Working Paper Series
Full Employment, Open Economy Macroeconomics, and Keynes’ General Theory: Does the Swan Diagram Suffice?
Feb 2016
This paper provides critical comments on the Peter Temin - David Vines promotion of the basic Swan Diagram as (1) a policy tool to encourage any individual debtor nation experiencing balance of payment deficits to reduce its exchange rate in order to expand exports and reduce imports and (2) the Swan Diagram as a simple model for understanding Keynes’s General Theory for an Open Economy.
Globalized Finance and the Crisis of 2008
Feb 2, 2016
The world economy is just starting to recover from the most disastrous episode in the history of financial globalisation. Understanding what happened is essential.
The IMF unlocks billions in aid, but from whom?
Feb 2, 2016
On 25 September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an ambitious policy agenda that aims to eradicate poverty, in all its forms and dimensions, by 2030.
Rejoinder to Flassbeck and Lapavitsas
Jan 28, 2016
It is high time to ditch this myth for at least the following five reasons.
Wage Moderation and Productivity in Europe
Jan 28, 2016
Recently, our analysis has been questioned by Servaas Storm who has claimed that it is untenable to blame neo-mercantilist Germany for driving a wedge into the Eurozone. [i] It is shown below that Storm’s critique has a certain aplomb, but lacks substance.
Are Economists in Denial About What's Driving the Inequality Trainwreck?
Jan 27, 2016
Today’s richest Americans may soon blow past the tycoons of the Roaring Twenties. Lance Taylor explains why, and what to do about it.
Working Paper Series
Household Borrowing and the Possibility of “Consumption- Driven, Profit-Led Growth”
Jan 2016
We first show that, with a Kaleckian structure that is consistent with Pasinetti (1962), the relationship between distribution and growth is more robust than conventional wisdom suggests. Next, we extend our model by incorporating borrowing and emulation effects into workers’ consumption behavior, under different assumptions about how debt is serviced.
Friendly Fire
Jan 20, 2016
Comments on “German Wage Moderation and the Eurozone Crisis: A Critical Analysis” by Servaas Storm
German Wage Moderation and the Eurozone Crisis: A Critical Analysis
Jan 8, 2016
It is high time to look more closely at the labor cost competitiveness myth.
The Institute at ASSA
DiscussionJan 2, 2016
Join us for a reception at the ASSA conference in San Francisco
Years granted:
2014, 2015, 2016
High-Dimensional Statistics for Macroeconomic Forecasting
This project brings new mathematical tools and ideas from high-dimensional statistics to bear on the problem of creating reliable macroeconomic forecasting models.
Years granted:
2014, 2015, 2016
The Center and the Periphery: The Globalization of Financial Turmoil
This research project creates a new database of international capital flows from the early 19th century, when London became the financial capital of the world, until 1931, when international capital markets collapsed.
Years granted:
2014, 2015, 2016
Liquidity and Asset Returns in Times of Turmoil
This research project examines the role of political and social unrest by analyzing their effects on bond and stock markets over the period 1900-2000.
Years granted:
2014, 2015, 2016
Rising Inequality as a Structural Cause of the Financial and Economic Crisis
This research project investigates whether rising inequality has contributed to the macroeconomic imbalances that erupted in the present crisis, based on a Kaleckian macroeconomic model.
Years granted:
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Economic Sustainability, Distribution, and Stability
This research project focuses on the sustainability of economic growth and implications for distribution, employment, stability, and economic policy.