Technology & Innovation
Can “It” Happen Again? Defining the Battlefield for a Theoretical Revolution in Economics
Feb 27, 2017
As part of our “Experts on Trial Series”, Antonella Palumbo argues for stripping away ‘scientific’ shibboleths that mask social and political choices
INET Guide to the 2017 EEA Meeting
ConferenceFeb 23–26, 2017
A reference guide to all Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) community presentations at the Eastern Economic Association’s (EEA) 2017 annual meeting
Carbon Dividends: The Bipartisan Key to Climate Policy?
Feb 13, 2017
The practical question in Washington today is not whether regulations will go, but whether anything will replace them
Jayadev: TPP is Dead, but its Legacy Lives On
Feb 10, 2017
Institute scholar Arjun Jayadev argues that while TPP is dead, its damaging legacy on intellectual property rights is likely to shape future bilateral trade agreements
The Economics of Post-Factual Democracy
Debating bubbles and the implication of the post-truth phenomena and expertise on modern democracies
WorkshopFeb 9–10, 2017
Young Scholars from the YSI working groups on Innovation, Complexity Economics, Philosophy of Economics and Financial Stability will present their research at a one-day workshop following The Economics of Post-Factual Democracy conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Is Inequality a Political Choice?
Feb 3, 2017
Research by INET-affiliated scholars shows the US lags far behind its peers on inclusive growth, suggesting inequality is not an inevitable consequence of globalization and technology
Robots, Universal Basic Income, and the Welfare State
Jan 5, 2017
Evidence thus far questions the assumption that robotics are eliminating jobs. INET Senior Vice President for Programs Rick McGahey says the UBI debate should focus on the long-term weakening of labor’s bargaining power
INET Research in a Year of Living Dangerously
Dec 29, 2016
Notes from the Institute’s Director of Research on some significant papers and contributions produced in 2016 under the INET rubric
The Trump Agenda and the Economic and Investment Outlook for 2017
Dec 13, 2016 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion on President-elect Trump’s economic agenda and its implications for the U.S. and world economies.
Capitalism in the Time of Trump?
Dec 8, 2016
As the world turns upside down, Mariana Mazzucato discusses how to shape an economy that works for everyone
Working Paper Series
The Value-Extracting CEO: How Executive Stock-Based Pay Undermines Investment in Productive Capabilities
Dec 2016
The business corporation is the central economic institution in a modern economy. A company’s senior executives, with the advice and support of the board of directors, are responsible for the allocation of corporate resources to investments in productive capabilities. Senior executives also advise the board on the extent to which, given the need to invest in productive capabilities, the company can afford to make cash distributions to shareholders. Motivating corporate resource-allocation decisions are the modes of remuneration that incentivize and reward the top executives of these companies. A sound analysis of the operation and performance of a modern economy requires an understanding of not only how much these executives are paid but also the ways in which the prevailing system of executive pay influences their decisions to allocate corporate resources.
The Retreat from Hyper-Globalization
Dec 1, 2016
Flows of goods and services, people and capital have overwhelmed the ability of political processes to accommodate them
Why Economic Recovery Requires Rethinking Capitalism
Nov 15, 2016
Mission-oriented public investment is vital to spur a revival of private-sector investment
Lazonick links stock buybacks to America’s jobs challenge
Nov 4, 2016
In an Al Jazeera documentary “In Search of the Great American Job”, Institute scholar William Lazonick offers some arch insights into the relationship between financialization — particularly the “shareholder value” ideology in corporations, which drives the transfer of profits to shareholders through stock buybacks — and job creation and inequality.
The World Economy’s Growing Debt Burden
Nov 2, 2016 | 04:00—05:30
A conversation with Richard Vague, Managing Partner at Gabriel Investments and Chairman of the Governor’s Woods Foundation.