian Uncertainty in the Year of the Pandemic
Oct 2021
Stock-Price Volatility During the Pandemic
We Need a Resilient Society
Oct 5, 2021
Princeton economics professor Markus Brunnermeier discusses his recently released book, The Resilient Society, which argues that in crisis-prone situations societal resilience is a crucial component for averting outright disaster and outlines how we might achieve that resilience. SHOW MORE
Does America Want a CHIPS for Buybacks Act?
Oct 4, 2021
To strengthen the American semiconductor industry, Congress should condition additional funds on suspending stock buybacks
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesWhy the CHIPS Are Down: Stock Buybacks and Subsidies in the U.S. Semiconductor Industry
Oct 2021
To strengthen the American semiconductor industry, Congress should condition additional funds on suspending stock buybacks
Progressive Neoliberalism: Biden’s Economics, Distribution, and Inflation
Sep 30, 2021
What does Biden’s economic policy mean for the future?
Conference Session
Reclaiming the Commons: Can Economics Help?
Sep 28, 2021 | 01:50—02:50
Climate change is a collective problem that has largely been addressed through market-based solutions focused on individual actors. Economics has been a driving factor behind this market approach. The push for continued and perpetual economic growth is seen by many as incompatible with climate action. What is the role of economics in addressing the climate crisis? Can existing economic paradigms deliver an equitable low-carbon future?
Conference Session
Retaking the Commons: What Will It Take?
Sep 28, 2021 | 03:00—04:00
Ambitious climate policy needs a broad-based organizing effort to combat the fossil fuel industry. As the climate movement moves towards embracing racial and economic justice as part of climate advocacy, what strategies and policies are needed to build a multi-racial, multi-class coalition? How can movements build the power needed to ensure the low-carbon transition is just?
Conference Session
Climate Equity and Our Common Future
Sep 28, 2021 | 04:05—05:00
Conference Session
Climate and the Commons
Sep 28, 2021 | 01:00—01:45
Webinars and Events
INET Live | Just Transition and the Transition to Justice
ConferenceSep 28, 2021
Scientists have been sounding the alarm for decades about the severe global impact that rising temperatures will have on the environment, economies, and health outcomes, and ultimately humanity’s long-term survival. With disaster after disaster stacking up, the time for action is now.
How Milton Friedman Aided and Abetted Segregationists in His Quest to Privatize Public Education
Sep 27, 2021
“School choice” aimed to block the choice of equal, integrated education for Black families
Webinars and Events
Additional Resources
ER Doctor: Private Equity is Killing American Healthcare
Sep 23, 2021
Dr. Ming Lin complained about Covid-19 safety measures at his hospital. He got fired because a giant Wall Street firm called the shots.
Conference Session
The Elephants in the Room: How Will US-China Climate Relations Play Out?
Sep 22, 2021 | 09:00—10:00
The path to sustainable and just climate transition globally cannot happen without meaningful actions and cooperation between the US and China – the world’s largest economies and carbon emitters. What can we expect from US-China climate relations?
Conference Session
International Cooperation: Who Governs and Who Funds the Climate Transition?
Sep 22, 2021 | 10:00—11:00
How do we pay for the vast transformation required? Who is responsible to whom, and how do we decide?
Conference Session
Just Transition: What Will It Take and Can It Be Done?
Sep 22, 2021 | 11:00—12:00
Can we realize the energy transition? What institutions might help us do so? What is the role of technology?
Conference Session
Join us in the Discussion Lounge
Sep 22, 2021 | 08:30—09:00
Please join us for networking before the start of each day.
Conference Session
Join us in the Discussion Lounge
Sep 22, 2021 | 12:00—12:30
Please join us for discussions at the end of each day.
Nanjala Nyabola: COVID-19 and Africa: Techno-solutions won’t save us from the problems we face
Sep 21, 2021
In this interview, Dr. Folashadé Soulé and Dr. Camilla Toulmin discuss with Nanjala Nyabola, a writer and researcher based in Nairobi, Kenya. Nanjala’s work focuses on the intersection between technology, media, and society. She is currently the Director of Advox, the digital rights programme at Global Voices. Nanjala has held numerous research associate positions including with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), and other institutions, while also working as a research lead for several projects on human rights broadly and digital rights specifically around the world.
Conference Session
Green Finance: The Future of Capital or Financial Window Dressing?
Sep 21, 2021 | 02:00—03:00
Has the financial system contributed to the climate crisis? Can it contribute to a green transition?
Conference Session
Join us in the Discussion Lounge
Sep 21, 2021 | 12:30—01:00
Please join us for networking before the start of each day.
Conference Session
What Must Be Done to Avert Climate Catastrophe?
Sep 21, 2021 | 01:00—02:00
Are existing institutions up to the task? Is the nation-state an obstacle, and if so how do we overcome it? What would alternatives look like, and how would we realize them?
Conference Session
Climate Economics: Can the Dismal Science Lead Us to A Bright Future?
Sep 21, 2021 | 12:00—01:00
What, if anything, can economics contribute to addressing the climate crisis? What role can or should markets and incentives play, and how?
Conference Session
Join us in the Discussion Lounge
Sep 21, 2021 | 03:00—03:30
Please join us for discussions at the end of each day.
Webinars and Events
INET Live | Climate Debates
ConferenceSeptember 21, 2021 1:00pm - 3:00pm ET & September 22, 2021 9:00am - 12:00pm ET
Sep 21–22, 2021
Scientists have been sounding the alarm for decades about the severe global impact that rising temperatures will have on the environment, economies, health outcomes, and ultimately humanity’s long-term survival. Yet little has been done.
Webinars and Events
Additional Resources
Working Paper
Working PaperMarket Participants Neither Commit Predictable Errors nor Conform to REH
Sep 2021
Evidence from Survey Data of Inflation Forecasts
Transforming and Democratizing Institutions to Address Climate Change
Sep 17, 2021
Geoff Mann, professor of geography at Simon Fraser University and co-author of the book, Climate Leviathan, discusses the authoritarian dangers ahead, as the world tried to cope with climate change, and how all institutions, including central banking, need to evolve so they address the problem adequately.
Feminist Economics
Sep 15, 2021
The economy is not gender neutral, but actually relies on gender imbalances to function and grow.
Why the Rich Get Richer and Interest Rates Go Down
Sep 13, 2021
Going Down the Rabbit Hole at Jackson Hole
Why Aren’t Libertarians Protesting the Freedom-Busting Texas Abortion Law?
Sep 8, 2021
On deregulation and Covid masks, libertarians are loud. On female liberty, deafening silence.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesHow Milton Friedman Exploited White Supremacy to Privatize Education
Sep 2021
“School choice” aimed to block the choice of equal, integrated education for Black families
Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World's Economy
Sep 7, 2021
Adam Tooze discusses his new book with Rob Johnson
On Developing a Vision for a Better Society
Sep 3, 2021
Gisele Huff, education policy specialist and president of the Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity, along with john a. powell, director of UC Berkeley’s Othering & Belonging Institute, talk about the motivations and process behind the soon-to-be-released report, “Convening on Automation, Opportunity, and Belonging: Vision and Foundations for a Better Society.”
The Invisible Woman
Sep 1, 2021
Economics has many flaws, yet few are as broadly oppressive as its illusions about gender.
Autos and the European Union: Another Crash?
Aug 30, 2021
In Europe, imbalances in the structure of the automotive and a lack of industrial policies risk creating a deadly cocktail for millions of European workers just as the auto sector is undergoing decisive changes.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesAutomotive Global Value Chains in Europe
Aug 2021
In Europe, imbalances in the structure of the automotive and a lack of industrial policies risk creating a deadly cocktail for millions of European workers just as the auto sector is undergoing decisive changes.
Understanding China's Market Reform Strategy
Aug 30, 2021
Isabella Weber, assistant professor of economics at UMass Amherst, discusses her new book on how China managed its transition from central planning to markets
Back to the Future of Learning
Aug 25, 2021
If we save education, can we save humanity?
The History of Financial Bubbles
Aug 24, 2021
The Locus and Focus of Speculation
“We Are Running a Giant Experiment on Children”: Covid Deniers Put Kids at Risk
Aug 19, 2021
“Just learn to live with it” policies subject children to an experiment with a systemic disease that does serious and lasting damage, warns former NASA and DARPA technologist
Why Did the Taliban Take Over Afghanistan So Fast?
Aug 18, 2021
The Taliban was strategic in its use of violence, exercising restraint to influence military assessments of their capabilities in order to encourage more rapid withdrawals.
The Vicious Cycle of Mass Incarceration and Racial Injustice
Aug 18, 2021
MIT economic historian Peter Temin discusses parts of his forthcoming book, focusing on the history of mass incarceration of uneducated Blacks and how it has created a permanent class of poor Black Americans
We Need a Reparative Culture
Aug 13, 2021
Andre Perry, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and author of the book, Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Properties in America’s Black Cities, discusses the ongoing problem of how real estate dynamics continue to maintain racial injustice in cities across United States, and how we need a “reparative culture” to address the problem.
Webinars and Events
Law, Economics & Policy Conference (LEPC) 4.2 - Justice Delivery: New Frontiers
Conference6:00pm-7:45pm (IST) | 8:30am-10:15am (EDT) | 1:30pm-3:15pm (BST)
Aug 12, 2021
The 4th Law, Economics & Policy Conference (LEPC) is a virtual, multi-capsule conference series that aims to bring together legal, economic and public policy thinkers to consider a variety of real world issues in India in a holistic manner.
A Society Designed to Incentivize Criminal Behavior at the Highest Level
Aug 11, 2021
Matt Stoller, Director of Research at the American Economic Liberties Project and author of Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy, talks about the many ways in which the US economic system has become rigged to favor the richest.
Libertarians and the Vaccine: Give Me Liberty and Give Them Death
Aug 9, 2021
If libertarians wish to maintain their self-centered fixation on their own freedoms without considering others, let them do so — in indefinite quarantine from the rest of us.
The Obscene Obstacles to Global Vaccine Distribution
Aug 6, 2021
Lori Wallach, of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, and Jayati Ghosh, economics professor at UMass Amherst, discuss how first world countries are protecting pharma companies’ exorbitant profits, at the expense of vaccinating people living in the Global South and thereby also endangering everyone in the world.
YSI Event
Still Swimming Against the Tide?
40 Years of Thinking on Trade and Development
WorkshopAug 1–7, 2021
The 4th UNCTAD YSI Summer School celebrates the approach and legacy of UNCTAD’s annual Trade and Development Report (TDR). The school will bring together UNCTAD experts, academics, diplomats, and young scholars from across the globe for lively and stimulating intellectual debates.
Who Can Save Us From Jeff Bezos and Silicon Valley’s Planetary Death Wish?
Jul 30, 2021
The work of feminist thinkers helps illuminate why billionaires seek to solve problems on Earth by blasting into space.
CIGI Celebrates 20 Years of Research and Expert Analysis
Jul 30, 2021
In 2021, the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) celebrates 20 years of contributing research and expert analysis to global policy making.
Productive Bubbles
Jul 28, 2021
Occasionally, financial speculation fastens onto transformational technologies that have the potential to create a genuinely new economy.