Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.
Mossadeck Bally, CEO Azalaï Hotels group: "Africa’s Economic Recovery Plans Must Involve the Private Sector as an Integral Part"
In this interview, Mr. Mossadeck Bally, a Malian businessman and CEO of Azalai Hotels Group and member of GRAIN (Group of Reflection, Actions and Innovative Initiatives) discusses the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on his hotel group, the role of the Malian private sector in the economic recovery plan, youth employment and the solutions that must be provided to the political crisis in Mali.
How Bankers Hide Losses
Like master illusionists, bank accountants conceal losses from federal regulators, putting the whole economy at risk
The Master and the Prodigy
INET’s co-founder reviews new books about John Maynard Keynes and Frank Ramsey
Pr Kako Nubukpo: « Le Covid-19 montre que les chaînes de valeur mondiales ne devraient pas être des chaînes de dépendance pour l’Afrique »
Dans le cadre de cet entretien, Pr Kako Nubukpo, Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion (FASEG) de l’Université de Lomé au Togo, et ancien Ministre de la Prospective et de l’Evaluation des politiques publiques du Togo, revient sur l’impact économique et social de la crise du COVID-19 au Togo et sur ses répercussions sur les politiques économiques dont les réformes monétaires et fiscales en cours en Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale.
Second Round: Final Reply to Smithers
Lance Taylor provides a second and final response to Andrew Smithers’ criticism of his working paper on the role of the “Global Savings Glut”
Is Silicon Valley Nudging Us Towards an Authoritarian Future?
Margaret Heffernan’s new book “Uncharted” warns against giving up the power to shape our destiny to gurus and gadgets promising false certainty.
Coronavirus Perceptions and Economic Anxiety
When people recognize just how dangerous covid is, they worry more about the economy
Big Pharma Wants to Pocket the Profits From a COVID Treatment You Already Paid For
Gilead’s shareholders want exorbitant profits from Remdesivir, even though it was the public that enabled its development.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly About the Fed’s New Credit Allocation Policy
The Fed is taking an aggressive approach to put out the economic fires of the pandemic. But it needs to allow for flexibility as some business models irreparably change.
How the Disappearance of Unionized Jobs Obliterated an Emergent Black Middle Class
Since the 1980s, the enemy of equal employment opportunity through upward socioeconomic mobility has been the pervasive and entrenched corporate-governance ideology and practice of maximizing shareholder value.