Crisis Averted: Understanding LTRO2
Feb 29, 2012
Fundamentally, the ECB is trying to keep the ongoing sovereign debt crisis from turning into a full-fledged bank credit crisis.
Fed, ECB balance sheet update
Feb 23, 2012
Perry and I extend our apologies for the unplanned hiatus. By way of breaking radio silence, it seems appropriate to check in on our two favorite banks.
Bank or no bank?
Jan 30, 2012
A money view of SDRs
Why did the ECB LTROs help?
Jan 22, 2012
From a money view perspective, the central issue is settlement of TARGET balances between national central banks within the Eurozone, and the key is to understand TARGET balances as a kind of interbank correspondent balance.
Delicate balance
Jan 17, 2012
The current account still matters, but other things do too, and maybe more. In light of recent focus on gross flows, here and elsewhere, I want to argue for the language of the balance of payments.
Does the Current Account Still Matter?
Jan 12, 2012
The title is the same as that of Maury Obstfeld’s Ely Lecture, delivered Jan 6 at the AEA meetings in Chicago. Yours truly was at the meetings mainly to deliver a paper on “Three Principles for Market-Based Credit Regulation”, about which more in a later post. And for most of the rest of the time I was locked in a hotel room interviewing candidates for an assistant professor slot at Barnard College (which gave me a good overview of the current state of macroeconomics, again fodder for a later post).
Nobody understands money
Jan 4, 2012
A correspondent sends us to a column of Paul Krugman’s that asserts that “nobody understands debt”. Fair enough.
Heterodoxy and The Economist
Jan 3, 2012
When I started this blog, almost exactly one year ago today, my thought was to provide commentary on the financial events of the day, using the Financial Times as my primary source of information about those events.
Years granted:
2011, 2012
The Evolutionary Paths Toward the Financial Abyss and the Endogenous Spread of Financial Shocks into the Real Economy
This research project studies the endogenous emergence of systemic risk and bubble-and-burst dynamics and the transmission of financial shocks to the real economy.
Years granted:
2011, 2012
The Global Finance and Law Initiative: Retheorizing the Relationship Between Law and Markets
This research project constructs a new theory of the relationship between law and finance through using case studies drawn from the global financial crisis as analytical windows for determining deficiencies of established theoretical frameworks
Years granted:
Sustainable Finance Lab Research Program
This research project develops a comprehensive research agenda to formulate proposals that will help make the financial sector sustainable and facilitate a transition to sustainable economic development.
Fixed exchange rates
Dec 23, 2011
As we prepare to digest the implications of this week’s ECB move, it seems worthwhile to take a look at the monetary economics of fixed exchange rates.
John Whittaker: Eurosystem balances explained
Dec 12, 2011
[The following guest post is by John Whittaker, from whom we have learned much of what we know about how the European payments system works. See his terrific papers here and here, both of which reward close study. He has been looking over the last couple Money View posts, and the comments to those posts, and has this to say.]
The IMF and the Collateral Crunch
Dec 9, 2011
Why is the IMF getting involved in the Eurocrisis, and why is its involvement taking the form of lending to individual member states of the Eurozone?
Is there an ECB?
Dec 8, 2011
The ECB has always been the protagonist of the eurozone crisis story.