New Developments in the Economics of Imperfect Knowledge
Oct 22, 2017 | 03:30
How we can create useful economic theory that recognizes that the future is radically uncertain?
Conference paper
A Burning Debt. The Influence of Household Debt on Investment, Production and Growth in US.
Oct 2017
This paper discusses household debt as a long term phenomenon that influences economies beyond crises.1 In other words, rather than look at how household indebtedness can lead to crises, I will focus on its surprising persistence at very high levels, and its interactions along the way with other key variables, such as public policies and spending. The first section describes some stylized facts and the final section explores the macroeconomic consequences.
Conference paper
Rising public debt-to-GDP can harm economic growth
Oct 2017
The debt-growth relationship is complex, varying across countries and being affected by global factors. While there is no simple universal threshold above which debt-to-GDP becomes a significant brake on growth, based on data from the last four decades we show that high and rising public debt burdens slow down growth in the long term.
Conference paper
Inside the Great Leveraging
Oct 2017
This paper discusses what we have learned about the debt build-up in advanced societies over the past century. It shows that the extraordinary growth of aggregate debt in the past century was driven by the private sector.
Debt Traps, Public and Private
Oct 22, 2017 | 04:30
What role does debt play in triggering economic crises, and is the problem principally public or private sector debt?
Taking the Con Out of Economics? The Limits of Negative Darwinism
Oct 22, 2017 | 12:00
What Do Citations Actually Measure in Economics and How Should Economic Journals and Department Review Committees Use This Data?
The Future of the Eurozone
Oct 21, 2017 | 12:30
Can a monetary union without true banking and fiscal union be saved? What remains of the hopes that animated the Treaty of Rome?
Conference paper
Persistent Effects of Autonomous Demand Expansions
Oct 2017
This paper aims to assess such tendency to return to a supply-determined potential output, independent of aggregate demand, after episodes of demand expansion.
Conference paper
Secular Demand Stagnation in the 21st Century U.S. Economy
Oct 2017
Preliminary draft prepared for INET conference session “A Decade of Stagnation. Why?”
A Decade of Stagnation, Why?
Oct 21, 2017 | 11:30
What explains the slow recovery from the financial crisis and great recession in so much of the world?
PlenaryFrom the Origins of Economic Ideas to the Challenges of Our Time
Oct 21–23, 2017
INET gathered hundreds of new economic thinkers in Edinburgh to discuss the past, present, and future of the economics profession.
Festival for New Economic Thinking
ConferenceOct 19–20, 2017
The Festival for New Economic Thinking is a collaborative initiative of several organizations, and aims to bring together those who seek to improve how economics is taught, studied and practiced.
Can Bitcoin Replace the Dollar?
Oct 14, 2017
Financial Globalization and its Cryptocurrency Discontents
Brexit and the European Union: One Year On
Oct 10, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
America’s Rising, Invisible Debt
Oct 6, 2017
Why it’s time to repeal the debt ceiling and replace it with a ‘truth in borrowing’ act