Curriculum Committee Report
Apr 6, 2011
Robert Skidelsky and Perry Mehrling report on the project at the Institute’s 2011 Bretton Woods conference.
Regulating the Shadow Banking System
Apr 3, 2011
(Way) Beyond Diamond-Dybvig
Greenspan Calls for New Economic Thinking
Mar 30, 2011
But not by him
In Gold They Trust
Mar 26, 2011
The illusion of black swan-proofing
Global Crisis, Global Reform
Mar 20, 2011
Capital Flows, Cross-border Banking, Shadow Banking, and the Dollar
Navigating the Turning Point
Mar 16, 2011
From MIT to IMF
IMF Calls for New Economic Thinking
Mar 13, 2011
Or Does It?
Shadow Banks and Narrow Banks
Mar 9, 2011
A Money View
The Illusion of Control
Mar 6, 2011
Exit Strategies and the New Normal
The Inherent Instability of Credit
Mar 3, 2011
What kind of “Minsky Moment”?
Brave New World
Feb 27, 2011
Financial Globalization and the Nation State
How the West is Repeating Japan's Mistakes
Feb 24, 2011
Paper Profits
Feb 23, 2011
The concept of bank capital
A Money View of Global Imbalances
Feb 19, 2011
Who’s afraid of finance?
AIG on the Potomac
Feb 11, 2011
The future of government mortgage support
Saving the (international) dollar
Feb 9, 2011
A money view of the commodity bubble
CDS Deja Vu
Feb 6, 2011
Speculation, stabilizing or destabilizing?
A Money View of the FCIC Report: Part Two
Feb 1, 2011
Saving the (International) Dollar
A Money View of the FCIC Report: Part One
Jan 30, 2011
When the survival constraint bites
Inside Job II
Jan 28, 2011
And the nomination for best Perp Walk goes to…
Inside Job
Jan 23, 2011
And the nominees for Best Documentary are…
G2 Trade Balance Explained
Jan 21, 2011
It is all about promises to pay in the future.
China and the International Dollar
Jan 15, 2011
Before the dollar there was the pound, and after the dollar there will be something else.
Can CDS be exchange traded?
Jan 13, 2011
Today’s Financial Times article: Report to highlight alleged conflicts of interest in Goldman’s dealings (Jan 12, 2011), Goldman’s pieties insult our intelligence (Jan 13, 2011)
Big Money, Mass Media, and the Polarization of Congress
Jan 11, 2011
Paper presented at Bretton Woods Conference
New Book from INET Advisory Board Member Barry Eichengreen
Jan 9, 2011
There’s a good column at by INET Advisory Board Member Barry Eichengreen, where he introduces his new book, titled Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System.
The New Federal Reserve
Jan 9, 2011
GFC finance as war finance
Years granted: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2011The Resurgence of Keynesian Macroeconomics
This research project elaborates an original model of Keynesian demand-led growth and communicates Keynesian macroeconomic insights to a broad and diverse audience.
Years granted: 2011Financial Fragility and Systematic Risk
The project provides new ideas and policy proposals to contain the spread of systemic risk in the financial system through appropriate regulation of financial markets and intermediaries, as well as the design of monetary policy.
Years granted: 2011The Evolution of the Wealth and Income Distributions Across Generations: a Data Collection Project
This research project enhances our understanding of how endowments and subsequent opportunities and shocks explain the evolution of individual and family well-being across generations.
Years granted: 2011The Mathematics of Capital, Inventory, Financial Capital, and Utility
This research project develops a monograph on divergent stochastic time series that permits the modeling of capital, inventory, and financial capital in economies.
Years granted: 2011Developing a Market-Based Concept of System Risk
This research project develops an operational measure of systemic risk, as an input into the policy process by capturing the interaction of private and governmental sources of systemic risk during and in advance of the crisis.
Years granted: 2011Paul Samuelson and the Keynesian Golden Age
This research project develops a much better understanding of Paul Samuelson’s life, work, and broader political-economic vision through archival research at Duke University’s Paul Samuelson archives.
Non-US banks gain from Fed crisis fund
Dec 28, 2010
Why is this a surprise?
Connecting the dots in Euroland
Dec 25, 2010
Today’s Financial Times article: ECB: trick or Trichet (Dec 2)
Avoiding a Bleak Future for the Euro
Dec 14, 2010
In a recent piece in the Financial Times, George Soros makes the case that, to avoid a bleak future for the euro and the European Union in general, Europe should take steps to recapitalize banks before bailing out member states. In the piece, Soros discusses issues that INET is very interested in exploring further, such as the idea that flaws in macroeconomic theory helped lead to the financial crisis of 2008.
(Shadow) Bank Capital
Dec 5, 2010
Is raising required bank capital the answer?
Understanding Ireland
Nov 30, 2010
What’s really going on with Europe’s bailout of the Irish Economy
How would Joe Stiglitz Would Fix the Economy
Nov 16, 2010
Can the Economy be Saved? The Los Angeles Times recently asked a number of economic experts about whether they thought the post-financial crisis economy can be saved, and if so, how.
Market Volatility and QE2
Nov 15, 2010
The first thing to say about QE2 is that it is a very different operation from QE1.
The Deficit Debate
Oct 5, 2010
Will public deficit reduction encourage private sector growth, or undermine a needed stimulus to recovery & lead to Japan-style stagnation?
America Needs Stimulus, Not Virtue
Oct 4, 2010
What does America need?
Webinars and Events
Toward an Alternative Macroeconomic Theory
ConferenceBudapest 2010
Sep 6–8, 2010
The Institute joined DIME and Central European University in hosting a conference addressing a key question of economics today: How can we create a new macroeconomic theory that takes into account the true relationship of finance to the real economy and can more accurately anticipate crises?
Moving Beyond Washington’s Stale Economic Debate
Aug 30, 2010
In a recent column in the Huffington Post, INET advisory board member Jeffrey Sachs made the case that the economic debate in Washington has become “stale” and politicized - and needs to be reframed. This is poignantly relevant to INET, as we begin to make headway on helping to create a new economic paradigm.
Front Page of the NYT: Scholars Test Web Alternative to Peer Review
Aug 23, 2010
The New York Times has now pushed to the front page of today’s paper an issue of real relevance to INET: how new web tools are beginning to upend traditional peer review in academia.
Joseph Stiglitz in the Financial Times on the Need for a New Economic Paradigm
Aug 18, 2010
Joseph Stiglitz, noted economist, Nobel Laureate and Institute advisor, had a letter published in the Financial Times yesterday. In it, he noted the need for new ways of thinking about economics, and how this can be achieved.
Reinhart and Rogoff Clarify Debt Findings
Aug 10, 2010
What is the relationship between debt and growth rates?
China Needs Slower, Better Growth
Aug 8, 2010
Is China growing too fast?
How to Avoid a Third Depression: Richard Koo Testifies Before House Committee
Aug 3, 2010
On July 22nd, Richard Koo, the chief economist from Nomura Research Institute, testified before Congress’ Committee on Financial Services. The subject: what the U.S. can do to avoid sinking into a depression.
Reforming Economic Theory
Apr 22, 2010
Joseph Stiglitz at the Institute’s debut conference in Cambridge, UK (2010).
When Wolves Cry “Wolf”: Systemic Financial Crises and the Myth of the Danaid Jar
Apr 10, 2010
Presented at the inaugural Conference at King’s College
Working Paper
Conference paperPolitical Economy of Controlling Systemic Risk: What Governments Can Do Vs. What Governments Are Willing to Do
Apr 2010
In directing panelists to distinguish between what governments “can” and “will” do, this session’s title frames economic policymaking as a balancing act. Principled efforts to define and pursue the public interest are contested and repeatedly knocked off course by conflictingpersonal, bureaucratic, and political concerns that impinge on government decisionmakers.
Working Paper
Conference paperWhen Wolves Cry “Wolf”: Systemic Financial Crises and the Myth of the Danaid Jar
Apr 2010
Financial crises are staggeringly costly. Only major wars rival them in the burdens they place on public finances.
Working Paper
Conference paperMarcello De Cecco: Political Economy: What Can Government Do? What Will Government Do?
Apr 2010
The crisis of the export led model in the EMU countries and its monetary and financial consequences on European integration.
Conference Session
Political Economy: What Can Government Do? What Will Government Do?
Apr 9, 2010 | 12:15—02:05
Conference Session
Economics, Conventional Wisdom and Public Policy
Apr 9, 2010 | 06:35—08:05
Working Paper
Conference paperInequality and Economic and Political Change: A Comparative Perspective
Apr 2010
This paper describes the broad evolution of inequality in the world economy over the past four decades, and provides a summary account of the relationship between inequality, economic development, political regimes and the functional distribution of income.
Working Paper
Conference paperHow Empirical Evidence Does or Does Not Influence Economic Thinking and Theory
Apr 2010
This paper asks, how empirical evidence does or does not influence economic thinking and theory. In particular, which role do calibration, statistical inference, and structural change play?
Working Paper
Conference paperEconomic Policy Challenges in the Post-Crisis Period
Apr 2010
The global financial crisis—and the Great Recession that followed—have inflicted tremendous economic and social damage across the world. Thankfully, we now appear to be on the path to recovery—though it remains sluggish and uneven, and in need of continued policy support in many advanced economies.
Working Paper
Conference paperMathematical Formalism and Political-Economic Content
Apr 2010
Human economic interactions spontaneously express themselves in the quantitative form of prices and transactions quantities. Thismakes it difficult to avoid quantitative reasoning in political-economic research altogether
Working Paper
Conference paperReally Reorienting Modern Economics
Apr 2010
Modern economics can benefit significantly both from a radical reorientation at the level of method, as well as from a greater input from appropriate branches of philosophy.
Conference Session
How Empirical Evidence Does or Does Not Influence Economic Thinking and Theory: Calibration, Statistical Inference, and Structural Change
Apr 9, 2010 | 04:05—06:10
Conference Session
Mathematical Models: Rigorously Testable, Qualitative Metaphors, or Simply an Entry Barrier
Apr 9, 2010 | 06:30—08:05
Conference Session
Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Economic Policy Challenges in the Post-Crisis Period
Apr 9, 2010 | 08:05—09:55
Conference Session
The Consequences of Inequality and Wealth Distribution
Apr 9, 2010 | 10:00—12:15
Working Paper
Conference paperOn the Role of Theory and Evidence in Macroeconomics
Apr 2010
This paper, which is prepared for the Inagural Conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking in King’s College, Cambridge, 8-11 April 2010, questions the preeminence of theory over empirics in economics and argues that empirical econometrics needs to be given a more important and independent role in economic analysis, not only to have some confidence in the soundness of our empirical inferences, but to uncover empirical regularities that can serve as a basis for new economic thinking.
Working Paper
Conference paperWhat Kind of Theory to Guide Reform and Restructuring of the Financial and Non-Financial Sectors?
Apr 2010
The purpose of the paper is to argue for attention to be paid, not only to choice of theory, but also to choice of theoretical approach, in order to address issues posed by the crisis.
Working Paper
Conference paperRevitalizing Global Economic and Financial Cooperation: Observations on the Global Financial Architecture
Apr 2010
Since the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis more than a decade ago, world leaders have been searching for ways to make the global financial system more resilient, less crisis-prone, and better able to play its essential role in supporting broadly-shared growth.
Working Paper
Conference paperNew Theories to Underpin Financial Reform
Apr 2010
As Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff remind us in the title of their book, This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, financial crises are nothing new (Reinhart and Rogoff (2009)). However, they often come as a surprise to many people because in most countries they appear only periodically.
Working Paper
Conference paperToward A New Global Financial Architecture: Some Issues and Approaches
Apr 2010
The current debate on new Global Financial Architecture is, in a way, the continuation of the debate that was intensified consequent upon the Asian crisis.
Conference Session
Toward a New Global Financial Architecture
Apr 8, 2010 | 12:00—01:45
Conference Session
Networks and Systemic Risk
Apr 8, 2010 | 08:15—09:45
Working Paper
Conference paperLife after “Rational Expectations”? Imperfect Knowledge, Behavioral Insights and the Social Context
Apr 2010
Many people regard the recent financial crisis as a painful addition to an already massive body of evidence that demonstrates the inadequacy of today’s economic models of “rational” markets.
Working Paper
Conference paperEfficient Markets: Fictions and Reality
Apr 2010
Eugene Fama, one of the founders of the so-called “Efficient Markets Hypothesis” (EMH), articulated early on the basic narrative that underpins it: “competition… among the many [rational] intelligent participants [would result in an] efficient market at any point in time [in which] the actual price of a security will be a good estimate of its intrinsic value” (Fama, 1965, p. 56).
Working Paper
Conference paperAnatomy of Crisis: Economic Theory, Politics and Policy
Apr 2010
The current economic and financial crisis, and it is both, has already imposed great costs on the global economy. Nor is there any guarantee that we have seen the worst and that recovery is now assured.
Working Paper
Conference paperGeorge Soros: The Living History of the Last 30 years
Apr 2010
Economic theory has modeled itself on theoretical physics. It has sought to establish timelessly valid laws that govern economic behavior and can be used reversibly both to explain and to predict events.
Working Paper
Conference paperEfficient Market Theory and the Recent Financial Crisis
Apr 2010
The world economy in 2008-2009 has passed through the most severe economic downturn since World War II. This global recession was preceded by the collapse of some of the largest financial institutions in the world.
Conference Session
Anatomy of Crisis- The Living History of the Last 30 Years: Economic Theory, Politics and Policy
Apr 8, 2010 | 03:00—04:50
Conference Session
Has the Efficient Market Hypothesis Led to the Crisis? Collapsed with The Crisis?
Apr 8, 2010 | 05:15—07:25
Conference Session
What Kind of Theory to Guide Reform and Restructuring of the Financial and Non-Financial Sectors?
Apr 8, 2010 | 09:50—11:40
Webinars and Events
The Economic Crisis and the Crisis in Economics
PlenaryNew Economic Thinking 2010
Apr 8–11, 2010
The Institute for New Economic Thinking convened many of the world’s most distinguished economists, academics and thought leaders at its inaugural Conference at King’s College, University of Cambridge.
Working Paper
Conference paperInterpreting the Great Depression: Hayek versus Keynes
Apr 2010
This is not intended to be a purely historical paper. I am interested in the light the Keynesian and Hayekian interpretations of the Great Depression throw on the causes of the Great Recession of 2007-9 and in the policy relevance of the two positions to the management of today’s globalizing economy.
Conference Session
1930 and the Challenge of the Depression for Economic Thinking
Apr 7, 2010 | 03:00—05:00
Conference Session
Where are we now? Debts, Deficits and Global Financial Stability
Apr 7, 2010 | 10:00—11:30
Working Paper
Journal articleOn The Career of a Microeconomist
Jan 1983
An autobiographical paper by William J. Baumol, in which he recounts his academic life and career. The paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review (now PSL Quarterly Review) started in 1979.
Anat Admati
George G.C. Parker Professor of Finance and Economics, Stanford University Director, Corporations and Society Initiative Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research -
Andrew Acevedo
AA -
Antonio Acconcia
AA -
Amanda Alexander
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan -
Alexander Arapoglou
Arie Arnon
Anurag Behar