Conference Session
Just Transition: What Will It Take and Can It Be Done?
Sep 22, 2021 | 11:00—12:00
Can we realize the energy transition? What institutions might help us do so? What is the role of technology?
Conference Session
Join us in the Discussion Lounge
Sep 22, 2021 | 08:30—09:00
Please join us for networking before the start of each day.
Conference Session
Join us in the Discussion Lounge
Sep 22, 2021 | 12:00—12:30
Please join us for discussions at the end of each day.
Nanjala Nyabola: COVID-19 and Africa: Techno-solutions won’t save us from the problems we face
Sep 21, 2021
In this interview, Dr. Folashadé Soulé and Dr. Camilla Toulmin discuss with Nanjala Nyabola, a writer and researcher based in Nairobi, Kenya. Nanjala’s work focuses on the intersection between technology, media, and society. She is currently the Director of Advox, the digital rights programme at Global Voices. Nanjala has held numerous research associate positions including with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), and other institutions, while also working as a research lead for several projects on human rights broadly and digital rights specifically around the world.
Conference Session
Green Finance: The Future of Capital or Financial Window Dressing?
Sep 21, 2021 | 02:00—03:00
Has the financial system contributed to the climate crisis? Can it contribute to a green transition?
Conference Session
Join us in the Discussion Lounge
Sep 21, 2021 | 12:30—01:00
Please join us for networking before the start of each day.
Conference Session
What Must Be Done to Avert Climate Catastrophe?
Sep 21, 2021 | 01:00—02:00
Are existing institutions up to the task? Is the nation-state an obstacle, and if so how do we overcome it? What would alternatives look like, and how would we realize them?
Conference Session
Climate Economics: Can the Dismal Science Lead Us to A Bright Future?
Sep 21, 2021 | 12:00—01:00
What, if anything, can economics contribute to addressing the climate crisis? What role can or should markets and incentives play, and how?
Conference Session
Join us in the Discussion Lounge
Sep 21, 2021 | 03:00—03:30
Please join us for discussions at the end of each day.
Webinars and Events
INET Live | Climate Debates
ConferenceSeptember 21, 2021 1:00pm - 3:00pm ET & September 22, 2021 9:00am - 12:00pm ET
Sep 21–22, 2021
Scientists have been sounding the alarm for decades about the severe global impact that rising temperatures will have on the environment, economies, health outcomes, and ultimately humanity’s long-term survival. Yet little has been done.
Webinars and Events
Additional Resources
Working Paper
Working PaperMarket Participants Neither Commit Predictable Errors nor Conform to REH
Sep 2021
Evidence from Survey Data of Inflation Forecasts
Transforming and Democratizing Institutions to Address Climate Change
Sep 17, 2021
Geoff Mann, professor of geography at Simon Fraser University and co-author of the book, Climate Leviathan, discusses the authoritarian dangers ahead, as the world tried to cope with climate change, and how all institutions, including central banking, need to evolve so they address the problem adequately.
Feminist Economics
Sep 15, 2021
The economy is not gender neutral, but actually relies on gender imbalances to function and grow.
Why the Rich Get Richer and Interest Rates Go Down
Sep 13, 2021
Going Down the Rabbit Hole at Jackson Hole