Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesHow Market Sentiment Drives Forecasts of Stock Returns
May 2020
We reveal a novel channel through which market participants’ sentiment influences how they forecast stock returns: their optimism (pessimism) affects the weights they assign to fundamentals.
Chile’s Outburst of Discontent
May 6, 2020
How the fear-of-the-new transformed a “miracle” into an aborted attempt at catching-up
The COVID-19 Economic Crisis
Find all of our COVID-19 pandemic articles, webinars, and working papers here.
Gender Equality Works for Everyone.
May 6, 2020
If a tree falls outside of the market sector, does it make a sound?
Think Big Pharma Won’t Profiteer in the Race to Treat Coronavirus? Think Again.
May 5, 2020
Evidence shows pharmaceutical companies won’t stop price-gouging and risking American lives for financial gain in this time of crises – unless we force them.
The Eurozone in Crisis
May 4, 2020
A Report From the Front Line
Payroll Share, Real Wage and Labor Productivity Across US States
Apr 30, 2020
States can be sorted into two groups with statistically significantly different productivity regimes. In this sense, the US economy shows signs of dualism—which is the idea that the economy consists of heterogeneous units that exhibit different behaviors and levels of performance.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesPayroll Share, Real Wage and Labor Productivity across US States
Apr 2020
This paper analyzes regional contributions to the US payroll share from 1977 to 2017 and the four major business cycles throughout this period.
Webinars and Events
Extreme Climate Change in a Post-COVID 19 World
Webinarwith Geoff Mann | 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT
Apr 29, 2020
Please join us for a discussion with Geoff Mann, INET Senior Fellow and author of Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future, on how the coronavirus pandemic might (or might not) teach us to prepare for a life on an increasingly hot planet.
The Argentina Debt Reduction Proposal
Apr 28, 2020
A Template to Prevent a Global Debt Crisis?
Patents vs. the Pandemic
Apr 24, 2020
With the COVID-19 death toll rising, we should question the wisdom and morality of an IP system that silently condemns millions of human beings to suffering and death every year.
Webinars and Events
US Digital Response to the COVID Crisis
Webinarwith Tim O’Reilly& Jennifer Pahlka | 10am PT / 1pm ET
Apr 24, 2020
As the COVID crisis threatens to overwhelm both federal and state government services, getting the digital component of government services to function effectively is mission critical.
The Political Economy of the French Pension System Reform(s)
Apr 22, 2020
Just before the crisis, European countries were designing austerity reforms that would increase inequality and reduce internal demand. Could they return?
Why We Need Solidarity Economics
Apr 22, 2020
Economists have gone to great lengths to write humans out of economics, pushing self-interest and generally providing two choices—faith in markets or the state.
Women Face Long-term Costs from Covid-19 Abortion Restrictions
Apr 20, 2020
Researchers have shown that the financial and economic impacts of denying women abortion care can last years