Worldwide Revolutions: Is History Repeating Itself?
Apr 11, 2014 | 11:00—12:30
Innovation and Inequality: Cause or Cure
Apr 11, 2014 | 11:00—12:30
Conference paper
Methodological Problems in Macroeconomics: Curriculum and Computers
Apr 2014
The financial crisis of 2008, and the subsequent worldwide economic depression and continuing dislocation, have made little to no impression on the way macroeconomics is taught at the university level, from Economics 101 through graduate school. It has been “business as usual’, which (it seems to me) means an almost studious avoidance of any attempt to acquire knowledge of how monetary economies actually work.
Conference paper
Can Structural Reform Boost Economic Growth?
Apr 2014
How to rebalance Chinese economy has become a topic of heated discussion. After years of fast economic expansion, now China faces a difficult crossroad. The global financial crisis provided clear evidence that China’s traditional export-driven strategy is vulnerable to slumps of the external demand.
Conference paper
New Economic Teaching -Bridging Four Gaps
Apr 2014
When the Curriculum Open-access Resources in Economics (CORE) project launched on 11 November 2013 at Her Majesty’s Treasury in London, we promised that we would be ‘teaching economics as if the last three decades had happened’. The last six months have shown us that this is challenging but we are well on our way to doing it.
Conference paper
Narrative in Teaching Economics
Apr 2014
Economics has advanced an enormous distance from the Walrasian paradigm and the Neoclassical synthesis. However, undergraduate curriculums continue to heavily favour these views of what economics is and what tools it provides for understanding contemporarypublic problems.
Economic Progress and Financial Reform in China
Apr 11, 2014 | 07:00—07:00
New Economic Thinking
Apr 11, 2014 | 03:45—05:00
Finance and the Real Economy
Apr 11, 2014 | 05:15—06:30
Conference paper
The Chinese Economic Model Revisited: Any Implications for the New Economic Thinking?
Apr 2014
The president of INET, Johnson(2013) emphasized the importance of Asian tradition for building up the New Economic Thinking. “It ismy sense that the Asian tradition of thought and philosophical perspective are better suited to embracing this radical uncertainty and living in the experimentation of the adaptive complex system that our world appears to resemble than are the Western mindsets that are the product of the Cartesian Enlightenment.” In the summary he argues that “As the Asian societies continue to evolve the architects will be better served by an new economics for Asia and from Asia that is based on the notions of radical uncertainty, complex adaptive systems, mimetic desire, the inseparability of politics and economics, and a vision of a world where policy makers are themselves less knowing and less capable of control than we often yearn to believe is within their power.”
Conference paper
The Arab Spring is Genuine Revolution, But a Bumpy and Arduous Road Ahead
Apr 2014
The Arab Spring has been a fundamental event in the Arab world and yet among Middle East scholars, there is great intellectual and analytical debate about the degree of political change or continuity that the Arab Spring had produced. As reverberations of the global economic crisis have continued and the international rules of the game have fundamentally remained unchanged, the demand on post-Arab Spring governments to change policy course is high.
Conference paper
Leveling the Playing Field From College To Career
Apr 2014
In the United States achieving equal opportunity in postsecondary education is typically described in terms of enrolling more underrepresented groups into the selective colleges. The belief is that if this step is accomplished it will have a fundamental impact on the problem of inequality at the national level. However, what if there are not enough places in selective colleges to accomplish this goal? What if the selective colleges do not have enough capacity to make a significant impact in the problem of serving students from underrepresented groups withdemonstrated high abilities?
Conference paper
Social Power and Development in the Middle East: a transnational perspective
Apr 2014
The chief obstacle to transformative change in the contemporary Middle East is the region-wide configuration of social power which was consolidated in the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire and which survived the transition from empire to post-Ottoman independent states largely intact.
Conference paper
Vague Hopes, Active Aspirations and Equality
Apr 2014
The term human capital describes a set of skills, strengths and know-how that are valuable—both in the narrow sense of being “commercially valuable” (Lindsey, 2013), and the wider one of contributing to a flourishing, deliberate, purposeful life.As Heckman (2014) puts it: “Skills are capacities to act [emphasis added]…They shapeexpectations, constraints, and information” (p. 6).
Conference paper
The Arab revolutions: any new paths from here?
Apr 2014
While successive waves of democratization over the last half century changed the political landscape in various regions of the world, the authoritarian regimes have maintained their hold on power in the Arab region.