When is a Bubble a Bubble?
Jan 11, 2014
Bubbles have become a major focus of discussion in today’s financial markets. But very few people actually define what they mean when describing this financial phenomenon.
Modeling a World of Imperfect Knowledge
Dec 21, 2013
Does it matter if the Rational Expectations Hypothesis is unrealistic?
Conference paper
Income Distribution and the Current Account: A Sectoral Perspective
Dec 2013
We analyse the link between income distribution and the current account for the period 1972-2007. We find that rising (top-end) personal inequality leads to a decrease of the current account, ceteris paribus.
Our Hansen Moment
Dec 5, 2013
The main goal of the macroeconomist is to understand the sources behind business cycles and the behavior of financial markets in the modern economy.
The Moral Limits of Markets
Dec 3, 2013
What happens when a market-based economy becomes a market-based society?
Finance and the Death of Trust
Oct 27, 2013
The destruction of trust is not an accident.
Mathematics for New Economic Thinking
WorkshopOct 26–19, 2013
This workshop has the dual aim to expose mathematicians to new research problems in economics and economists to new techniques and developments in mathematics.
Cyprus Fiasco Could Undermine the Euro Zone
Oct 25, 2013
The rescue of Cyprus was a microcosm of how the nations of Europe have failed to work together to adequately address their ongoing financial crises.
We Can Do Better
Oct 24, 2013
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, distrust in the financial sector was widespread. Even after the mess appeared to be cleaned up, the uncertainty over whether the worst was over remained real.
Trust and Finance
Oct 24, 2013
Finance is built on trust. It is based on promises about tomorrow, often paper promises backed by nothing other than words on a page. When trust in those promises breaks down, so too does the financial system. That is the lesson of thousands of years of history.
What is Economic Success?
Oct 11, 2013
“You are now leaving the world as you know it.”
Trade Deals Must Allow for Regulating Finance
Oct 2, 2013
World leaders who are gathering for the APEC summit next week had hoped to be signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The pact would bring together key Pacific-rim countries into a trading bloc that the United States hopes could counter China’s growing influence in the region.
The End of 'Financialization'
Sep 18, 2013
The failure of Lehman Brothers on 15 September 2008 marked the beginning of the end of the world’s love affair with financialization.
Simon Johnson: The Problem of Too Big to Fail Is Even Bigger Than Before 2008
Sep 17, 2013
Simon Johnson, Professor at MIT and former chief economist of the IMF, calls for much higher capital requirements for big banks.
Europe: Is the Union over?
Sep 10, 2013
Let Them Eat Credit: Has Financial Capitalism Failed the World?