Austerity without debt relief courts new unrest in Greece
May 9, 2016
Economist James K. Galbraith warns that ‘unrealistic expectations’ by Athens’ creditors is a recipe for turmoil
The Unfairness of Housing Purchases Through Time
Apr 29, 2016
Amid the ongoing research interest in questions of inequality, it is important to examine the question of access to housing — and how that has changed over the decades. The specific question I have sought to answer, here, is whether the real cost (measured against income) of buying the average home has risen.
Varoufakis: Star Trek or The Matrix?
Apr 27, 2016
Capitalism will destroy itself, the former Greek finance minister warns, if economic calculation excludes human needs and ignores democratic verdicts
Why Liberal Economists Dish Out Despair
Apr 20, 2016
Orthodox macroeconomics has become a place where visions die and hopes are banished, for both liberals and conservatives.
When Economists Attack
Apr 20, 2016
How Gerald Friedman’s assessment of Bernie Sanders economic proposals prompted a rare public political spat among economists.
The Rise Of The Right-Wing Populist: Back In The Court Of The Banks
Apr 18, 2016
Contrary to common belief, this shift is not so much caused by the refugee crisis, but rather by the historical disaster that followed the big financial crisis since 2007.
Twitter and the Stock News Echo Chamber that Whips up Volatility
Apr 17, 2016
Anyone watching the stock market has seen this: a post hits Twitter containing old news, and investors react as if it were new.
Towards a theory of shadow money
Apr 14, 2016
Struggles over shadow money today echo 19th century struggles over bank deposits.
Grantee paper
Towards a theory of shadow money
Apr 2016
What does the rise of shadow banking mean for monetary theory and practice? (How) should we change our traditional theories of money to capture the complex practices through which money is created in modern financial systems?
How do we prevent future financial crisis in emerging markets?
Apr 12, 2016
Should policymakers rely on domestic macroprudential regulation in their quest for greater financial stability?
Instability & Stagnation in a Monetary Union
Apr 11, 2016
The intra-EMU divergences are a feature of the system rather than just a bug.
In EU budget debates, ‘technocratic’ veil hides political choices
Apr 8, 2016
As the European Union Commission readies itself for a new round of budgetary recommendations, INET senior economist Orsola Costantini warns that that the debate over how those harsh fiscal constraints are to be determined is based on a formula that masks political choices as technocratic imperatives.
Panama: Cheating “Epidemic” Crowds Out Honest Business, Implicates Banks
Apr 6, 2016
Leading expert says Iceland is showing the way on tackling a global peril.
The Panama Papers: A Tropical Tip of the Hidden Wealth Iceberg
Apr 5, 2016
When billionaires pay less, we all pay more.
When Things Fall Apart
Apr 4, 2016
Democratic capitalism is an evolving system that responds to crises by radically transforming both economic relations and political institutions. The time for a new phase has come, regardless of whether “responsible” politicians are prepared to admit it.