How to Resist Trump’s “Toxic To-Do List”
Jun 15, 2017
Naomi Klein discusses her new book, No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need.
YSI Event
Developing Equality
A discussion with Craig
DiscussionJun 15–16, 2017
This seminar is happening at INET Oxford
e-Book Launch: Can Dependency Theory Explain Our World Today?
Jun 14, 2017
Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) has released a new e-book, “Conversations on Dependency Theory”
YSI Event
Developing Equality?
A discussion with Jonathan Wolff and Craig Holmes
WorkshopJun 14–Feb 23, 2017
The Hidden Cost of Privatization
Jun 13, 2017
Why some goods and services should stay in the public domain
Did Young Voters Swing the 2017 UK General Election Result?
Jun 12, 2017
This blog post looks at the aggregate picture and collates some micro evidence in a more robust estimating framework to shed light on this question.
YSI Event
YSI Inequality Workshop
Hosted at London School of Economics International Inequalities Institute.
WorkshopJun 12–14, 2017
A workshop hosted by the YSI Inequality Working Group (IWG) will take place from 12-13 June at the London School of Economics in collaboration with the International Inequalities Institute (III).
America Last
Jun 8, 2017
Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris accord sets the US economy back
YSI Event
Decolonizing Africa? The Economic History of Development
YSI Africa Convening 2017
ConferenceJun 8–9, 2017
The Young Scholars Initiative and the University of the Free State, SA, invite young scholars to attend the first YSI Africa conference.
Do Economists Have Social Responsibilities?
Jun 7, 2017
Economics is not, nor can it be, value-free.
YSI Event
CFP - The Dimensions of Poverty Conference
Deadline: 31 January 2017
WorkshopJun 7–9, 2017
YSI Working Groups are cooperating with Dimensions of Poverty conference
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Functions of the Stock Market and the Fallacies of Shareholder Value
Jun 2017
Conventional wisdom has it that the primary function of the stock market is to raise cash for companies for the purpose of investing in productive capabilities. The conventional wisdom is wrong.
YSI Event
Trento Festival of Economics
YSI Europe Convening 2017
WorkshopJun 1–4, 2017
The Young Scholars Initiative and its working groups will be hosting meetings and discussions in and around the 2017 Trento Festival of Economics.
Oceanic Economics
May 31, 2017
Ocean expert Peter Neill says the watery depths hold solutions to earth’s most pressing challenges
Conference Session
Mexico, NAFTA, and the Future of the North American Economy
May 30, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion featuring Kenneth Smith, Head of the Trade and NAFTA Office of the Ministry of the Economy of Mexico, and Jay Pelosky, Principal of Pelosky Global Strategies.
YSI Event
Skills Workshop at the EU Parliament
Annual Meeting of the Finance, Law, and Economics Working Group
WorkshopMay 29–30, 2017
This two-day skills workshop / annual meeting of the Finance, Law, and Economics Working Group (FLE) aims to connect participants with politicians (MEP), lobbyists, NGOs, and practitioners working in fields related to law and finance. It will comprise workshops and visits with representatives, which will facilitate exchanges between academia and politics. Participants will gain fresh insights into the decision-making and lobbying processes in Brussels, allowing them to translate their ideas into actions and create a stronger social impact.
The New New Deal
May 26, 2017
Globalization has fallen into disrepute; the myth of the prosperity and happiness-generating free market has been dispelled. A visionary concept that provides guidance and direction is required now.
Working Paper
Working Paper Series‘Many-citedness’
May 2017
Citations Measure More Than Just Scientific Impact
The New Normal
May 19, 2017
Demand, Secular Stagnation and the Vanishing Middle-Class
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe New Normal: Demand, Secular Stagnation and the Vanishing Middle-Class
May 2017
The U.S. economy is widely diagnosed with two ‘diseases’: a secular stagnation of potential U.S. growth, and rising income and job polarization. The two diseases have a common root inthe demand shortfall, originating from the ‘unbalanced’ growth between technologically ‘dynamic’ and ‘stagnant’ sectors.
Microfinance & Austerity: No Womens' Empowerment without Community Involvement
May 17, 2017
How austerity policies and microfinance can bankrupt rather than empower women. Professor Girón discusses why microfinance cannot replace development banks.
YSI Event
Methods in the History of Economic Thought
WorkshopMay 17, 2017
The Institute of New Economic Thinking Young Scholars Initiative (INET YSI) Working Group on the History of Economic Thought is organizing a YSI Workshop on Methods in the History of Economic Thought on 17 May in Antwerp, Belgium, ahead of the Annual ESHET Conference.
YSI Event
Institutions and Communities in the History of Economic Thought
YSI Workshop @ ESHET 2018
WorkshopMay 17, 2017–Jun 6, 2018
The Institute of New Economic Thinking Young Scholars Initiative (INET YSI) Working Group on the History of Economic Thought is organizing a YSI Workshop on Institutions and Communities in the History of Economic Thought on 6 June in Madrid, Spain, ahead of the Annual ESHET Conference.
It’s Not Just Profit Wrecking American Healthcare
May 15, 2017
A look at America’s strange and dangerous approach to medicine, and how to fix it
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Political Economy of Mass Incarceration: An Analytical Model
May 2017
This paper presents a model of mass incarceration in the United States, which has the largest proportion of its population imprisoned among advanced countries.
YSI Event
Call for Papers - “Institutional Responses to Financial Crises 1870 to 2017”
YSI Economic History Workshop
WorkshopMay 12–13, 2017
The Economic History Working Group and the Financial Stability Working Group are organizing a two day seminar on May, 12th-13th in New York. The theme for the will be “Institutional responses to financial crises 1870 to 2017”.
Webinars and Events
The New Economic History of India
ConferenceMay 11–12, 2017
The History Project will hold its fifth conference on May 11-12, 2017 at the University of Cambridge. The conference will be concerned with the economic history of India, particularly in relation to exchanges across frontiers, the history of the law, and the history of economic thought.
ECINEQ 2017 | 19 July Gala Dinner in honor of Tony Atkinson
May 10, 2017
On behalf of the Host Committee, we are writing to offer some further information about the “Gala Dinner”, which will take place on the evening of 19 July, following the final session of the 2017 ECINEQ Conference. The dinner will be held at a restaurant near the conference venue.
Europe Will Find A Way Forward with the Euro
May 10, 2017
A breakup of the Euro will be too difficult and costly for member countries.
How the U.S. New Economy Business Model has devalued science & engineering PhDs
May 9, 2017
This note comments on Eric Weinstein’s, “How and Why Government, Universities, and Industries Create Domestic Labor Shortages of Scientists and High-Tech Workers,” posted recently on INET’s website.
Conference Session
India's Economic Challenges
May 9, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion with Kaushik Basu, Professor of Economics and the C. Marks Professor of International Studies at Cornell University and former Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank.
The Push and Pull of Inequality and Identity
May 3, 2017
Professor Dutt discusses how group identity is key to addressing inequality and how inequality can disrupt group identity.
Political Conflict and Economic Pluralism in Brazil
May 2, 2017
The reaction to repressive political conditions that prevailed in Brazil during the 1970s helped to produce a commitment to diversity and tolerance among Brazilian economists.
Working Paper
CommentaryMarketization and Financialization
Apr 2017
How the U.S. New Economy Business Model Has Devalued Science and Engineering PhDs
Webinars and Events
Inequality, Globalization, and Macroeconomics
ConferenceUSC Dornsife INET presents a conference on inequality, globalization, and macroeconomics
Apr 28–29, 2017
April 28-29, 2017, USC Dornsife INET is hosting a conference on inequality, globalization, and macroeconomics at the University of Southern California. The goal of this conference is to bring together leading researchers to discuss and present new approaches and new results on the relationships between inequality and macroeconomics and between inequality and globalization. Please direct any questions or comments to
Pathways & Obstacles to a Low-carbon Economy
Apr 27, 2017
The energy transition is happening. But the pace of change depends on a range of technical, business, and societal factors.
America's Dual Economy: Why the Middle Class Is Vanishing
A collection of INET research and articles on how and why the middle class has been shrinking and how this leads to a “dual economy”
YSI Event
Rethinking Economics and Economic History in Zimbabwe: Theory and Practice
WorkshopApr 22, 2017
Workshop of the YSI Africa Working Group
America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People
Apr 20, 2017
A new book by economist Peter Temin finds that the U.S. is no longer one country, but dividing into two separate economic and political worlds
The Rise and Fall of the American Middle Class
Apr 19, 2017
How rationalization, marketization, and globalization characterize the U.S. economy during the past 50 years, and how the behavior of companies and fate of American workers have changed during this process.
YSI Event
PhD Workshop at the Fourth Nordic Post-Keynesian Conference
WorkshopApr 19–21, 2017
The YSI Keynesian Economics Working Group is co-hosting a PhD seminar at the Nordic Post-Keynesian Conference entitled “Economics at the Edge”.
YSI Event
Participate in a conference session organized by YSI Gender and Economics Working Group
DiscussionApr 19–20, 2017
The YSI Working group on Gender and Economics invites young scholars to partake in their session at the ATGENDER spring conference
Against False Arrogance of Economic Knowledge
Apr 17, 2017
“The humility to accept that economic propositions cannot be universal would save us from self-defeating arrogance.” Economist Amit Bhaduri adds his perspective to our Experts on Trial discussion.
The Moral Burden on Economists
Apr 13, 2017
In his 2017 presidential address to the National Economic Association, Professor Darrick Hamilton warned that treating economics as a morally neutral ‘science’, and the discipline’s limited attention to structural barriers and overemphasis individual agency, has resulted in bad economics, and bad policy particularly as it relates to racial disparity.
YSI Event
DiscussionApr 13–15, 2017
YSI Event
Fiscal Union, Social Europe: Synergies and Tensions
WorkshopApr 13–14, 2017
The YSI Political Economy of Europe Working Group invites young scholars to partake in a Research Seminar aiming to investigate the interplay between fiscal policy in the European Union and domestic social policies of its member states.
Making Innovation Work for China and other Developing Countries
Apr 12, 2017
Along the entire “innovation chain” — from research and development, to production and commercialization — government and private sectors have very different roles to play.
Questions to Consider on Robots and Jobs
Apr 6, 2017
Despite dismissive comments by the U.S. Treasury Secretary, facing the challenge posed by robotics replacing human labor raises key public policy questions
A Turbulent Capitalist Economy: The vision of Anwar Shaikh
Apr 5, 2017
In a recent interview at the INET offices in New York, Anwar Shaikh provided a background to the work and his life in this quest.
The Outskirts of Hope: Poverty in America
Apr 4, 2017
The “War on Poverty,” and the impact of public policy
Hungary Is Facing Dangerous Amendments to Its Education Law
Apr 3, 2017
The Institute for New Economic Thinking, a global network of distinguished economists, is deeply concerned by the news of proposed legislation in Hungary’s National Assembly that would prevent the free functioning of the Central European University.
Which Productivity Puzzle?
Apr 3, 2017
The decline in productivity growth has a longer history
The paradoxes of fiscal austerity in Brazil
Mar 30, 2017
Brazil’s current economic scenario does not resemble the emerging economy that until recently fueled the optimism of analysts and investors.
Economics of Innovation
Focusing on understanding the context in which innovation is possible, and examining the role of innovation in growth and distribution.
A Public Comment on the SEC Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule
Mar 29, 2017
In this comment, we explain our objections to the SEC’s current formulation of the Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule on each of three grounds: the erroneous estimation of CEO pay; the unclear specification of the “median” worker; and the risk of normalizing a pay ratio that is far too high. Then we present the latest data on the remuneration of the 500 highest-paid CEOs in the United States, demonstrating the way in which the SEC’s measure of CEO pay that enters into the CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio tends to systematically underestimate actual executive pay.
How & Why Government, Universities, & Industry Create Domestic Labor Shortages of Scientists & High-Tech Workers
Mar 28, 2017
Long term labor shortages do not happen naturally in market economies.
Working Paper
Working paperHow & Why Government, Universities, & Industry Create Domestic Labor Shortages of Scientists & High-Tech Workers
Mar 2017
Long term labor shortages do not happen naturally in market economies. That is not to say that they don’t exist. They are created when employers or government agencies tamper with the natural functioning of the wage mechanism.
Mortality Crisis Redux: The Economics of Despair
Mar 27, 2017
The health crisis afflicting working-class Americans recalls similar symptoms in Russia following the collapse of communism
Conference Session
Geo-economic Trends and the State of Economies in the Middle East: An Israeli Perspective
Mar 27, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion with Shahar Shelef, Director of The Economic and Strategic Affairs Department, Center for Policy Research at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Debate Over Taxing Robots in Context
Mar 24, 2017
Taxing the use of robotics may or may not be the answer, but the question remains how to compensate for the growing inequality created by our changing economies
Women Foot the Bill for Economic Growth, Parity Requires Social Investment
Mar 22, 2017
Pursuing equality while growing the economy requires reframing social spending as a form of investment.
The Mechanical Turn in Economics and Its Consequences
Mar 20, 2017
In the age of Adam Smith, an economics that masqueraded as natural science and excluded the human condition actually suited the interests of the landed and the wealthy
Membership Theory of Inequality
Mar 15, 2017
A transition from the conventional policy of “redistributing income” to “redistributing membership”, could promote economic integration across communities and intergenerational mobility.
Kanth: A 400-Year Program of Modernist Thinking is Exploding
Mar 9, 2017
Eurocentric modernism has unhinged us from our human nature, argues Rajani Kanth in his new book
Debating Household Debt
Mar 8, 2017
INET grantee JW Mason has been engaged in an important debate with the Financial Times’ Matthew Klein over the relationship of household debt to income inequality
Meaningful Work: A Radical Proposal
Mar 8, 2017
To mark International Women’s Day, Neva Goodwin argues that the crisis of income insecurity and longstanding gender inequality require a form of universal basic income that recognizes and rewards the value of household labor
Gender Economics
A collection of INET work on gender inequality, inclusion and diversity, and the broader economic consequences.
The Next Generation of New Economic Thinkers
Mar 7, 2017
Explore your curiosity in economics in an open and critical community.
Experts on Trial: Introduction
Mar 3, 2017
Widespread criticism of elites and their ‘experts ’ raises questions about how economists should perceive their role, and what role societies should give them. We invited four scholars to start an online conversation by sharing their perspectives
Working Paper
SymposiumExperts on Trial: A Symposium
Mar 2017
Widespread criticism of elites and their ‘experts ’ raises questions about how economists should perceive their role, and what role societies should give them. We invited four scholars to start an online conversation by sharing their perspectives
Dismantling Public Education: Turning Ideology into Gold
Mar 1, 2017
Policies based on faith in the “market” as a principle of social organization have wrought havoc with a founding principle of American democracy
China's Wage Growth: How Fast Is the Gain and What Does It Mean?
Feb 28, 2017
New findings show that hourly wage-rates in China are higher than in middle-income countries and are approaching the levels of Greece and Portugal
Can “It” Happen Again? Defining the Battlefield for a Theoretical Revolution in Economics
Feb 27, 2017
As part of our “Experts on Trial Series”, Antonella Palumbo argues for stripping away ‘scientific’ shibboleths that mask social and political choices
China’s Weapons of Trade War
Feb 25, 2017
A trade war would undoubtedly hurt both sides. But there is reason to believe that the US has more to lose. If nothing else, the Chinese seem to know precisely which weapons they have available to them. China could stop purchasing US aircraft, impose an embargo.
Webinars and Events
INET Guide to the 2017 EEA Meeting
ConferenceFeb 23–26, 2017
A reference guide to all Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) community presentations at the Eastern Economic Association’s (EEA) 2017 annual meeting
How the Economics of the Economics Profession Resists New Thinking
Feb 22, 2017
Following a thought-provoking panel discussion at the AEA, James Heckman and Rob Johnson discuss peer-reviewed journals and a professional incentive structure that constricts the idea space and reinforces tired orthodoxies in economics.
Race Has a Regional Dimension in America’s Political Economy
Feb 20, 2017
Stanford economic historian Professor Gavin Wright, addressing the Institute’s conference on the economics of race, argues that the conditions facing the children of the great migration from the South are very different to the conditions for the children of those who stayed behind.
YSI Event
Developing Equality?
DiscussionFeb 16, 2017
A panel discussion with Professor Jonathan Wolff (Blavatnik School) and Dr. Craig Holmes (Pembroke College, INET).
China’s Economic Challenges May Soon Include Inequality
Feb 14, 2017
Research by Thomas Piketty, partly funded by the Institute, shows that wealth and income gaps in China are now larger than Europe’s, and approaching those of the US
Euroland: Will the Netherlands be the next domino to fall?
Feb 13, 2017
Austerity has nurtured resentments that will likely make the populist right PVV the biggest winner in the March 15 election — but without the majority or the allies needed to govern
Carbon Dividends: The Bipartisan Key to Climate Policy?
Feb 13, 2017
The practical question in Washington today is not whether regulations will go, but whether anything will replace them
At Sea Without an Anchor
Feb 10, 2017
A presentation from The Economics of Post-Factual Democracy, the first annual conference of The Center for Information and Bubble Studies (CIBS) at The University of Copenhagen
Jayadev: TPP is Dead, but its Legacy Lives On
Feb 10, 2017
Institute scholar Arjun Jayadev argues that while TPP is dead, its damaging legacy on intellectual property rights is likely to shape future bilateral trade agreements
Conference Session
What Kind of Brexit, What Kind of European Union?
Feb 9, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion on Brexit with Iain Begg, Professorial Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics.
YSI Event
The Economics of Post-Factual Democracy
Debating bubbles and the implication of the post-truth phenomena and expertise on modern democracies
WorkshopFeb 9–10, 2017
Young Scholars from the YSI working groups on Innovation, Complexity Economics, Philosophy of Economics and Financial Stability will present their research at a one-day workshop following The Economics of Post-Factual Democracy conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The economist as an expert: a prince, a servant or a citizen?
Feb 8, 2017
In his contribution to our ongoing series “Experts on Trial”, Alessandro Roncaglia argues that viewing economists as princes or servants of power is inherently authoritarian. We should instead see the economist as a socially and politically engaged citizen
Why Greenspan Knew, But Didn’t Act
Feb 8, 2017
Mallaby’s research shows that Greenspan knew more about the looming perils than people realize.
Zero Interest Rates in EU: The Myth of the Poor German Saver
Feb 7, 2017
Panic over the impact on German savers of low interest rates and looming inflation neglects to mention that very few Germans are saving much
'People Have Had Enough of Experts'
Feb 6, 2017
As part of our ongoing symposium “Experts on Trial”, Professor Sheila Dow argues that if voters have grown contemptuous of economists’ expertise, that’s because economics has been misrepresented as a technical subject separate from politics and moral judgments
Adair Turner on the Liquidity Risks of ETFs
Feb 5, 2017
Turner discusses The Economist’s Society the liquidity risks posed by Exchange Traded Funds.
Is Inequality a Political Choice?
Feb 3, 2017
Research by INET-affiliated scholars shows the US lags far behind its peers on inclusive growth, suggesting inequality is not an inevitable consequence of globalization and technology
‘Otherness’ is More Complex Than Black and White
Feb 3, 2017
Professor Tchen explores the many layers of “otherness” at work in America’s political economy
Three Economic Surprises to Watch for in 2017
Feb 2, 2017
Institute Governing Board member Anatole Kaletsky argues that the Trump Administration’s policies will boost inflation and spur interest-hikes as well as a stronger dollar more rapidly than many expect, but that the European Union’s economy is on the mend
Experts on Trial
Widespread criticism of elites and their ‘experts ’ raises questions about how economists should perceive their role, and what role societies should give them. We invited four scholars to start an online conversation by sharing their perspectives. The symposium is also downloadable in booklet form.
To Save Capitalism, Make it Work for Average Folks
Feb 1, 2017
Smick argues that distortions of capitalism have fed populist rebellion, and that reviving a capitalism that offers opportunity for average people to increase their earnings is an urgent priority if America’s political economy is to be stabilized.
Conference Session
China’s Economic Management at the Beginning of the Trump Era: Turbulence Ahead or Steady-As-You-Go
Feb 1, 2017 | 06:00—07:30
A discussion on China’s economic management at the beginning of the Trump era featuring Leland R. Miller, Co-founder and CEO of the China Beige Book.
What the ‘Dual Economy’ Model Reveals About Today’s America
Jan 30, 2017
Professor Temin sees the US economy as bifurcated along lines analogous to the situation described in developing world economies by W. Arthur Lewis.
YSI Event
The evolution of capitalism – history, law, and economics compared
DiscussionJan 30–Jun 19, 2017
This study group aims to reflect on international economic growth, sustainable development and the evolution of economic thinking around capitalism and enterprise through the analysis of a selected multidisciplinary bibliography.
YSI Event
History and Sociology of Emerging Markets
DiscussionJan 26–May 4, 2017
A Speaker Series for the Greater Philadelphia Region
Brunnermeier: Europe’s Future Will Be Settled By a Battle of Ideas
Jan 25, 2017
A conflict which revolves around key economic policy differences on questions such as rules vs. discretion, solidarity vs. liability, liquidity vs. solvency and austerity vs. stimulus.