Two Hundred Years of Politics and High Finance
Oct 16, 2014
These videos cover not only Dr. de Cecco’s seminal research on the international gold standard, but his views on the international monetary system between the wars, the formation of the Bretton Woods system, and its breakdown – all topics on which Dr. de Cecco has written copiously.
The IMF and Human Development: Little Progress and Worrisome Trends
Oct 13, 2014
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank celebrate their 70th anniversary this year, yet few countries have been eager to join the festivities.
The Flummery of Capital-Requirement Repairs Since The Crisis
Sep 15, 2014
Government safety nets give protected institutions an implicit subsidy and intensify incentives for value-maximizing boards and managers to risk the ruin of their firms. Standard accounting statements do not record the value of this subsidy and forcing subsidized institutions to show more accounting capital will do little to curb their enhanced appetite for tail risk.
To Boost Investment, End SEC Rule Encouraging Buybacks
Sep 14, 2014
The New York Times is having a “Room For Debate” discussion on its Opinion Page about how corporations should handle profits based on the Harvard Business Review article “Profits Without Prosperity” by William Lazonick of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, who is a grantee of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. The discussion features contributions by Bruce Greenwald, Peter Thiel, and Lazonick, among others. Lazonick argues that the capital being used for stock buybacks would be better spent on investment. Lazonick’s “Room For Debate” piece is below. To read the full discussion on The New York Times, click here.
Working paper
Please Don't Throw Me In The Briar Patch
Sep 2014
The flummery of capital-requirement repairs undertaken in response to the Great Financial Crisis.
Grantee paper
The Emergence of a Finance Culture in American Households, 1989-2007
Aug 2014
As the financial economy has expanded beginning in the mid-1980s, it has done so in part by selling more products to individuals and households.
Grantee paper
Financial Crises, Political Constraints, and Policy Responses
Aug 2014
We analyze the political environment in the wake of financial crises and try to infer its implications on decision making and economic policies.
Grantee paper
Visualising Stock-Flow-Consistent Models as Directed Acyclic Graphs
Aug 2014
We show how every stock-flow consistent model of the macroeconomy can be represented as a directed acyclic graph.
Grantee paper
U.S. Public Pension Funds and Alternative Investments
Aug 2014
In the past decade and a half, state and local public employee retirement systems in the United States have significantly shifted their fund investment strategies toward a greater allocation in alternative investments. Today, roughly $660 billion of public pension funds are invested in hedge funds and private equity funds. These alternative investments typically require new governance structures within the pension funds in order to adequately monitor accompanying risks and returns, management fee arrangements and investment complexity.
Grantee paper
The Rich Stay Richer: The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Household Well-being, 2007-2009
Jul 2014
The 2007-2009 financial crisis initially appeared to have destroyed a huge amount of wealth in the U.S.
Pasinetti on Institutional Forces and the Discipline of Economics
Jul 29, 2014
Ever since 2008, increasing numbers of economists, students, and even market professionals have protested the way economics is currently taught and practiced.
Destabilizing A Stable Crisis
Jul 28, 2014
Readers of Minsky are familiar with the idea that governments should act as financial stabilizing agents for their economies by running surpluses in times of boom and deficits in times of crises.
Top incomes and the glass ceiling
Jul 17, 2014
The glass ceiling is typically examined in terms of the distribution of earnings. This column discusses the glass ceiling in the gender distribution of total incomes, including self-employment and capital income. Evidence from Canada and the UK shows we are still far from equality. Though the proportion of women in the top 1% has been rising, the progress is slower, almost non-existent, at the very top of the distribution.
Azim Premji Summer School 2014
WorkshopJun 30–Jul 6, 2014
India has for the last twenty years been undergoing a rapid and abiding structural shift in its pattern of development. The transformation of the economy from the period of the license raj to the post liberalization era has wrought many changes, with somewhat ambiguous implications.
Why Standard Macro Models Fail During Crises
Jun 25, 2014
Economic Progress and Financial Reform in China
Apr 11, 2014 | 07:00—07:00
Finance and the Real Economy
Apr 11, 2014 | 05:15—06:30
Conference paper
The Chinese Economic Model Revisited: Any Implications for the New Economic Thinking?
Apr 2014
The president of INET, Johnson(2013) emphasized the importance of Asian tradition for building up the New Economic Thinking. “It ismy sense that the Asian tradition of thought and philosophical perspective are better suited to embracing this radical uncertainty and living in the experimentation of the adaptive complex system that our world appears to resemble than are the Western mindsets that are the product of the Cartesian Enlightenment.” In the summary he argues that “As the Asian societies continue to evolve the architects will be better served by an new economics for Asia and from Asia that is based on the notions of radical uncertainty, complex adaptive systems, mimetic desire, the inseparability of politics and economics, and a vision of a world where policy makers are themselves less knowing and less capable of control than we often yearn to believe is within their power.”
Secular Stagnation? The Future Challenge for Economic Policy
Apr 11, 2014 | 03:15—05:00
Beyond Austerity: Default, Debt Restructuring or Recovery?
Apr 10, 2014 | 07:00—08:30
Reflexivity and Knightean Uncertainty: Implications for Economics
Apr 10, 2014 | 02:45—04:00
Speculation and Innovation
Apr 10, 2014 | 04:15—05:30
Conference paper
Pressures on Pensions
Apr 2014
Debate about the pension crises has centered on certain questions such as: Are greedy government workers bankrupting states? Arepension-slashing politicians backed by big money saving the day? Or do the budget problems of state and localgovernments have more to do with wasteful corporate subsidies than pensions? What are the real policy solutions to the pressures placed on pensions?”
Conference paper
Toward an Intellectual History of Uncertainty
Apr 2014
Economists discussing the problem of radical uncertainty commonly invoke Frank Knight’s classic definition in Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, but only rarely venture to explore the broader contours of his argument.
Integration, Currency Unions, and Balance of Payments
Apr 10, 2014 | 09:00—10:45
Pressures on Pensions
Apr 10, 2014 | 07:00—08:30
The Economics of Radical Uncertainty
Apr 10, 2014 | 11:00—12:30
Human After All
PlenaryApr 10–12, 2014
The Institute for New Economic Thinking joined the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in holding its fifth Annual Conference from April 10 to April 12, 2014 in Toronto.
Innovation & Financial Reform
Apr 9, 2014
Adair Turner at the Institute’s #HumanAfterAll conference in Toronto, CA (2014).
Conference paper
The Persistence of a Reckless Banking System
Apr 2014
The fall of 2008 was scary. For most people, the aftermath of Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy resembled a major earthquake with strong aftershocks. Official narratives have promoted the image of the crisis as a rare, unpreventable and unforeseen natural disaster, the “100-year flood.” Policymakers emphasize the extraordinary measures they have taken to prevent the system from collapsing and to support recovery since.
Have We Repaired Financial Regulations since Lehman?
Apr 9, 2014 | 11:45—01:15
Grantee paper
Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Complex Evolving Economies
Mar 2014
In this paper we explore the effects of alternative combinations of fiscal and monetary policies under different income distribution regimes.
Grantee paper
Minsky Financial Instability, Interscale Feedback, Percolation and Marshall-Walras Disequilibrium
Mar 2014
We study analytically and numerically Minsky instability as a combination of top-down, bottom-up and peer-to-peer positive feedback loops.
Conference paper
Debt Restructuring versus Monetary Easing: The Eurozone Experiment
Mar 2014
Since the outbreak of the Greek debt crisis at the end of 2009, the Eurozone finds itself in an unprecedented debt crisis.
Working Paper Series
Crisis and Recovery in the German Economy: The Real Lessons
Mar 2014
Owing to its strong dependence on exports, Germany was among the economies hit hardest by the financial crisis.
The Challenges of Europe's Monetary Union
Mar 9, 2014
Pisani-Ferry discusses the challenges facing the creation of a common monetary union in the form that was eventually agreed in the 1990s absent a political union.
The Exchange Rate as a Monetary Phenomenon
Mar 6, 2014
What exactly is an exchange rate?
Grantee paper
Greenhouse Gas and Cyclical Growth
Feb 2014
A growth model incorporating dynamics of capital per capita, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and labor and energy productivity is described.
Grantee paper
Varieties of Keynesianism
Feb 2014
Recent claims, particularly in Paul Krugman’s column and blog, on the superiority of the Hicks-Modigliani version of Keynesian economics calls for a re-thinking of the issues raised in the early controversies over what Joan Robinson called “bastard Keynesianism”.
Adair Turner’s Debt Addiction Remarks Turn Heads
Feb 27, 2014
Adair Lord Turner’s powerful comments about the global economy’s addiction to private debt are continuing to reverberate around the world.
German Court decision: Legal authority and deep power implications
Feb 26, 2014
Who wields supreme power over the ECB? This column analyses the recent ruling by the German Constitutional Court that the ECB cannot act as lender of last resort. Although seemingly couched by the referral of this decision to the European Court of Justice, this is a bid for power and the return to the pre-crisis paradigm of ‘ultra posse nemo obligatur’.
Is Italy's New Government Just More of the Same?
Feb 22, 2014
A showdown has taken place within Italy’s governing coalition.
Escaping The Addiction to Private Debt Is Essential for Long-Term Economic Stability
Feb 10, 2014
Inflation targeting insufficient: central banks and governments must manage the quantity and mix of credit created
Working Paper Series
Sovereigns versus Banks: Credit, Crises and Consequences
Feb 2014
Two separate narratives have emerged in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis. One interpretation speaks of private financial excess and the key role of the banking system in leveraging and deleveraging the economy. The other emphasizes the public sector balance sheet over the private and worries about the risks of lax fiscal policies. However, the two may interact in important and understudied ways.
Macroeconomics in Perspective
Jan 31, 2014
Reflections of the Université Catholique de Louvain “Macroeconomics in Perspective Workshop”
Roiling India Politics Risks Economic Reforms
Jan 24, 2014
India’s economic leaders are determined to rein in skyrocketing inflation, but the country’s volatile political landscape may prevent reforms from taking hold.
Capital Markets Balkanization Should Not Prevent Regulation
Jan 13, 2014
Fears that bank regulation or capital controls could lead to a “balkanisation” of global capital markets are overstated and should not constrain policy action to address the problems created by volatile short term capital flows and excessive credit creation, says Adair Turner, Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking and former chairman of the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority.
When is a Bubble a Bubble?
Jan 11, 2014
Bubbles have become a major focus of discussion in today’s financial markets. But very few people actually define what they mean when describing this financial phenomenon.
Winter School on Law and Finance
WorkshopJan 5–8, 2014
The Institute will host the Winter School on Law and Finance at Columbia University’s Global Center in Paris on January 6-9, 2014.
Years granted:
2013, 2014
Contagion of Sentiment, Investor Trading Activities, and Financial Crises
This research project studies the pricing and liquidity implications of sentiment and disagreement as origins of radical uncertainty in financial markets.
Years granted:
2013, 2014
Managing Uncertainty: An Anthropology of Financialization in post-Mao China
This research project develops a new field of anthropology: the anthropology of financialization, focusing on China and two main institutions of financialization, management consultancies and fund managers.
Years granted:
2013, 2014
Countervailing Monetary Power: Emerging Markets and the Re-Regulation of Cross-Border Finance
This resarch project examines the economic theory, policy, and international political economy of cross border finance in the run up to and in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008.
Years granted:
2013, 2014
A Theory of Financial Market Instability Even Under Perfect Conditions: Bubbles and Crashes in Rational Belief Equilibrium
This research project seeks to develop a theory of how bubbles and crashes can arise even when all agents are rational, informed, and trading in perfect markets.
Years granted:
2013, 2014
Dynamic Contagion Mechanisms in Financial Networks
This research project develops a novel framework to capture both instantaneous and dynamic contagion mechanisms arising in financial networks when balance sheet linkages across entities exist.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
Correlations in Complex Heterogeneous Networks
This research project uses statistical physics and network analysis to understand and explain the contagion and panic effects associated with crises that are unexplained in standard economic models.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
A Network-Based Analysis of Financial Markets
This research project explores the sources of and remedies for financial instability as well as the relationship between traders’ choice of a price-setting mechanism and market structure and the relationship between market freezes and the amount of intermediation in the market.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
Understanding Macroeconomic Fragility
This research project provides insights into how the lending market and resale market for asset-backed securities could have broken down during the 2008-2009 financial crisis, leading to a near-collapse of the banking sector and to a significant decline in real loan activity.
Years granted:
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
A Large Scale Network Analysis of Firm Trade Credit
This research project proposes a large-scale simulation of how distress and growth propagate through the real economy via a network of trade credit between firms.
Years granted:
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Creating A Global Systemic Risk Initiative
This research project aims to change the conventional wisdom about how global banks take and manage risks and generate ideas that are both innovative and useful to realistic thinking about policy.
Years granted:
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
How Big Is Too Big? What Should Finance Do and How Much Should It Be Cut Down to Size?
This project studies a broad array of financial institutions to discover the impacts of financial regulations on functionally efficient finance, productivity growth, and income distribution.
Years granted:
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Understanding Finance's Potential for Growth and for Crisis
This research project builds on theory indicating that credit flows to the real sector have systematically different effects from financial flows to asset markets.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
Evolution of Beliefs, Volatility of Exchange Rates and Market Experiments
This research project develops a model of foreign exchange markets in which agents’ expectations are explicitly modeled and evolve over time and examines how these models perform in terms of capturing the behavior observed in the experiments with human subjects.
Years granted:
2013, 2014
Macroeconomic Instability and Microeconomic Financial Fragility: A Stock-Flow Consistent Approach with Heterogeneous Agents
This research project introduces heterogeneous microeconomic behavior into a demand-driven stock flow consistent model to study the links between microeconomic financial fragility and macroeconomic instability.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
The Emergence of a Finance Culture in American Households, 1983-2010
This research project seeks to understand the linkages between the changes in the financial economy and the behavior of households in the real economy.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014
Economic and Political Determinants of Policy Responses to Crises
This research project organizes a systematic database of policies implemented in response to crises, focusing on fiscal and monetary measures, in order to identify policy action rather than simply looking at endogenous outcome variables.
Years granted:
Analytical History of Federal Reserve Banking Supervision
This research project analyzes the history of the concentration of bank regulatory authority within the Federal Reserve and explores the public policy issues arising from that concentration.
Years granted:
Reflexivity and the Theory of Economic Agents
This research project uses reflexivity thinking to develop a theory of reflexive economic agents whose behavior is central to both the theory of innovation and to the explanation of phenomena such as bubbles, cascades, and herding that are inconsistent with DSGE/rational expectations macroeconomics.
Years granted:
Agents and Markets: The Representative Agent in Mid- vs. Late-Twentieth Century Economics
This research project focuses on the role of the representative agent in recent macroeconomics and general equilibrium theory, with a particular emphasis on how different the situation was in the economic theorizing of the first neoclassical synthesis during the 1950s.
Modeling a World of Imperfect Knowledge
Dec 21, 2013
Does it matter if the Rational Expectations Hypothesis is unrealistic?
Conference paper
Income Distribution and the Current Account: A Sectoral Perspective
Dec 2013
We analyse the link between income distribution and the current account for the period 1972-2007. We find that rising (top-end) personal inequality leads to a decrease of the current account, ceteris paribus.
Finance to Support Growth
Dec 12, 2013
What is most demoralizing to participants in the financial markets? Falling prices? Constant volatility? How about a vacuum of trust?
Our Hansen Moment
Dec 5, 2013
The main goal of the macroeconomist is to understand the sources behind business cycles and the behavior of financial markets in the modern economy.
The Moral Limits of Markets
Dec 3, 2013
What happens when a market-based economy becomes a market-based society?
Grantee paper
Inequality, Financialization, and the Growth of Household Debt in the U.S., 1989-2007
Nov 2013
Household indebtedness in the United States grew dramatically during the decades leading up to the financial crisis.
Mazzucato and Kaletsky Debate U.K. Mortgage Plan on BBC
Nov 27, 2013
The Bank of England took the first step in putting the brakes on the surging property market as it scrapped the United Kingdom’s flagship initiative that encourages mortgage lending, introduced earlier this year by Treasury minster George Osborne.
[PART 1] U.S. Current Account Deficits and German Surpluses: The Role of Income Distribution in Global Imbalances
Nov 25, 2013
Germany’s economic policies are under attack from all sides.
Too Much Debt: Adair Turner on the Dangers of Excessive Sector Leverage
Nov 7, 2013
Adair Lord Turner, former Chairman of Great Britain’s Financial Services Authority and current Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, argued in a keynote address to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on Thursday that central banks must be equipped in future to address the dangers of excessive private sector leverage, using both pre-emptive interest rate policy and macro-prudential policy tools.
Economic Policy Must Address Excessive Private Sector Leverage
Nov 6, 2013
Adair Lord Turner, former Chairman of Great Britain’s Financial Services Authority and current Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, will argue in a keynote address to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on Thursday that central banks must be equipped in future to address the dangers of excessive private sector leverage, using both pre-emptive interest rate policy and macro-prudential policy tools.
Finance and the Death of Trust
Oct 27, 2013
The destruction of trust is not an accident.
Mathematics for New Economic Thinking
WorkshopOct 26–19, 2013
This workshop has the dual aim to expose mathematicians to new research problems in economics and economists to new techniques and developments in mathematics.
Cyprus Fiasco Could Undermine the Euro Zone
Oct 25, 2013
The rescue of Cyprus was a microcosm of how the nations of Europe have failed to work together to adequately address their ongoing financial crises.
We Can Do Better
Oct 24, 2013
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, distrust in the financial sector was widespread. Even after the mess appeared to be cleaned up, the uncertainty over whether the worst was over remained real.
Trust and Finance
Oct 24, 2013
Finance is built on trust. It is based on promises about tomorrow, often paper promises backed by nothing other than words on a page. When trust in those promises breaks down, so too does the financial system. That is the lesson of thousands of years of history.
The World Needs Eurobonds Now More Than Ever
Oct 23, 2013
The United States government openly flirting with a default on its debt is, to the financial system, like a Pope wondering out loud about the existence of God.
America’s Debt-Ceiling Debacle
Oct 22, 2013
When Greece’s sovereign-debt crisis threatened the euro’s survival, U.S. officials called their European counterparts to express bewilderment at their inability to resolve the issue.
Sovereigns versus banks: Crises, causes and consequences
Oct 18, 2013
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, few would dispute the risks of excessive borrowing. But which debts should one worry about – public or private? This column presents new research on the interplay of public and private debts since 1870 in 17 advanced economies. History demonstrates that excessive private-sector borrowing plays a greater role than fiscal profligacy in generating financial instability. However, when the credit boom collapses, the government’s capacity to alleviate the downturn is limited by the prevailing level of public debt.
Reinhart and Rogoff Respond to Criticism
Oct 16, 2013
Advisory Board members Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff today issued a response to recent criticism of their paper “Growth in a Time of Debt.”
What You Can Do to Protect Yourself Against a Totally Unnecessary U.S. Government Default
Oct 14, 2013
If Congress and the White House fail to raise the debt ceiling this week and the United States defaults on its debt, what can we expect and how can we protect ourselves against these events?
What is Economic Success?
Oct 11, 2013
“You are now leaving the world as you know it.”
Trade Deals Must Allow for Regulating Finance
Oct 2, 2013
World leaders who are gathering for the APEC summit next week had hoped to be signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The pact would bring together key Pacific-rim countries into a trading bloc that the United States hopes could counter China’s growing influence in the region.
Five Years on from Lehman: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
Sep 22, 2013
Sadly, it is questionable whether the economy has really improved.
Lehman Was Not Alone – Measuring System Risk in the 2008 Crisis
Sep 21, 2013
what would measures of systematic risk have indicated to Treasury Secretary Paulsen if they had been available at that time?
Bankers Will Be Let Off the Hook If We Don't Start to Take Ourselves Seriously
Sep 20, 2013
How can we contain institutional failure?
Current Account Rebalancing Since the Crisis
Sep 19, 2013
A look at the large role the trade deficit of the United States has played since the 1980s.
The End of 'Financialization'
Sep 18, 2013
The failure of Lehman Brothers on 15 September 2008 marked the beginning of the end of the world’s love affair with financialization.
Learning from Lehman: Lessons for Emerging Markets from the Financial Crisis
Sep 18, 2013
What can emerging economies learn from the financial meltdown in advanced economies?
The Lehman Crisis and the Unfinished Business of Financial Reform
Sep 18, 2013
With the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, a crisis in part driven by derivatives on subprime mortgages, a seemingly obscure sector of the financial market help fuel the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
The Lehman Crisis and the Unfinished Business of Financial Reform
Sep 18, 2013
what have we learned from the crisis and what should we have learned?
Simon Johnson: The Problem of Too Big to Fail Is Even Bigger Than Before 2008
Sep 17, 2013
Simon Johnson, Professor at MIT and former chief economist of the IMF, calls for much higher capital requirements for big banks.
Did Capitalism Fail? Looking Back Five Years After Lehman
Sep 17, 2013
How could reputable ratings agencies – and investment banks – misjudge things so badly?