Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.
New Climate-Economic Thinking
Learning from Karl Polanyi
The old political-economic thinking of Karl Polanyi was never properly absorbed into “mainstream” North Atlantic economics: recognizing that land, labor, and finance are not really “commodities” returns institutions and social processes to the center of economic analysis.
The Coming China Crisis
Can Democracy Survive Aggressive Global Capitalism?
Rana Dasgupta shares his view of the contradictions and tensions of India’s economic and political scenes.
Drooping Green Shoots
Paul Krugman on the MIT History
What does Yanis Varoufakis want?
Finding Till Düppe
The Wealthless Recovery
A sparsity based model of bounded rationality
A more realistic version of how people “maximize utility”
Numbers Show Apple Shareholders Have Already Gotten Plenty
Apple should be returning profits to workers who have invested their time and effort into generating its products and to taxpayers who have funded the investments in the physical infrastructure and human knowledge so critical to Apple’s success.