
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


Time Bomb in Global Finance

Jan 4, 2023

A Bank for International Settlements study says 60+ trillion dollars of off-the-books currency swaps could be a profound, systematic risk. Robert Johnson joins Paul Jay on


Top Antitrust Expert: We Need a New Approach to Giant Tech Firms Like Google

Nov 28, 2022

Economist Cristina Caffarra, a leader in competition and antitrust, warns that ever-expanding tech giants raise concerns about the extent of their power.


How Corporations “Get Away With Murder” to Inflate Prices on Rent, Food, and Electricity

Oct 19, 2022

Antitrust expert Hal Singer shows how big businesses in certain industries are taking advantage of inflation worries to jack up prices far beyond their cost increases, all the while raking in robber-baron profits.


6 Economic Experts Reveal the Truth About the Inflation Reduction Act

Aug 30, 2022

Is it good for your wallet? A climate bill in disguise? Landmark action or nothingburger? Economic experts assess the Democrats’ legislative victory for the Institute for New Economic Thinking.