Learning to think about shadow banking
May 30, 2016
Why most economists did not see the 2008 crash coming
A Teachable Moment for the Economics Profession?
May 27, 2016
What we’re reading: A weekly scan of published items relevant to the Institute’s work
Shadow Banking and Alternative Finance in China
WorkshopMay 27, 2016
The recent growth in the scale and different forms of shadow banking and alternative finance mechanisms in China poses many questions of understanding, from its sustainability; different forms of credit growth; to the role of local government financing, and; the tensions between financial reform policy and practice.
Working Paper Series
Ethics vs. Ethos in US and UK Megabanking
May 2016
Company law in the US and UK fails to acknowledge that authorities’ propensity to rescue giant banks from the consequences of insolvency assigns taxpayers a coerced and badly structured equity stake in too-big-to-fail institutions.
Monetary Finance: Mechanics & Complications
May 23, 2016
Eight years after the 2008 crisis the global economy is still stuck with low growth, too low inflation, and rising debt burdens. Massive monetary stimulus has failed to generate adequate demand, and some commentators suggest that we are “out of ammunition” with which to counter deflationary pressures.
Who will willingly hold non-interest-bearing money?
May 2016
If the government/CB together finance an increased fiscal deficit with permanent non-interest-bearing fiat money, then some private sector agents have to hold non-interest-bearing monetary base, and must continue to do so even when policy and market interest rates have moved away from the ZLB. How is this possible in an environment where most bank deposit money is potentially interest-bearing?
Why a money financed stimulus is not offset by an inflation tax
May 2016
In the growing debate about the pros and cons of a monetary financed fiscal stimulus (a.k.a. helicopter money) it is argued by some participants that a money-financed stimulus will have no more effect than a debt financed stimulus since:
Is Wall Street Doing its Job?
May 20, 2016
What we’re reading: A weekly scan of published items relevant to the Institute’s work
Working Paper Series
Stock-Market Expectations: Econometric Evidence that both REH and Behavioral Insights Matter
May 2016
Behavioral finance views stock-market investors’ expectations as largely unrelated to fundamental factors. Relying on survey data, this paper presents econometric evidence that fundamentals are a major driver of investors’ expectations.
Neither Clinton nor Trump is engaging with the causes of America’s economic woes
May 17, 2016
Author Rana Foroohar explains why the economic policies being touted by both presidential frontrunners offer none of the new thinking necessary to drive a policy response to revitalize the economy
Where the SPD and Germany would stand today without Agenda 2010
May 17, 2016
The SPD, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, has been collapsing in the popularity polls ever since they in 2003 launched the reform Agenda. What would have come of the party if it had not been for this insane rush to reform? Possibly Gerhard Schroeder could even still be chancellor today. A case for the time machine.
Debate: How is the Greek rescue package being spent?
May 17, 2016
Despite using different methodologies, a number of scholars agree that most of the ‘bailout’ money is going to Greece’s foreign creditors
Independence vs. Accountability in the Evolution of the Fed
May 16, 2016
Peter Conti Brown’s new book explores and debunks a powerful meme shaping public understanding of the role of the Fed
Helicopter Money on a Leash?
May 10, 2016
Any use of money-financed fiscal expansion as a policy tool will require rules to ensure discipline and avoid excess
Shadow banking’s enduring perils
May 9, 2016
Five lessons from the last crisis — for managing the next one