Conference paper
The State, the Market and the Rule of Law
Apr 2013
State and market are often depicted as distinct, even antagonistic. Markets appear as natural products of spontaneous ordering; states as leviathans that if left untamed will distort, if not destroy markets’ natural state.
Conference paper
Endogenising Uncertainty
Apr 2013
Uncertainty is an unavoidable feature of economic life, although we may cope with it sometimes by ignoring it. Institutions, conventions and behaviour are all conditioned by uncertainty, and they in turn condition uncertainty in a reflexive manner.
Time and Expectations in Economic Analysis
Apr 4, 2013 | 08:45—09:45
Conference paper
If Not Now, When? Financial Reform Must Not Await Another Crisis
Apr 2013
In the first ten chapters of our book, The Bankers’ New Clothes: What’s Wrong with Banking and What to Do about It, we discuss banking and the economics of funding as it applies to banks.
Financial Stability Research Program
Apr 4, 2013 | 07:15—08:45
Conference paper
Monetary and Financial Stability: Lessons from the Crisis and from classic economics texts
Apr 2013
My remarks today will be focused primarily on features of the developed world’s financial system which led to the crisis of 2008 and to the Great Recession that followed, from which we are only slowly and painfully emerging.
Conference paper
Comments by William White on the Presentation by Lord Adair Turner
Apr 2013
In his recent lecture at the Cass Business School, Lord Turner noted that even mentioning the possibility of overt monetary financing was akin to breaking a taboo.
Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Stability: Lessons of the Historical Experience with Fiat Money and the Implications for the Future
Apr 3, 2013 | 11:30—12:30
As Goes Cyprus, So Goes the European Union
Mar 31, 2013
All of a sudden, tiny Cyprus is making headlines. How could such a small country, with an economy approximately the size of the State of Maranhao, create such big problems?
Meeting New Challenges in China
Mar 27, 2013
Further system reforms will enable China to overcome middle-income trap and push forward social progress
The Consequences of a Leaderless Economy
Mar 26, 2013
What happens when there’s no leader in the global economy?
Russia to the Rescue of Cyprus?
Mar 20, 2013
There is a certain rich irony attached to the sight of corrupt Russian oligarchs now posing as liberal champions of the rule of law as they find themselves sucked into the maelstrom of Cyprus’s ongoing financial crisis.
Fixing finance: The missing piece in banking reform
Jan 10, 2013
Eric Beinhocker and Tony Dolphin argue that lasting reform to the financial sector will not be achieved without tackling the price rigging and anti-competitive behaviour that is rife in the industry.
Years granted:
2011, 2012, 2013
Policy Implications of Darwinian Versus Newtonian Views of the Economy
This research project considers and casts doubts on the stationarity properties of macroeconomic data that are key to New Classical models with implications for the understanding of long-term economic growth, shorter term business cycles, stabilization policy, and industrial and development policy.
A Conversation on the Economy
Oct 24, 2012
What do you get when you put two of the most well known and most widely cited economists in the world, both Nobel laureates, on stage together? A healthy dose of economic reality.
Andy Haldane asks: What have the economists ever done for us?
Oct 9, 2012
What makes a good model?
What About the Questions That Economics Can’t Answer?
Sep 24, 2012
Can economics be morally centered? And perhaps more importantly, should it be?
Paul de Grauwe: The ECB Can Save the Euro – But It Has To Change Its Business Model
Jul 29, 2012
In what sense are central banks really independent? From whom are they independent? For whom in society do they deliver?
The ECB Can Save the Euro – But It Has To Change Its Business Model
Jul 29, 2012
How must the European institutional structure be modified to fortify the euro zone?
Maynard's Revenge: A Review
May 21, 2012
The Collapse of Free Market Macroeconomics
Conference paper
Revitalizing the Eurozone without Fiscal Union
Apr 2012
The ongoing eurozone crisis has prompted many to argue that monetary union withoutfiscal union was bound to fail.
Overhangs, Uncertainty and Political Order: Where Do We Go From Here?
Apr 13, 2012 | 03:15—05:15
Leading thinkers from outside the developed countries look to the future, spotlighting the pitfalls and opportunities thatawait us.
Conference paper
Financial Instability after Minsky:Heterogeneity, Agent Based Models and Credit Networks
Apr 2012
Albeit the majority of the profession either ignores Minskyís Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH) or considers it plainly wrong, at least since the mid-80’s a few influential economists —who have certainly not embraced any unorthodoxcredo —have grown more receptive to this idea and eager to incorporate it in their models, even if diluted and sometimes disguised in order to make it more palatable to the conventional “representative” macroeconomist
Conference paper
Andrew Haldane: Financial Arms Races
Apr 2012
Elephant seals have got too big for their beaches. A large specimen might weigh over 8000 lbs (3700 kg).Their size has a simple evolutionary explanation. Large males fight for the right to mate with a whole beach full of females. For elephant seals it is, quite literally, winner-takes-all. And the key to winning is simple – size.
Conference paper
Real vs. Imagined Financial Markets The Regulatory Challenge
Apr 2012
We have grown accustomed to regulating financial markets based on imagined, not real markets. Real markets are shaped by and co-evolve with institutional arrangements within two fundamental constraints: Imperfect knowledge and the threat of illiquidity.
Conference paper
Finance and Growth: When Credit Helps, and When it Hinders
Apr 2012
The financial sector can support growth but it can also cause crisis. The present crisis has exposedgaps in economists’ understanding of this dual potential.
Conference paper
Instability in Financial Markets: Sources and Remedies
Apr 2012
In the seemingly never-ending aftermath to the economic crisis that began in 2007, there is little disagreement that financial markets are characterized by instability rather than stability.
How Can We Create a Financial System That Is Socially Useful?
Apr 13, 2012 | 06:55—08:45
Many feel that due to its size and scale the financial system has become a burden on society rather than a servant to it. What are the key elements of a productive financial sector?
Conference paper
Instability in Financial Markets: Sources and Remedies The View from Economic History
Apr 2012
Taking a long‐run view from economic history, I make three points about instability in financial markets. First, I argue that economic historians have a relatively good understanding of the proximate causes of financial crises.
Conference paper
Does the Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus Depend on Economic Context?
Apr 2012
The topic of this session of the INET conference is a question: does the effectiveness of fiscal policy in stabilizing an economy depend on the underlying economic context in which the policy is implemented?
Does The Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus Depend on The Context? Balance Sheet Overhangs, Open Economy Leakages, and Idle Resources
Apr 13, 2012 | 10:15—12:05
The effectiveness of fiscal stimulus in promoting economic recovery appears to depend upon many factors.
Instability in Financial Markets: Sources and Remedies
Apr 13, 2012 | 10:00—12:05
What creates instability in financial markets? How does the weight of debt, the structure of expectations, or radical uncertainty contribute to instability?
Conference paper
The Impact of Inequality on Macroeconomic Dynamics
Apr 2012
In the last few years the impact of income distribution on macroeconomic dynamics has received growing academic attention.
Conference paper
Leveraging Inequality
Apr 2012
Long periods of unequal incomes spur borrowing from the rich, increasing the risk of major economic crises
Conference paper
Apr 2012
Higher income inequality in developed countries is associated with higher domestic and foreign indebtedness
The Impact of Inequality on Macroeconomics Dynamics
Apr 13, 2012 | 06:55—08:45
Does greater inequality produce more fragile economic dynamics? Does concentration of wealth and income make societies more prone to crisis? If so, why?
What Matters: Fundamental Challenges and Self inflicted Wounds
Apr 12, 2012 | 03:30—05:10
Conference paper
Change and Expectations in Macroeconomic Models: Recognizing the Limits to Knowability
Apr 2012
In modern economies, individuals and companies engage in innovative activities, discovering new ways to use existing physical and human capital, and new technologies in which to invest. The institutional and broader social context within which these activities take place also changes in novel ways.
What Can Economists Know? Rethinking the Foundations of Economic Understanding
Apr 11, 2012 | 11:00—02:00
The economics profession stands on the fragile foundation of presuppositions adopted by professional agreement rather than as a result of empirical observation.
Challenging the Foundation
Apr 11, 2012
George Soros, Axel Leijonhufvud and Perry Mehrling in Berlin, Germany (2012).
The Dynamics of the Chicago / MIT Dispute (in the Archives)
Mar 4, 2012
Crisis Averted: Understanding LTRO2
Feb 29, 2012
Fundamentally, the ECB is trying to keep the ongoing sovereign debt crisis from turning into a full-fledged bank credit crisis.
Bretton Woods: What Can We Learn From The Past In Designing The Future
Apr 8, 2011 | 03:00—04:30
Getting Back on Track : Macroeconomic Management After A Financial Crisis
Apr 8, 2011 | 04:50—06:55
Adair Turner: Keynote Address
Apr 8, 2011 | 03:30—05:30
Conference paper
Cambridge Talk on Hayek
Apr 2011
Tonight I will talk briefly about the Keynes-Hayek relationship, then will focus on some of Hayek’s insights that may be of relevance today.
Conference paper
Combining International Monetary Reform with Commodity Buffer Stocks : Keynes, Graham and Kaldor
Apr 2011
Central to John Maynard Keynes (1941) original Bretton Woods proposal was an international clearing union that would issue a new international currency by fiat called bancor. Among other functions, this international central bank would finance the stabilization of individual commodity prices through commodity buffer stocks.
Conference paper
The Keynes Plan, The Marshall Plan And The IMCU Plan; Designing the Future International Payments System using the Past Principles of Keynes's Liquidity Theory and Soros's Reflexivity
Apr 2011
For more than three decades, orthodox economists, policy makers in government and central bankers and their economic advisors, using some variant of old classical economic theory [OCET], have insisted that (1) government regulations of markets and large government spending policies are the cause of all our economic problems and (2) ending big government and freeing markets, especially financial markets, from government regulatory controls is the solutionto our economic problems, domestically and internationally.
Conference paper
It May be Our Currency, but It’s Your Problem
Apr 2011
It’s a singular honor to have been asked to deliver the Butlin Lecture. I first met Noel Butlin when I had the pleasure of visiting Australian National University for two months in what was, from my perspective, the summer of 1985.
Toward an Alternative Macroeconomic Theory
ConferenceBudapest 2010
Sep 6–8, 2010
The Institute joined DIME and Central European University in hosting a conference addressing a key question of economics today: How can we create a new macroeconomic theory that takes into account the true relationship of finance to the real economy and can more accurately anticipate crises?
Reforming Economic Theory
Apr 22, 2010
Joseph Stiglitz at the Institute’s debut conference in Cambridge, UK (2010).
Economics, Conventional Wisdom and Public Policy
Apr 9, 2010 | 06:35—08:05
Conference paper
How Empirical Evidence Does or Does Not Influence Economic Thinking and Theory
Apr 2010
This paper asks, how empirical evidence does or does not influence economic thinking and theory. In particular, which role do calibration, statistical inference, and structural change play?
Conference paper
Economic Policy Challenges in the Post-Crisis Period
Apr 2010
The global financial crisis—and the Great Recession that followed—have inflicted tremendous economic and social damage across the world. Thankfully, we now appear to be on the path to recovery—though it remains sluggish and uneven, and in need of continued policy support in many advanced economies.
How Empirical Evidence Does or Does Not Influence Economic Thinking and Theory: Calibration, Statistical Inference, and Structural Change
Apr 9, 2010 | 04:05—06:10
Conference paper
On the Role of Theory and Evidence in Macroeconomics
Apr 2010
This paper, which is prepared for the Inagural Conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking in King’s College, Cambridge, 8-11 April 2010, questions the preeminence of theory over empirics in economics and argues that empirical econometrics needs to be given a more important and independent role in economic analysis, not only to have some confidence in the soundness of our empirical inferences, but to uncover empirical regularities that can serve as a basis for new economic thinking.
Conference paper
What Kind of Theory to Guide Reform and Restructuring of the Financial and Non-Financial Sectors?
Apr 2010
The purpose of the paper is to argue for attention to be paid, not only to choice of theory, but also to choice of theoretical approach, in order to address issues posed by the crisis.
Conference paper
New Theories to Underpin Financial Reform
Apr 2010
As Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff remind us in the title of their book, This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, financial crises are nothing new (Reinhart and Rogoff (2009)). However, they often come as a surprise to many people because in most countries they appear only periodically.
Networks and Systemic Risk
Apr 8, 2010 | 08:15—09:45
Conference paper
Life after “Rational Expectations”? Imperfect Knowledge, Behavioral Insights and the Social Context
Apr 2010
Many people regard the recent financial crisis as a painful addition to an already massive body of evidence that demonstrates the inadequacy of today’s economic models of “rational” markets.
Conference paper
Efficient Markets: Fictions and Reality
Apr 2010
Eugene Fama, one of the founders of the so-called “Efficient Markets Hypothesis” (EMH), articulated early on the basic narrative that underpins it: “competition… among the many [rational] intelligent participants [would result in an] efficient market at any point in time [in which] the actual price of a security will be a good estimate of its intrinsic value” (Fama, 1965, p. 56).
Conference paper
Anatomy of Crisis: Economic Theory, Politics and Policy
Apr 2010
The current economic and financial crisis, and it is both, has already imposed great costs on the global economy. Nor is there any guarantee that we have seen the worst and that recovery is now assured.
Conference paper
George Soros: The Living History of the Last 30 years
Apr 2010
Economic theory has modeled itself on theoretical physics. It has sought to establish timelessly valid laws that govern economic behavior and can be used reversibly both to explain and to predict events.
Conference paper
Efficient Market Theory and the Recent Financial Crisis
Apr 2010
The world economy in 2008-2009 has passed through the most severe economic downturn since World War II. This global recession was preceded by the collapse of some of the largest financial institutions in the world.
Anatomy of Crisis- The Living History of the Last 30 Years: Economic Theory, Politics and Policy
Apr 8, 2010 | 03:00—04:50
Has the Efficient Market Hypothesis Led to the Crisis? Collapsed with The Crisis?
Apr 8, 2010 | 05:15—07:25
What Kind of Theory to Guide Reform and Restructuring of the Financial and Non-Financial Sectors?
Apr 8, 2010 | 09:50—11:40
Conference paper
Interpreting the Great Depression: Hayek versus Keynes
Apr 2010
This is not intended to be a purely historical paper. I am interested in the light the Keynesian and Hayekian interpretations of the Great Depression throw on the causes of the Great Recession of 2007-9 and in the policy relevance of the two positions to the management of today’s globalizing economy.
1930 and the Challenge of the Depression for Economic Thinking
Apr 7, 2010 | 03:00—05:00
The Economics of Money & Banking
Learn to read, understand, and evaluate professional discourse about the current operation of money markets at the level of the Financial Times.
Capitalism: Competition, Conflict and Crises
The aim of the two-semester sequence is to explore a coherent alternative to neoclassical and post-Keynesian theory that does not rely in any way on concepts of utility maximization, rational choice, rational expectations, or perfect/imperfect competition.
Monetary Macroeconomics
Some years ago, in the aftermath of the “great financial crisis” (GFC) of the first decade of the twentieth century, Paul Krugman famously remarked that “most macroeconomics of the last thirty years was spectacularly useless at best and positively harmful at worst”. It is the premise of this set of lectures that it is possible to do better, much better.
After the Crisis
Many thought the financial crash was a final blow to capitalsim. Why does it still reign supreme? Anatole Kaletsky outlines the shape of things to come.