Carbon Dividends: The Bipartisan Key to Climate Policy?
Feb 13, 2017
The practical question in Washington today is not whether regulations will go, but whether anything will replace them
INET Research in a Year of Living Dangerously
Dec 29, 2016
Notes from the Institute’s Director of Research on some significant papers and contributions produced in 2016 under the INET rubric
Law Economic Policy Conference
ConferenceSep 28–30, 2016
The National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) in collaboration with the Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET) are organizing India’s first “Law Economic Policy Conference (LPEC 2016)”. The aim is to bring together economic, legal and policy thinkers together to consider policy issues in a holistic manner.
Who Has Space for Renewables?
Sep 19, 2016
Estimated space requirements for solar energy sufficient to power the entire world are reassuringly trivial, at 0.5-1% of global land area. For individual countries however, the challenges vary greatly, reflecting dramatic differences in population density.
A rejoinder to Michael Grubb, Annela Anger-Kraavi, Igor Bashmakov and Richard Wood
Jul 26, 2016
We are grateful to Michael Grubb, Annela Anger-Kraavi, Igor Bashmakov, and Richard Wood for their interesting, empirically rich and structurally insightful commentary on our paper on the production-based and the consumption-based Carbon Kuznets Curve (CKC).
Carbon Decoupling?
Jul 26, 2016
A comment on Goher-Ur-Rehman Mir and Servaas Storm’s Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth: Production Based vs Consumption-Based Evidence on Decoupling
Working Paper Series
Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth: Production-based versus Consumption-based Evidence on Decoupling
Mar 2016
We assess the Carbon-Kuznets-Curve hypothesis using internationally consistent and comparable production-based versus consumption-based CO2 emissions data for 40 countries (and 35 industries) during 1995-2007 from the World Input Output Database (WIOD).
A Wake-Up Call on Climate Change and Clean Energy
Mar 30, 2016
A stark warning from Institute researchers on the probability that ‘2°C capital stock’ will be reached in 2017
Economic Growth, Climate Change and Environmental Limits
Nov 6, 2015
Will environmental limits, including limits on the climate system, slow or even halt economic growth? If not, how will the nature of economic growth have to shift?
Tackling the Energy & Environmental Challenges of the 21st Century
Jul 19, 2015
How well do our assumptions about the global challenges of energy, environment and economic development fit the facts?
New Climate-Economic Thinking
Apr 21, 2015
Finance, Sustainability and the Environment
Apr 10, 2015 | 07:15—08:45
Energy and the Economics of Renewables
Mar 1, 2015
Is moving away from coal and into shale - rather than directly into renewables - a worthy move from an economic as well as environmental point of view?
Years granted:
German Energy Policy in the Age of Oil and Atoms, 1945–2000
This research project traces the history of German energy policy from 1945 to the present. It explores the political economy behind Germany’s transition from coal, to oil, to green energy, the crises driving these shifts, and the evolving efforts to balance affordability with security and environmental protection.
New Research Shows Pollution Inequality in America is Even Worse Than Income Inequality
Sep 28, 2014