Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.
Vera Songwe: "Let’s build forward better!"
In this interview, Dr. Vera Songwe, economist and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa reflects on the ways that African governments have handled COVID-19, the role of the Continental Free Trade Agreement in turbo-charging future growth, the vital role of infrastructural investment and mobilising domestic resources for building forward better and greener.
Final Comments on Lance Taylor’s “On the ‘Global Savings Glut”
The third and final round of response from Andrew Smithers on Lance Taylor’s INET working paper on the alleged “global savings glut.”
Edward Brown: “Growth with ‘DEPTH’ should guide economic transformation in Africa”
In this interview, Folashadé Soulé and Camilla Toulmin discuss with Edward K. Brown, Senior Director, Research and Advisory services at the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) based in Accra, Ghana, on the effects of COVID-19 on regional integration and economic transformation in Africa, and the role of ACET and African think tanks in advising African governments respond to the crisis.
How Bankers Hide Losses
The Master and the Prodigy
It’s Time for a Debt “Jubilee”
Book Launch: Macroeconomic Inequality from Reagan to Trump
This first book in the new INET and Cambridge University Press book series, Studies in New Economic Thinking, shows that wage repression—far more than monopoly power, offshoring, or technological change—has driven rising inequality.
America’s Dire Inequality Demands a New Conceptual Framework. This Economist Has One.
In a new book from Cambridge University Press, Lance Taylor reveals that wage repression — far more than monopoly power, offshoring or technological change — is driving rising inequality.
Reply to Andrew Smithers
Lance Taylor responds to Andrew Smithers’s comment on his INET working paper, “Germany and China Have Savings Gluts, the USA Is a Sump: So What?”
How Dairy Monopolies Keep Milk Off the Shelves
Consolidation in the dairy industry has created separate, inflexible supply chains for consumers and commercial markets. When COVID killed commercial demand, perfectly good milk and cheese was wasted.
Are American Colleges and Universities the Next Covid Casualties?
Colleges and universities need to be saved, not only from financial ruin, but also, all too often, from themselves.
OSHA in the 21st Century: Real Protection for America’s Workers
The Occupational Safety Health Administration was created 50 years ago. Today, it’s in dire straits, say OSHA’s leaders during the Obama administration