Research Papers
Conference paper
Economics Needs to Treat The Economy as a Complex System
Apr 2012
The path to better understanding the economy requires treating the economy as the complex system that it really is. We need more realistic behavioral models, but even more important, we need to capture the most important components of the economy and their most important interactions, and make realistic models of institutions.
Conference paper
Reconstructing Economics: Agent Based Models and Complexity
Apr 2012
In 1803 Louis Poinsot, a French physicist, wrote a book of great success, Elements de Statique, which was destined to have practical and social influences unimaginable to the same author.
Conference paper
The Impact of Inequality on Macroeconomic Dynamics
Apr 2012
In the last few years the impact of income distribution on macroeconomic dynamics has received growing academic attention.
Conference paper
Leveraging Inequality
Apr 2012
Long periods of unequal incomes spur borrowing from the rich, increasing the risk of major economic crises
Conference paper
Apr 2012
Higher income inequality in developed countries is associated with higher domestic and foreign indebtedness
Conference paper
Debt Overhang and Capital Regulation
Apr 2012
We analyze shareholders’ incentives to change the leverage of a firm that has already borrowed substantially. As a result of debt overhang, shareholders have incentives to resist reductions in leverage that make the remaining debt safer.
Conference paper
The Austerity Trap: A Century of Unrest and Budget Cuts
Apr 2012
Budget cuts can be dangerous. Inspired by the wrenching experience in Greece, increasing attention is now being paid to the fact that austerity may fail to reduce the government deficit if the economy declines in response, as is likely in a liquidity trap (Delong and Summers 2012).
Conference paper
The Culprit of the Global Crisis – German Mercantilism!
Apr 2012
These are truly testing times. The world economic order – capitalism – is being called into question following the Lehman crisis. The world’s best form of societal organization – democracy – is being challenged by the economic success of autocratic countries such as China and Singapore.
Conference paper
Change and Expectations in Macroeconomic Models: Recognizing the Limits to Knowability
Apr 2012
In modern economies, individuals and companies engage in innovative activities, discovering new ways to use existing physical and human capital, and new technologies in which to invest. The institutional and broader social context within which these activities take place also changes in novel ways.
Conference paper
Sovereignty Effects
Apr 2012
With my remarks today on financial markets and the financial crisis, I do not make any claims to originality. Rather, they are intended as a reminder of certain circumstances that are already familiar to us, in one form or another.
Grantee paper
Words to the Wise: Stock Flow Consistent Modeling of Financial Instability
Oct 2011
The crisis has exposed the failure of economic models to deal sensibly with endogenously generated crises propagating from the financial sectors to the real economy, and back again.
Conference paper
A Tale of Two Trilemmas
Apr 2011
In a classic book and subsequent articles, Obstfeld and Taylor (2004) have shown how the broad contours of international financial history over the past century and a half can be well understood by appealing to the famous economictrilemma which emerges from the standard Mundell-Fleming model many of us still teach our undergraduates.
Conference paper
A Comprehensive Approach to the Euro-Area Debt Crisis
Apr 2011
The euro area’s sovereign debt crisis continues though significant steps have been taken to resolve it.
Conference paper
Optimal Currency Areas and Governance: The Challenge of Europe
Apr 2011
In preparing this paper I have decided not to embark upon the decades-old issue of optimal-currency areas and governance as such. I assume that one of my colleagues on the panel will do that. Instead I will present an historical case of over-indebtedness of parts of a common-currency area somewhat similar to the present challenge of Europe, or rather of the Euro area with its common currency.
Conference paper
The Innovative Enterprise and the Developmental State: Toward an Economics of “Organizational Success”
Apr 2011
Investment in productive capabilities provides the foundation for economic growth.