The Global Consumption and Income Project
Apr 14, 2016
We have developed over a number of years and now make publicly available a new and unprecedented data resource for understanding levels of living, poverty, inequality and inclusivity of growth and development around the world.
Instability & Stagnation in a Monetary Union
Apr 11, 2016
The intra-EMU divergences are a feature of the system rather than just a bug.
Can ‘matching markets’ concept help Europe manage its refugee crisis?
Apr 11, 2016
European Union countries are facing an epic challenge of integrating more than 1 million refugees from conflict zones in the Middle East and beyond.
In EU budget debates, ‘technocratic’ veil hides political choices
Apr 8, 2016
As the European Union Commission readies itself for a new round of budgetary recommendations, INET senior economist Orsola Costantini warns that that the debate over how those harsh fiscal constraints are to be determined is based on a formula that masks political choices as technocratic imperatives.
When Things Fall Apart
Apr 4, 2016
Democratic capitalism is an evolving system that responds to crises by radically transforming both economic relations and political institutions. The time for a new phase has come, regardless of whether “responsible” politicians are prepared to admit it.
Oil, Middle East, and the Global Economy
ConferenceMar 31–Apr 1, 2016
Featuring sessions on Oil Shock and the Global Economy, Sovereign Wealth Funds, and the Political Economy of Oil.
Working Paper Series
Luigi Pasinetti and the Political Economy of Growth and Distribution
Mar 2016
This paper provides a careful and synthetic overview of his contributions as well as a reconstruction of Pasinetti’s philosophical approach to economics as a science meant to serve humanity.
Refugees and The Economy: Lessons from History
Mar 16, 2016
What can we learn from the Vietnamese, Cuban, Rwandan, and Syrian refugees crisis?
Marcello de Cecco (1939-2016)
Mar 10, 2016
Paying tribute to one of the world’s most distinguished economic historians.
Different Models, Different Politics
Mar 9, 2016
Gerald Friedman responds to the Romers on the Sanders Plan.
Politics & Economics Don't Mix
Mar 4, 2016
Jamie Galbraith and I rarely agree. But we agree here.
Economic Forecasting Models & Sanders Program Controversy
Feb 26, 2016
The Romer/Romer letter to Professor Gerald Friedman marks a turning point. It concedes that there are indeed important issues at stake when evaluating the proposed economic policies of Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. These issues go beyond the political debate and should be discussed seriously between and among professional economists.
Confusion Is No Response to Economic Orthodoxy
Feb 22, 2016
Servaas Storm has conviction, yet his analysis throws the baby out with the bathwater.
What is Missing in Flassbeck & Lapavitsas
Feb 22, 2016
More on substance, coherence, and relevance in the Eurozone debate.
Working Paper Series
Comments on Paul Davidson’s “Full Employment, Open Economy Macroeconomics, and Keynes’ General Theory: Does the Swan Diagram Suffice?”
Feb 2016
This is a response to a critique by Paul Davidson of our 2013 book Keynes: Useful Economics for the World Economy and related work, where we describe, amongst other things, how the Swan diagram can be used to show how economies can use policy tools to achieve internal and external balance.