Fiscal Austerity & Greece
Sep 24, 2015
Professor Richard Portes discusses the problems of Europe and then specifically drills down into Greece itself.
Jim Chanos on What Lies Ahead for Greece
Sep 18, 2015
As Greece heads to the polls, a look back at the crisis and what the future will bring.
Intersections of Psychology and Economics
Sep 11, 2015
Tania Singer on the key importance of understanding preferences and behavioral change.
Working Paper Series
Are Low Interest Rates Deflationary? A Paradox of Perfect- Foresight Analysis
Sep 2015
A prolonged period of extremely low nominal interest rates has not resulted in high inflation. This has led to increased interest in the “Neo-Fisherian” proposition according to which low nominal interest rates may themselves cause inflation to be lower.
Why You Shouldn’t Fear China’s Devaluation
Sep 1, 2015
If anything, it points to a better managed global financial system and a more resilient Chinese economy.
China and the Challenge of Economic Reform
Aug 27, 2015
Bursting Bubbles leave a mess – in the markets, throughout the real economy, in societies, in politics and with policymaking.
The Death of Neo-Liberalism
Aug 20, 2015
The financial crisis of 2008 was not a run of the mill recession.
Working paper
Towards a General Theory of Deep Downturns
Aug 2015
This paper, an extension of the Presidential Address to the International Economic Association, evaluates alternative strands of macro-economics in terms of the three basic questions posed by deep downturns: What is the source of large perturbations? How can we explain the magnitude of volatility? How do we explain persistence?
Joseph Stiglitz: “Deep-seatedly wrong” economic thinking is killing Greece
Aug 19, 2015
The latest austerity deal is terrible for Greece and Europe.
How do we move beyond the “austerity” debates?
Aug 15, 2015
And how do they relate to our democratic institutions and institutional social relations?
Is it Just a Greek Problem?
Aug 13, 2015
In the last couple of months, Greece has once again become the center of attention of politicians, academics, and the general public. The debate has, for a large part, focused on Greece’s fiscal deficit as if it were just a self-inflicted Greek problem. But is it?
Working Paper Series
Tracking Variation in Systemic Risk at US Banks During 1974-2013
Jul 2015
This paper proposes a theoretically based and easy-to-implement way to measure the systemicrisk of financial institutions using publicly available accounting and stock market data.
Greece, Goldman Sachs, and the Dark Side of International Finance
Jul 28, 2015
Dubious transactions and flimsy accounting standards need scrutiny.
China’s stock market crash reveals financial policy tensions
Jul 24, 2015
The unprecedented intervention by China’s authorities to backstop China’s stock market reveals widening policy tensions in China’s leaderships financial reform agenda.
What Happened to China’s Stock Market and Why You Should Care
Jul 23, 2015
The sharp and sudden plunge scared everyone. Can the Chinese government get control of the market?