Technology & Innovation
America’s Competition Fetish Kills Creativity and Produces Human Sheep
May 28, 2015
Margaret Heffernan on her latest book, A Bigger Prize: Why Competition Isn’t Everything And How We Do Better
Working paper
Contagion Exposure and Protection Technology
May 2015
People adopt diverse measures to protect from contagion. I propose a taxonomy of protection technologies, and present a model to study the implications of the technology on the prevalence of infections and on welfare at different levels of exposure.
Working paper
Input Diffusion and the Evolution of Production Network
Apr 2015
The adoption and diffusion of inputs in the production network is at the heart of technological progress. What determines which inputs are initially considered and eventually adopted by innovators? We examine the evolution of input linkages from a network perspective, starting from a stylized model of network formation.
Upholding the Rule of Law
Apr 13, 2015
Here we are, some 7 years after the Great Financial Crisis, and not one senior banking executive has gone to jail.
Conference paper
Austeritarianism in Europe: What Options for Resistance?
Apr 2015
In much of Europe, the social rights and social protections won in the first post-war decades, by labour movements in particular, have subsequently been seriously eroded, and are further threatened by neoliberal austerity.
Conference paper
Reflexivity, expectations feedback and almost self-fulfilling equilibria: economic theory, empirical evidence and laboratory experiments
Apr 2015
We discuss recent work on bounded rationality and learning in relation to Soros’ principle of reflexivity and stress the empirical importance of non-rational, almost self-fulfilling equilibria in positive feedback systems.
Conference paper
How Money Drives US Congressional Elections: More Evidence
Apr 2015
“Because many interests come into play in the financing of an election campaign and then they ask you to pay back. So the election campaign should be independent from anyone who may finance it.” - Pope Francis
Conference paper
The Prince('s) Rules: Economic Theories and Political Struggle in Europe.
Apr 2015
The Cyclically Adjusted Budget (CAB) is the estimated size of the public budget at some previously defined level of output which may represent the ‘normal’ output or a policy target and that usually is considered to be unaffected by business fluctuations or cycles. Such an estimate is supposed to isolate the automatic movements of revenues and expenditures, given the current structure of tax and transfers, from discretionary fiscal interventions and indicate the “impact” and sustainability of fiscal action.
Conference paper
Social investment for inclusive growth: a Southern European perspective
Apr 2015
Inequality has emerged as a major economic issue: sharp increases in the share of income going to those at the very top of the income distribution, a rising share of income going to profits, stagnant real wages, and a fall in median family income have raised concern over the sustainability of our economies and societies.
Conference paper
Goethe’s Faust and the socioeconomic roots of modern subjectivity
Apr 2015
The modern individual is the point of intersection of the processes of consumption and production. The subjective representation of these processes has been determined by two branches of the modern middle class, the bourgeoisie, which has privileged consumption, and the bureaucracy, which has privileged production.
Political Institutions & Inequality
Apr 9, 2015 | 11:00—12:30
Conference paper
How the Planned Perversion of Democracy generated accelerating inequalities
Apr 2015
What is at stake : Increasing doubt over the virtue of democracy. One cannot doubt the ubiquitous lack of confidence and hope in the so-called democratic institutions by a large majority of the people. The fundamental cause is the blatant contradiction between the principle of democracy, promoting the rule and thereby the welfare of the people, and the indomitable tendency of rising and unsustainable inequality in terms of income, standard of living and wealth.
Occupy? Strike? Separatism? Populism? Are Any Of The Historical Forms Of Protest Effective In The Information Age?
Apr 9, 2015 | 07:15—08:45
Financial Networks, Financial Innovation & Inequality
Apr 9, 2015 | 10:30—12:00
Conference paper
Perverse and virtuous feedbacks between inequality and innovation: Which role for public institutions and public investment?
Apr 2015
In this paper, we deal with the complex relationship connecting inequality to innovation, and the ways through which public investment, in particular public participation to R&D initiatives, may affect it. We first stress that multiple different equilibria may exist in the inequality-innovation space.