The Economy’s Cuban Missile Crisis
Sep 12, 2018
In 2008 a global financial meltdown was just barely contained. But Adam Tooze says that the crisis of confidence has had long aftershocks
America’s Broken Retirement System is a Recipe for Political Chaos
Aug 27, 2018
Expanding, rather than cutting, Social Security is the solution
Political Economy of Capitalism
WorkshopAug 27–29, 2018
The Economics of Innovation Working group and the Economic History Working Group together with the Département d’histoire, économie et société at the University of Geneva, are launching the event Political Economy of Capitalism to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27-28-29 August 2018.
Working Paper Series
Social Stability and Resource Allocation within Business Groups
Aug 2018
Using datasets on transactions within business groups and social sentiment in China, I show that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) use internal funds to address social unrest, complying with the government’s political goals.
YSI Africa Convening
Regional ConveningAug 16–18, 2018
Young Scholars based in Africa are invited to convene in Harare, Zimbabwe. The event serves to strengthen the African network of new economic thinkers pursuing a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to attend the annual conference of the Zimbabwe Historical Association in the same trip.
Rethinking Social Progress in the 21st Century
Aug 14, 2018
A new report examines the path to global social progress. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers
Macroeconomics and the Italian Vote
Aug 6, 2018
To understand the rise of the League and 5 Star Movement, look at economic indicators
The Rise of Hedge Fund Activism
Aug 3, 2018
How corporate raiders coopted “shareholder democracy” for their own ends
Working Paper Series
The Subversion of Shareholder Democracy and the Rise of Hedge-Fund Activism
Aug 2018
This paper explains how hedge-fund activists are exerting power over corporate resourceallocation far in excess of the actual voting power of their shareholdings.
Austerity Caused Brexit
Aug 2, 2018
Places hit hardest by austerity cuts were more likely to vote for UKIP and Leave
YSI Economic History Workshop @ World Economic History Congress
WorkshopJul 29, 2018
The YSI Economic History Working Group invites scholars to submit their research on alternative perspectives and different approaches to the study of economic history. The workshop will take place on 29 July, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts, preceding the World Economic History Congress (29 July - 3 August).
Boycott the Journal Rankings
Jul 27, 2018
Journal rankings are a rigged game. The blacklist of history of economic thought journals isn’t a fluke nor a conspiracy—it exposes how citation rankings really work
Glasnost and Perestroika in Economics
Jul 25, 2018
James Galbraith says academic economics is in need of radical reform
America’s White Collar Middle Class Takes a Terrifying Slide Down the Mobility Ladder
Jul 24, 2018
Alissa Quart’s new book chronicles the pain of a disgruntled class that could change the country’s political landscape.
Ending the Wild West of Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Jul 23, 2018
Clear rules and sound principles for debt restructuring would level the playing field between developing countries and creditors