Talking Economics Global Finance and Reform in India
DiscussionOct 5, 2017
Adair Turner in conversation with Nasser Munjee, moderated by David Webb
Is Europe’s Economic Recovery for Real?
Oct 3, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
American Big Tech vs. China Big Tech: Common Challenges or Conflicting Concerns?
Sep 26, 2017 | 08:15—09:45
Working paper
Bubbles as violations of efficient time-scales
Sep 2017
It is commonly overlooked that the concept of market efficiency embowers a time-dimension. Illustrating with an example from the class of persistent random walks, we show that a price process can be a martingale on one time-scale but inefficient on another.
Working paper
Europe’s Zombie Megabanks and the Differential Regulatory Arrangements that Keep Them In Play
Sep 2017
This paper analyzes the link between Kamakura Risk Information Services (KRIS) data on megabank default probabilities and credit spreads.
Puerto Rico Is Getting Squeezed, and It Will Cost All of Us
Sep 12, 2017
The path of austerity could spread economic pain and social woes far beyond the Caribbean island, says public debt expert Martin Guzman
Is Poverty More Worrying than Inequality?
Sep 6, 2017
Xavier Gabaix argues that public policies should prioritize alleviating deprivation at the bottom over narrowing the rich-poor gap
Grantee paper
Where Modern Macroeconomics Went Wrong
Sep 2017
This paper provides a critique of the DSGE models that have come to dominate macroeconomics during the past quarter-century.
How Elite Financial Networks Rule the World
Aug 30, 2017
Personal connections are key to understanding concentrations of wealth and power
Edward Kane: Hidden Subsidies for Too Big to Fail Banks
Aug 24, 2017
An examination of some little-known ways nation states and central banks prop up megabanks
Economic Models That Are Costing Us All
Aug 11, 2017
When an economic model fails, it is reality—and the people living in it—who pay the bills while the model lives on, unscathed.
Why Tax Cuts for the Rich Solve Nothing
Aug 1, 2017
Back-room deals on corporate tax reform won’t increase growth
The Four Horsemen of the Econopocalypse
Jul 26, 2017
If standard economic theory can’t explain a traffic jam, how can it cope with crises?
YSI Workshop @ 2017 ECLAC Summer School on Latin American Economies
WorkshopJul 24–26, 2017
The YSI Latin America Working Group is hosting a workshop at the United Nations ECLAC Summer School on Latin American economies.
Is Productivity Growth Becoming Irrelevant?
Jul 21, 2017
As the Nobel laureate economist Robert Solow noted in 1987, computers are “everywhere but in the productivity statistics.” Since then, the so-called productivity paradox has become ever more striking. Automation has eliminated many jobs. Robots and artificial intelligence now seem to promise (or threaten) yet more radical change. Yet productivity growth has slowed across the advanced economies; in Britain, labor is no more productive today than it was in 2007.