Technology & Innovation
Stimulating Innovation & Growth
Apr 9, 2015 | 06:45—08:15
Inequality, Innovation, and Public Investment
Apr 9, 2015 | 06:15—07:45
Conference paper
The New York Times and American Tax Policy: Representing Citizens or Echoing Elites?
Apr 2015
A recent New York Times article observed that Americans want action to address inequality. 2016 presidential candidates from both parties also acknowledge that inequality is a pressing concern. But not one of the candidates has proposed to do anything meaningful about it, sharing wealthy Americans’ (understandable) opposition to any solution (Scheiber 2015). Perhaps nothing has been done because there is nothing to do about it.
Conference paper
Leveraging the network: a stress-test framework based on DebtRank
Apr 2015
We develop a novel stress-test framework to monitor systemic risk in financial systems. The modular structure of the framework allows to accommodate for a variety of shock scenarios, methods to estimate interbank exposures and mechanisms of distress propagation.
Liberté, Égalité, Fragilité
PlenaryApr 8–11, 2015
The Institute for New Economic Thinking held its sixth Annual Conference from April 8 to April 11, 2015, in collaboration with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris.
Conference paper
Precarious Condition: A Challenge For New Forms Of Struggle
Feb 2015
This text is part of a research project still in working progress that collects different contributions by the author and rewrite and reanalyse some reflections, already present, in a different form, in some publications:
Working paper
The Labor Market Consequences of Electricity Adoption: Concrete Evidence from the Great Depression
Feb 2015
When the adoption of a new labor‐saving technology increases labor productivity, it is an open question whether the economy adjusts in the medium‐term by decreasing employment or increasing output. This paper studies the effects of cheaper electricity on the labor market during the Great Depression.
Working paper
Contagion Risk and Network Design
Feb 2015
Individuals derive benefits from their connections, but these may, at the same time, transmit external threats. Individuals therefore invest in security to protect themselves. However, the incentives to invest in security depend on their network exposures. We study the problem of designing a network that provides the right individual incentives.
Working Paper Series
Labor in the Twenty-First Century: The Top 0.1% and the Disappearing Middle-Class
Jan 2015
The ongoing explosion of the incomes of the richest households and the erosion of middle-class employment opportunities for most of the rest have become integrally related in the now-normal operation of the U.S. economy.
Much Ado About Cyber Security
Jan 5, 2015
Private data is leaked more and more in our society. Wikileaks, Facebook, and identity theft are just three examples. Network defenses are constantly under attack from cyber criminals, organized hacktivists, and even disgruntled ex-employees.
Years granted:
Copyrights and Creativity: Historical Evidence from Literature, Science, and Music
This research project improves our understanding of the effects of intellectual property rights—and in particular copyrights—on creativity and innovation.
Years granted:
Financial Innovation and Central Banking in China: a Money View
This research project develops a “Money View” analysis of the recent evolution of China’s financial system.
Years granted:
2013, 2014, 2015
Digitally Tracking Technologies and Their Effects Across Time and Space
This research project uses information from digitized Google books and library catalogues to create new measures of technological innovation and diffusion for OECD countries from 1850 to the present.
Years granted:
2014, 2015
Innovation and the State: How Should Government Finance and Implement Innovation Policy?
This research project offers a historical taxonomy of organizational ways that governments fund and implement industrial and innovation policy as well as a taxonomy of contemporary implementation practices.
Years granted:
What Lenders See
This research project examines the long process of innovation at Fair Isaac, the analytics firm behind the FICO scoring system.