Greece Shows the Limits of Austerity in the Eurozone. What Now?
Jan 9, 2015
Much Ado About Cyber Security
Jan 5, 2015
Private data is leaked more and more in our society. Wikileaks, Facebook, and identity theft are just three examples. Network defenses are constantly under attack from cyber criminals, organized hacktivists, and even disgruntled ex-employees.
Demystifying Modern Monetary Theory
Dec 27, 2014
Bill Mitchell presents a coherent analysis of how money is created, how it functions in global exchange rate regimes, and how the mystification of the nature of money has constrained governments, and prevented states from acting in the public interest.
Identifying Weaknesses in the Eurozone
Dec 19, 2014
How should the Eurozone handle unemployment and other immediate hurdles?
New Theoretical Perspectives on the Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals
Dec 17, 2014
The recently observed surge in wealth doesn’t equate to growth of productive capital. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Branko Milanovic, Paul Krugman and Duncan Foley discuss these issues and more.
How Superstar Companies Like Apple Are Killing America’s High-Tech Future
Dec 8, 2014
Few would argue that America’s fortunes rise and fall on its ability to generate technological innovations — to put bold ideas to work and then bring them to market.
Lessons from the Great Depression
Dec 5, 2014
How can we better integrate history into economic analysis?
Why Keynes is Important Today
Oct 28, 2014
Destabilizing A Stable Crisis
Jul 28, 2014
Readers of Minsky are familiar with the idea that governments should act as financial stabilizing agents for their economies by running surpluses in times of boom and deficits in times of crises.
Why Standard Macro Models Fail During Crises
Jun 25, 2014
Conference paper
Toward an Intellectual History of Uncertainty
Apr 2014
Economists discussing the problem of radical uncertainty commonly invoke Frank Knight’s classic definition in Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, but only rarely venture to explore the broader contours of his argument.
The Economics of Radical Uncertainty
Apr 10, 2014 | 11:00—12:30
The Challenges of Europe's Monetary Union
Mar 9, 2014
Pisani-Ferry discusses the challenges facing the creation of a common monetary union in the form that was eventually agreed in the 1990s absent a political union.
The Exchange Rate as a Monetary Phenomenon
Mar 6, 2014
What exactly is an exchange rate?
Macroeconomics in Perspective
Jan 31, 2014
Reflections of the Université Catholique de Louvain “Macroeconomics in Perspective Workshop”