The Challenge of Large, Complex Financial Institutions
Apr 8, 2011
Simon Johnson at the Institute’s 2011 Annual Conference.
Can Sovereignty and Effective International Supervision Be Reconciled? The Challenge of Large Complex Financial Institutions
Apr 8, 2011 | 11:05—01:05
Sovereignty and Institutional Design in the Global Age: The Global Market and the Nation States
Apr 8, 2011 | 09:00—10:50
Bretton Woods: What Can We Learn From The Past In Designing The Future
Apr 8, 2011 | 03:00—04:30
Getting Back on Track : Macroeconomic Management After A Financial Crisis
Apr 8, 2011 | 04:50—06:55
Gordon Brown: Keynote Address
Apr 8, 2011 | 07:00—09:00
Adair Turner: Keynote Address
Apr 8, 2011 | 03:30—05:30
Crisis & Renewal
PlenaryNew Economic Thinking 2011
Apr 8–11, 2011
The Institute for New Economic Thinking held its second annual plenary conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.
Conference paper
Cambridge Talk on Hayek
Apr 2011
Tonight I will talk briefly about the Keynes-Hayek relationship, then will focus on some of Hayek’s insights that may be of relevance today.
Conference paper
Combining International Monetary Reform with Commodity Buffer Stocks : Keynes, Graham and Kaldor
Apr 2011
Central to John Maynard Keynes (1941) original Bretton Woods proposal was an international clearing union that would issue a new international currency by fiat called bancor. Among other functions, this international central bank would finance the stabilization of individual commodity prices through commodity buffer stocks.
Conference paper
The Keynes Plan, The Marshall Plan And The IMCU Plan; Designing the Future International Payments System using the Past Principles of Keynes's Liquidity Theory and Soros's Reflexivity
Apr 2011
For more than three decades, orthodox economists, policy makers in government and central bankers and their economic advisors, using some variant of old classical economic theory [OCET], have insisted that (1) government regulations of markets and large government spending policies are the cause of all our economic problems and (2) ending big government and freeing markets, especially financial markets, from government regulatory controls is the solutionto our economic problems, domestically and internationally.
Conference paper
It May be Our Currency, but It’s Your Problem
Apr 2011
It’s a singular honor to have been asked to deliver the Butlin Lecture. I first met Noel Butlin when I had the pleasure of visiting Australian National University for two months in what was, from my perspective, the summer of 1985.
Conference paper
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Once Again
Apr 2011
Some questions can only be answered by educated guess. The question at the centre of this round table pertains to this category. We should not be ashamed of this kind of limitation of our capacity to predict the future.
The Emerging Economic And Political Order: What Lies Ahead?
Apr 7, 2011 | 11:15—01:00
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Apr 7, 2011 | 11:00—11:15