Technology & Innovation
China’s International Economic Strategy
Nov 21, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
The Implications of Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative for China and the World Economy
What's the Future?
Oct 23, 2017 | 08:30
Conference paper
Innovative Enterprise and Sustainable Prosperity
Oct 2017
We want an economy that generates stable and equitable growth—or what I call “sustainable prosperity.” We want productivity growth that makes it possible for the population to have higher living standards over time. We want an equitable sharing of the gains from productivity growth among those whose work efforts and financial resources contribute to that growth. And we want sufficient job stability to enable workers to remain in productive employment for some four decades at work while providing them with enough savings to provide them with adequate incomes over some two decades of retirement.
Conference paper
Wealth Creation and the Entrepreneurial State
Oct 2017
Building symbiotic public-private partnerships
Taking the Con Out of Economics? The Limits of Negative Darwinism
Oct 22, 2017 | 12:00
What Do Citations Actually Measure in Economics and How Should Economic Journals and Department Review Committees Use This Data?
Nobel Laureates to Co-Chair Independent Commission on Global Economy
Oct 22, 2017
Joseph Stiglitz, Michael Spence and a global team of leading thinkers are calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy
Conference paper
The Vanishing Middle Class: The Growth of a Dual Economy
Oct 2017
Growing income inequality is threatening the American middle class, and the middle class is vanishing before our eyes. We are still one country, but the stretch of incomes is fraying the unity of our nation.
Conference paper
The Precariat under Rentier Capitalism
Oct 2017
The Precariat under Rentier Capitalism Guy Standing We are in the midst of a Global Transformation, analogous to Karl Polanyi’s Great Transformation described in his seminal 1944 book. Whereas Polanyi’s Transformation was about constructing national market systems, today’s is about the painful construction of a global market system. To use Polanyi’s term, the ‘dis-embedded’ phase has been dominated by an ideology of market liberalisation, commodification and privatisation, orchestrated by financial interests, as in his model. The similarities also extend to today’s fundamental challenge, how to construct a ‘re-embedded’ phase, with new systems of regulation, distribution and social protection.
The Growth of a Dual Economy
Oct 21, 2017 | 05:00
“Dual Economy” models were developed to explain growth in the developing world. Now they appear necessary to comprehend the high income trap that afflicts the world’s most developed economies.
PlenaryFrom the Origins of Economic Ideas to the Challenges of Our Time
Oct 21–23, 2017
INET gathered hundreds of new economic thinkers in Edinburgh to discuss the past, present, and future of the economics profession.
Festival for New Economic Thinking
ConferenceOct 19–20, 2017
The Festival for New Economic Thinking is a collaborative initiative of several organizations, and aims to bring together those who seek to improve how economics is taught, studied and practiced.
How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
Oct 5, 2017
The Idea That Businesses Exist Solely to Enrich Shareholders Is Harmful Nonsense
Working paper
Innovative Enterprise Solves the Agency Problem
Oct 2017
The Theory of the Firm, Financial Flows, and Economic Performance
American Big Tech vs. China Big Tech: Common Challenges or Conflicting Concerns?
Sep 26, 2017 | 08:15—09:45
Innovation, Institutions and Governance
ConferenceSep 16–19, 2017
The YSI Economics of Innovation Working Group in partnership with the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology is hosting a YSI Conference on “Innovation, Institutions and Governance”.