In the Footsteps of Ptolemy: The ‘Science of Monetary Policy’ and the Inflation of 2021-2023
Oct 9, 2023
The impenetrability of this continuously expanding Ptolemaic New Keynesian paradigm is maddening
Working Paper
Working PaperThe Art of Paradigm Maintenance: How the ‘Science of Monetary Policy’ tries to deal with the inflation of 2021-2023
Oct 2023
The re-emergence of inflation threw the ‘science of monetary policy’ off the rails. Do the new tweaks to the theory work?
Antitrust Enforcement in the Crosshairs
Oct 6, 2023
Post-Chicago Economists vs. New Brandeisians on the New Merger Guidelines
(Un)Learn Economics
Oct 4, 2023
The economists are not what they seem.
What the UAW and Everyone Else Need to Know About CEO Pay
Oct 2, 2023
What is GM CEO Mary Barra’s take-home pay? (It’s more than you are being told)
Everyone Versus Google: Will Big Tech Be Held Accountable?
Sep 28, 2023
The tech giant is in the hot seat, but it’s going to be a “big fight,” warns antitrust expert Mark Glick.
Financial Hurdles in the Green Revolution
Sep 27, 2023
Can finance stop hindering and start helping the green transition?
INET Welcomes Dr. Neva Goodwin as its Newest Governing Board Member
Sep 25, 2023
New INET Governing Board Member Announcement
Is Too Big to Fail Over?
Sep 22, 2023
We have made progress but not enough to forestall crises
Empowering Women in Economics
Sep 20, 2023
Professor Rebeca Gomez Betancourt explores the transformative roles of pioneering women like Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Hazel Kyrk in the field of economics.
Creating the Post-2008 Global Safety Net: Fed Precedents, Instruments, and Targets
Sep 18, 2023
The “liquidity” support provided by the Fed to megabanks through cross-border lending in fact acted as subsidies
Working Paper
Working PaperPrecedents, Instruments and Targets that the Fed Has Used to Create and Support a Postcrisis Global Safety Net
Sep 2023
Creating the post-2008 global safety net for mega-banks
Reflections on the 15th Anniversary of the Lehman Brothers Failure
Sep 15, 2023
What lessons need to be drawn on this anniversary?
The Lehman Disaster and Why It Matters Today
Sep 13, 2023
On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers, a giant investment bank with a storied history, filed for bankruptcy. The shock was profound; world markets melted down.
What Has the World Learned from COVID-19? So Far, Not Nearly Enough
Sep 12, 2023
By all accounts infection rates have ebbed. But were we good or were we lucky?
How Shareholder Value Fixation Turns AI and Robotics into a Recipe for Failure
Sep 11, 2023
New technologies are not the problem. It’s a system distorted by a flawed ideology.
Postscript: A Further Look at ProMarket’s Economics
Sep 8, 2023
ProMarket’s new “Addendum to Retraction,” written it appears in response to our recent INET post, doubles down on its critique of our piece which showed that it is feasible for increased output to lead to reduced welfare. The ProMarket addendum is notable for its economic errors.*
Crime vs. Class
Sep 6, 2023
Unveiling the U.S. Prison System
The Mythology of Horizontal Merger Efficiencies
Aug 31, 2023
Economists had to distort economic theory to fashion their merger “efficiency” arguments
Working Paper
Working PaperThe Horizontal Merger Efficiency Fallacy
Aug 2023
By permitting business definitions of “efficiency” to leak over into the antitrust lexicon, antitrust scholars have done a great disservice
Economics Isn't Settled
Aug 30, 2023
Why is the History of Economic Thought important?
Labor Economist: AI May Bring a Boom in Horrible Jobs
Aug 28, 2023
Losing jobs isn’t the only thing workers have to worry about. AI may make many jobs worse.
YSI Event
6th Annual UNCTAD YSI Summer School 2023
ConferenceAug 28–31, 2023
Under the shared premise that no country alone can address the multiple challenges posed by intertwining and intensifying economic, social and environmental crises, this year’s lectures will discuss prospects and obstacles for a green and equitable transformation of the global economy.
The Scourge of Corporate Financialization: Income Inequity, Employment Instability, Productive Fragility
Aug 21, 2023
Stock buybacks as a mode of predatory value extraction
Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Antitrust Arguments “Chicago Style”
Aug 17, 2023
ProMarket and the Consumer Welfare Standard An output increase is not sufficient to increase welfare. Allocation—how goods are distributed—matters.
How to Fix Monetary Policy in Advanced Countries
Aug 14, 2023
The monetary policies of major central banks in advanced economies have had negative consequences and thus need to be fixed
Working Paper
Working PaperWhy The Monetary Policy Framework in Advanced Countries Needs Fundamental Reform
Aug 2023
Monetary policy should be guided much more by financial sector developments and much less by near-term targets for inflation.
Climate Finance: Where Does the Money Come From and Who Gets It?
Aug 7, 2023
Reaching climate goals means rich countries must invest in sustainable technologies in developing countries with huge energy needs.
As the Ukraine War Drags On, It’s Time to Reassess the Impacts of Sanctions
Aug 2, 2023
The bundle of sanctions was initially designed and imposed in haste, with little basis to assess historic performance.
Inflation Narratives and Their Consequences
Jul 31, 2023
On the reflexive relationship between inflation and inflation narratives
Central Banks and Income Distribution: Does the Taylor Rule Push Up Rentier Incomes?
Jul 27, 2023
The effect of monetary policy on the functional distribution of income
Working Paper
Working PaperIs “Inflation First” Really “Rentiers First”? The Taylor Rule and Rentier Income in Industrialized Countries
Jul 2023
Central banks strongly favored rentier incomes in their reaction functions
We Need a Double Pronged Public-Private Approach to Food Security
Jul 19, 2023
Dr. Agnes Kalibata, President of AGRA, on how the Ukraine conflict has been a big wake-up call for many African governments, the huge importance of investing in soils, and her frustration at the slow pace of climate mitigation.
The Economics of Childhood
Jul 19, 2023
If we can measure mobility, we can raise a better society.
Why is Getting Old So Hard and Expensive in America? New Book Challenges How We Think.
Jul 18, 2023
In The Measure of Our Age, elder justice expert M.T. Connolly, who served as coordinator of the Department of Justice’s Elder Justice Initiative, offers both a warning and challenge: the systems we rely on to protect us as we age haven’t caught up to our longevity. Good news: we have the tools to build better ones.
Subsidizing Chemical Fertilizers is Counterproductive
Jul 13, 2023
By reducing our reliance on chemical fertilizers, policymakers could turn today’s food crisis into a genuine opportunity towards shifting subsidies from agribusiness-led to agroecological-led farming systems
The Origins of the Investment Theory of Party Competition
Jul 13, 2023
Preface to the Japanese Edition of Golden Rule
Background Is Not Destiny
Jul 12, 2023
Do we care about children, or do we just care about our own children?
Economics v. the Earth: New Book Explores the History of a Tense Relationship
Jul 6, 2023
Fredrik Albritton Jonsson and Carl Wennerlind reveal how centuries of belief in infinite growth on a finite planet have put us all in danger
Dependency Theory & the Decolonization of Economics
Jul 5, 2023
Rethink global economics with Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven as she delves into the Eurocentric nature of the field and the role dependency theory could play in decolonizing it.
Central Banks, Green Finance, and the Climate Crisis
Jun 29, 2023
The tough policy choices ahead for confronting the climate crisis
Solidarity Economics
Jun 28, 2023
How do we transform societal structures and pave the way to economic democracy?
Oil Prices, Oil Profits, Speculation, and Inflation
Jun 26, 2023
The role of speculation in the crude oil market in the increase in the WTI crude oil price.
Working Paper
Working PaperBetting on Black Gold: Oil Speculation and U.S. Inflation (2020-2022)
Jun 2023
Were the sharp increases in prices during 2020-2022 due to fundamental shifts in supply and demand or are they attributable to excessive market speculation?
ER Doctor: "Private Equity in Medicine is Dangerous to Patients"
Jun 22, 2023
Dr. Ming Lin, and healthcare providers like him, are fighting to take back control of medicine from private equity firms that are gobbling up practices and facilities. Should Wall Street make life-and-death decisions based on the bottom line?
Unmasking Inflation: Why the Conventional Wisdom is Failing Us
Jun 21, 2023
Dive into the complexity of inflation and its impacts from a heterodox perspective, exploring its historical journey, social implications, and potential remedies.
Profit Inflation and Markups Once Again
Jun 15, 2023
Inflation and corporate profits, a further discussion, responding to Servaas Storm
Profit Inflation Is Real
Jun 15, 2023
Inflation and corporate profits, a further discussion
How This Regional Bank Mortgage Lender Crisis is Different
Jun 12, 2023
Every banking crisis has its own overarching narratives and coincidental streams of various sub-narratives that course through the marketplace day to day.
We Owe an Apology to Adam Smith
Jun 7, 2023
Smith did not advocate a single-minded pursuit of profit
The Debt Puzzle
Jun 7, 2023
How do governments accumulate such high levels of debt without constant major crises? Who is paying the price?
Profit-Led Inflation and Markups: A Discussion
Michalis Nikiforos, Simon Grothe, and Servaas Storm criticize Marc Lavoie’s recent take on the current inflation debate. Marc Lavoie responds.
Profit-Led Inflation Redefined: Response to Nikiforos and Grothe
Jun 6, 2023
Besides changes in institutions and social norms, other phenomena could explain a rise in the profit share.
Markups, Profit Shares, and Cost-Push-Profit-Led Inflation
Jun 6, 2023
To what extent is profit-led inflation compatible with what we know about the price-setting behavior of firms and income distribution?
Sexual Harassment and Wages: The Paradox of Power
Jun 2, 2023
The wage effect of hostile working conditions, mainly in terms of sexual harassment risk in the workplace, should be considered and monitored as a first critical step in making women less vulnerable at work and increasing their bargaining power.
Working Paper
Working PaperThe Wage Effect of Workplace Sexual Harassment: Evidence for Women in Europe
Jun 2023
Changes to deeply entrenched systems of unequal gender power dynamics, roles and relations, underpinned by patriarchal values, are part of an effective response to the prevention of sexual harassment and its economic consequences.
Feminist Economist Challenges Field to Deal with Women’s Bodies
Jun 1, 2023
In her new book “Naked Feminism,” Victoria Bateman explains how economic conditions drive restrictions on women’s bodily freedom and why that freedom is critical to economic prosperity.
Advice for a Changing World
May 31, 2023
Sandra Navidi shares some of the lessons from her books, and what can be done today for a better tomorrow.
No Bargain: Big Money and the Debt Ceiling Deal
May 30, 2023
What is the real reason Democratic party leaders go along with the debt ceiling ritual?
How Economists Cause Harm (Even as They Aspire to Do Good)
May 24, 2023
Why do economists avoid ethics, and over-simplify harm?
A New Approach for Estimating Firm-Level Cyber-Risk Exposure
May 22, 2023
Using computational linguistics to estimate firm-level cyber risk exposure based on quarterly earnings conference calls.
Working Paper
Working PaperThe Anatomy of Cyber Risk
May 2023
Does cyber risk exposure, as opposed to actual incidents, affect firm outcomes?
Our Thousand-Year Struggle over Technology and Prosperity
May 17, 2023
In honor of the just-announced Nobel Prize in Economics for Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson, we re-post an Economics and Beyond podcast episode from last year, featuring Johnson, discussing Johnson and Acemoglu’s latest book, Power and Progress.
Working Paper
Working PaperWhere Does the Money Go? An Analysis of Revenues in the GB Power Sector During the Energy Crisis
May 2023
Revenues to GB electricity generators in 2022 increased by almost £30bn, compared to pre-COVID levels.
“Crypto is a Fraud on the Public”: Financial Watchdog Explains Ties Between Crypto and the Banking Crisis
May 11, 2023
Dennis Kelleher, co-founder of Washington DC-based financial watchdog Better Markets, explains how Main Street gets hurt by the ongoing banking turmoil and why crypto is the last place anybody should be running to for safety.
How Kids Are Left Behind
May 10, 2023
What’s really causing inequality in opportunities and outcomes for kids?
Fatima Denton: We Need to Create Spaces to Democratize the ‘Just Transition’
May 8, 2023
“We need to look at the early warning systems in place and aspire to attain food security.”
Merger Tests in Practice: A Critical Analysis
May 8, 2023
Current tests for mergers are in practice deeply flawed.
Working Paper
Working PaperThe Perils of Antitrust Econometrics: Unrealistic Engel Curves, Inadequate Data, and Aggregation Bias
May 2023
Antitrust econometrics relies on often-implausible assumptions
Plunder: Private Equity's Plan to Pillage America
May 3, 2023
Brendan Ballou discusses the growing harmful role of private equity in the US, and his forthcoming book. Ballou is a federal prosecutor and served as Special Counsel for Private Equity in the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division.
Private Equity is Out of Control and Looting America. This Prosecutor Says We Can Fix It.
May 2, 2023
In his new book, “Plunder: Private Equity’s Plan To Pillage America,” Brendan Ballou, a federal prosecutor who served as Special Counsel for Private Equity in the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, outlines the dangers of a trillion-dollar industry that hardly anyone understands. He explains how Americans can fight their harmful practices.
Bentley University Study Shows NIH Investment in New Drug Approvals Is Comparable to Investment by Pharmaceutical Industry
Apr 28, 2023
INET-funded study: Government provides early investment in pharmaceutical innovation
YSI Event
YSI Conference on Debt Sustainability
ConferenceApr 28–30, 2023
Discussions on the key conceptual and policy themes for sovereign debt sustainability with a view to proposing possible policy reforms.
Markets and Artificial Intelligence
Apr 24, 2023
What happens when we fuse, for the first time, artificially intelligent agents into either our market or political structures?
Should We Focus on the Problems of the Elite, or Those Faced by the Majority of the African Population?
Apr 20, 2023
Professor Youba Sokona, Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and African energy specialist, on how the Ukraine conflict had re-shaped thinking amongst many Africans, and on the transformation in leadership needed to address the problems faced by the majority of Africa’s people.
Do Economists Own Crypto?
Apr 19, 2023
OK, but why? This is the question we ask daily at INET. We sit down with experts from around the world to find out what they think, since sometimes it’s the simplest questions that have the most important answers.
¿Otra crisis de la deuda en el Sur Global? Economista revela la clave para entenderla.
Apr 17, 2023
Martín Guzmán, ex ministro de Economía de Argentina, explica cómo el rol del poder debe ser central en la investigación económica, especialmente cuando se trata de deuda soberana.
Another Debt Crisis in the Global South? Economist Reveals the Key to Understanding It
Apr 17, 2023
Martin Guzman, Argentina’s former Minister of Economy, explains how the role of power should be central to economic research – especially when it comes to sovereign debt.
The Effect of Sanctions on Russia: A Skeptical View
Apr 11, 2023
Sanctions on Russia are isomorphic to a strict policy of trade protection, industrial policy, and capital controls.
Working Paper
Working PaperThe Gift of Sanctions: An Analysis of Assessments of the Russian Economy, 2022 – 2023
Apr 2023
Despite the shock and the costs, the sanctions imposed on the Russian economy were in the nature of a gift.
Basic Income: A Global History
Apr 5, 2023
Anton Jäger discusses his new book “Welfare for Markets: A Global History of Basic Income” co-authored with Daniel Zamora Vargas.
Basic Income: Poverty v. Power
Apr 5, 2023
Daniel Zamora Vargas discusses his new book “Welfare for Markets: A Global History of Basic Income” co-authored with Anton Jäger.
IJPE Article Available Now: The Roots of Right-Wing Populism - Donald Trump in 2016
Apr 3, 2023
Ferguson et al.’s revised INET working paper on Trump and the 2016 election is temporarily available on open access from the International Journal of Political Economy.
Underwriters of the United States
Mar 29, 2023
Hannah Farber discusses her book and explains how the insurance business and the United States discovered that they were good for one another.
Webinars and Events
Inclusive Development: Role of Employment and Environment
ConferenceMar 28–30, 2023
Inclusive development especially the role of employment opportunities in a changing world of work and the environment in envisioning inclusiveness
Bank Stocks Rallied Today, But…
Mar 27, 2023
Morale hazard can turn into a darker ‘moral’ hazard
The Financial Crisis of 2023: Protecting Big Finance, Coming and Going
Mar 27, 2023
There needs to be a safe place for businesses to place their reserves and working capital
The Banking Crisis: An INET Symposium
Featuring articles by James B. Thomson and Walker F. Todd, Claudia Sahm, Gerald Epstein, Ronnie J. Phillips, Anastasia Nesvetailova, Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr., William Bergman, and Thomas Ferguson
Anatomy of a Banking Crisis
Mar 27, 2023
There is a banking crisis. Again. Banking regulators were asleep at the switch. Again.
How to Stop Bank Runs and Get Taxpayers Off the Hook
Mar 27, 2023
A federal government guarantee or 100% reserve banking? Which is better?
People’s Deposits Are Safe From Bank Failures But Not From the Economic Fallout
Mar 27, 2023
Bank failures don’t threaten most deposits, but they do threaten jobs
Shifting Downward: How a Change in Fed Culture Hurt Bank Supervision
Mar 27, 2023
The explanation of systematic breakdowns in supervisory oversight over time must include the shift in Federal Reserve culture during and after the 1990s
Postscript to INET’s Symposium on the Banking Crisis
Mar 27, 2023
Austerity for ordinary citizens and bank rescues for the affluent is a toxic mix
Can it Happen Again?
Mar 27, 2023
This time is different. But is it?
What’s Actually Behind the Banking Crisis? Why You Pay When They Play.
Mar 23, 2023
In the following conversation, law and economics expert Walker Todd explains how a financialized system creates havoc and why it’s time to rethink banking
The Big Myth of Market Fundamentalism
Mar 22, 2023
Historians Naomi Oreskes (Harvard University) and Erik Conway (Caltech) talk to Rob about their just released book, The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market.
Why is America So Anti-City? It Holds Back the Entire Country.
Mar 20, 2023
A new book by economist Richard McGahey examines the country’s anti-urban structure and ideology, offering insights on how American cities can thrive.
Now Is the Time for More Ambition From Multilateral Development Banks and Their Shareholders
Mar 14, 2023
Vera Songwe, Chair of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility, and former Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, on the multiple crises facing African countries.
SVB RIP: A Look Backward
Mar 13, 2023
INET Research on Financial Sector Weakness and Too Big to Fail
Emerging Markets and the Balance of Payments: Challenges to Growth and Sustainability
Mar 13, 2023
A model that captures key vulnerabilities and structural weaknesses of developing countries’ trade and production structures.