We are convening students and professors who are interested in broadening economics education. Our goals are to learn more about prevailing needs, pool and share existing pluralist curriculums, and brainstorm the architecture and direction of concrete future endeavors in post-secondary economics education.
The economics discipline is in disrepair: publicly discredited, theoretically narrow, and academically constrained. Economics education reflects these flaws: it is constrained by theoretical and methodological boundaries and viewed as irrelevant to understanding the critical economic challenges facing the real world.
As part of our broader mission to reform economics, INET is gathering people in the academic economics community in convenings across the U.S. to better understand the challenges and resources faced by those working to reinvigorate the economics discipline.
Invitations are Extended to:
Pre- and non-tenure faculty, including adjuncts
Undergraduate and graduate students
Experienced faculty actively engaged in pluralist education
Our Activities:
Sharing a diverse collection of joys and frustrations with pluralist economics education
Connecting pluralist educators and students to existing resources
Identifying opportunities for novel teaching materials and methods
The convenings will be group-led, facilitated, full-day workshops. Participants will be invited to share their experiences in economics classrooms and departments, whether they frustrate or affirm attempts at pluralist or heterodox economics education. There will be no formal speakers or presentations but there will be ample opportunities to get to know one another. We are seeking collective engagement around this broad topic and invite you to share your experiences and learn from others.
These convenings are an exploratory process for INET. We have not made any funding commitments in this field beyond this series of convenings. Thus, we do not view these meetings primarily as places to present funding proposals, but rather as convenings of pluralist economic educators to share experiences and ideas.
Next steps for INET in education will be announced following these convenings in May 2017.