Inclusive wealth and the history of GDP
Jul 16, 2012
The International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) recently published the Inclusive Wealth Report 2012, in which the authors propose a measure of wealth based on the stock of capital present in a country, as opposed to the flow measure of GDP.
How to save the financial system from itself?
Jul 16, 2012
what role central bankers should play to bring the needed change>
Math or Society: Did Economists Forget Who They’re Supposed to Serve?
Jul 11, 2012
Has the servant’s servant become the master’s master?
Interdisciplinarity and education @H2S workshop
Jul 10, 2012
A few weeks ago, I attended the H2S 4th workshop on “Cross disciplinary ventures in postwar American Social Sciences,” (research program outline here).
Leading European Economists Support Banking Union
Jul 9, 2012
In support of a European Banking Union, Done Properly: A Manifesto by Economists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Economists Coming of Age
Jul 7, 2012
Last weekend, I was in Tübingen - very close to my home town: the same smell, the same surreal Swabian idyll that makes you think of Hölderlin and Hesse rather than DSGE.
The less you know, the better?
Jul 7, 2012
A few days ago, I began researching on the history of a subfield of economics which was born in the sixties, then thrived and institutionalized itself in the early seventies.
The Visible Hand Writing History
Jul 7, 2012
[We are inaugurating something new in this blog: a jointly written post!]
Is the Economy Sustainable?
Jul 4, 2012
How will climate change influence economic sustainability?
How to lie with statistics: An economist's guide
Jul 2, 2012
How representation of data can contribute to, or dispel the false certainty of statistical and econometric technique.
Economics and computation in the postwar period: managing scarcity
Jul 1, 2012
“We choose this stochastic structure for computational reasons. This reduces the dimension of the variables. With (such and such) alternative, the computational burden would have dramatically increased.”
An Economic Manifesto
Jul 1, 2012
Are we doomed to repeat the past? Even when we know better? Or do we not know better even when we should?
Working Paper
Grantee paperMethod to simultaneously determine stock, flow, and parameter values in large stock flow consistent models
Jun 2012
Stock flow consistent macroeconomic models suffer from the lack of a coherent estimation method due to the complicated nature of the modeling process.
Working Paper
Grantee paperMacroeconomic Policy in DSGE and Agent-Based Models
Jun 2012
The Great Recession seems to be a natural experiment for macroeconomics showing the inadequacy of the predominant theoretical framework — the New Neoclassical Synthesis — grounded on the DSGE model.
Working Paper
Grantee paperThe Financialization of the US Corporation: What Has Been Lost, and How It Can Be Regained
Jun 2012
Background paper for a presentation to the Seattle University School of Law Berle IV Symposiun, “The Future of Financial/Securities Markets,” London June 14-15, 2012.
Working Paper
Grantee paperThe Making of America’s Imbalances
Jun 2012
This paper tracks the development of sectoral saving and borrowing in the US economy over the past 50 years.
Working Paper
Grantee paperPrincipled Policymaking in an Uncertain World
Jun 2012
Revised text of a presentation at the Conference on Microfoundations for Modern Macroeconomics, Columbia University, November 2010. I would like to thank Amar Bhidé, Roman Frydman, and Andy Haldane for helpful comments, and the Institute for New Economic Thinking for research support.
Working Paper
Grantee paperWhat’s Wrong with Economic Models?
Jun 2012
John Kay’s thought-provoking essay The Map is Not the Territory: An Essay on the State of Economics argues that economists have been led astray by excessive reliance on formal models derived from assumptions that bear too little similarity to the world we live in.
Hogarth and Soyer on the Hollow Men
Jun 30, 2012
A poem seems to be an almost perfect metaphor for the modern corporate world.
Economics at Chicago, 1939-1955: the scope of our ignorance
Jun 26, 2012
The University of Chicago is well-known for as the place where a famous group of economists, including Milton Friedman, Georges Stigler, Gary Becker, among others, developed a method for analyzing economic facts based on Marshallian price theory, a vision of the evolution of macroeconomic aggregates called monetarism, and an approach to individual liberties and the role of the state known as (neo)liberalism.
BRIC Buddies – China and Brazil Agree to Currency Swap
Jun 26, 2012
In a show of good faith between two rising economic powers, China and Brazil have agreed to a bilateral currency swap.
German Orthodoxy Starting to See the Need for New Economic Thinking
Jun 25, 2012
While German economic policy makers continue to cling to neoclassical economic approaches, an increasing number of prominent economic figures are starting to accept the failure of orthodox theories to address the current crisis and are expressing the need to rethink fundamental economic concepts.
Higher education…or hired education?
Jun 24, 2012
What is the purpose of America’s universities today?
Division of labour was common knowledge by the 1770s
Jun 23, 2012
I always think of Adam Smith when I hear the term ‘division of labour’ - but I’m being cured of this by reading a bit more about Britains late 18th century in Jenny Uglow’s The Lunar Men.
Which nation is the greatest threat to Europe?
Jun 20, 2012
One country poses an existential threat to Europe – and it is not Greece, Italy or Spain.
World Bank President Zoellick: In Euro Crisis “Time Is of the Essence”
Jun 18, 2012
World Bank President Robert Zoellick is growing frustrated with the lack of urgency on the part of Europe’s leaders in responding to the financial crisis in the euro zone.
Lethal Embrace? A Thought Experiment
Jun 18, 2012
At the heart of the Eurocrisis lies a vicious circle where once there was a virtuous one.
Looking Forward By Looking Back: Axel Leijonhufvud Interviews Friedrich Hayek
Jun 18, 2012
Leijonhufvud has questioned the flawed fundamentals of economics. And he has explored the spread of contagion in undermining the web of contracts that are the basis for capitalism.
After the election, what’s next for Greece?
Jun 17, 2012
After the recent election brought a center-right coalition to power, what’s next in the Greek crisis? Are we finally in the clear? Not so fast, Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis says. Varoufakis explains the real outcome we can except after Greek voters’ “contradictory verdict,” where 55% voted for anti-bailout parties yet a pro-bailout government resulted due to the nature of Greece’s electoral system.
Confidence Game: Simon Johnson on the Conflicted NY Fed
Jun 14, 2012
Have you ever heard the old adage about the danger of allowing foxes to guard the henhouse? Apparently the New York Fed hasn’t.
Living in Sinn
Jun 13, 2012
Germany should not pay for the bankruptcy of Europe, at least according Hans-Werner Sinn, head of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich.
Too Big to Bail? Spain is Repeating Ireland’s Mistakes
Jun 13, 2012
“Spain is now heading down the same path that bankrupted Ireland,” INET grantee Stephen Kinsella of the University of Limerick and Mark Blyth of Brown University warn on the Harvard Business Review’s blog.
Too Big to Bail? Spain is Repeating Ireland’s Mistakes
Jun 13, 2012
“Spain is now heading down the same path that bankrupted Ireland,” INET grantee Stephen Kinsella of the University of Limerick and Mark Blyth of Brown University warn on the Harvard Business Review’s blog.
FTD and Global Climate Forum to Host Event at Berlin’s Mercator Project Center
Jun 13, 2012
What is the role of Germany in Europe?
History of Economics Journals in SSCI - a correction
Jun 13, 2012
In a recent post I wrote: “I am sure it will not take long before Journal of the History of Economic Thought (Cambridge Uni. Press) makes that list [Thompson Reuters, Social Science Citation Index].”
Looking Out For Unknown Unknowns
Jun 12, 2012
Chicago School founder Frank H. Knight had some prescient observations in the early 20th century.
The Vicious Cycle of Economic Inequality
Jun 11, 2012
The refrain for some time now has been that the economy will decide the upcoming U.S. election. But Joe Stiglitz offers some much needed focus to this discussion.
Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom Passes Away at 78
Jun 11, 2012
Today the world lost one of its leading economic lights, as Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom passed away at the age of 78.
Between science and history
Jun 11, 2012
Last Friday, philosophers from the University of Leiden hosted the symposium ‘Between Science and History,’ in an attempt to figure out what the differences are between practicing scientists’ use of history and historians use of history.
FT Alphaville asks: Is the Renminbi overvalued?
Jun 10, 2012
“A chronic trend of this sort would indicate that the yuan was now overvalued versus the dollar,”
Swexit - When will Switzerland exit the euro?
Jun 6, 2012
Since September 2011, the Swiss National Bank has held a floor of 1.20 francs per euro.
The Big Bet in Europe
Jun 4, 2012
It’s crunch time in Europe.
Joe Stiglitz on the 1%'s Problem and the Price of Inequality
Jun 3, 2012
Inequality isn’t just a problem for the 99%.
Three questions to Ivan Moscati: Historicizing Choice Theory
May 31, 2012
Ivan Moscati is one of the most exciting voices in the historiography of decision theory.
Let Us Praise Famous Men, or why we must praise them...
May 30, 2012
Steven Shapin is visiting the UK. For those unfamiliar with the history and sociology of science, he is one of the giants of the field.
A challenge to dollar domination?
May 26, 2012
FT Alphaville uses a Lord of the Rings metaphor to describe the state of global currencies.
Stephen Kinsella: A “nutter in a balloon” gives you perspective
May 24, 2012
Stephen Kinsella has some advice for economists: “Sometimes, all you need is a nutter in a balloon to change your perspective. And perspective is everything.”
Sen Warns of Europe’s Well-Meaning Mistakes
May 23, 2012
If proof were needed of the maxim that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the economic crisis in Europe provides it
Contextualizing one and other @ ESHET 2012
May 21, 2012
My attempt at a double riddle. “I find familiar faces only in unfamiliar places. Who am I? And whom are the faces?” The answer to the first is, I am an academic, to the second, my conference buddies.
Maynard's Revenge: A Review
May 21, 2012
Below is a revised version of a talk I gave at the New School University, at a conference to launch Lance Taylor’s latest book. The date of the event was April 28, 2011, more than a year ago, and the delay in revision was entirely my fault—overcommitment and pressing deadlines on many fronts. Sorry about that.
Maynard's Revenge: A Review
May 21, 2012
The Collapse of Free Market Macroeconomics
China’s RMB Exodus
May 21, 2012
Will China correct this imbalance by allowing the RMB to appreciate? Or will it dump dollars onto forex markets?
INET Goes to Paris
May 21, 2012
INET Executive Director Robert Johnson delivered a keynote address at the OECD Forum in Paristoday.
What are economists for, anyway?
May 20, 2012
Who does the economist serve: powerful interests or society?
Economics Is Not Math
May 20, 2012
Mathematician Michael Edesess has a dose of reality for economists.
Calls for Financial Architecture Fix
May 20, 2012
What’s wrong with our economic recovery?
Joseph Stiglitz, Anya Schiffrin Celebrate Book Releases
May 20, 2012
Attendees at the book party were treated to an assortment of wine, sushi, and intriguing conversation on the rooftop of Schiffrin’s parents’ Upper West Side apartment.
Working Paper
Grantee paperState-Dependent Effects of Fiscal Policy
May 2012
We investigate the effects of government spending on U.S. economic activity using a threshold version of a structural vector autoregressive model.
How to Kill Financial Regulation…and the Global Economy
May 14, 2012
“While it’s incredibly difficult to get a regulatory reform passed, it’s far easier – and more profitable to politicians – to kill it.
Regulation? What Regulation?
May 13, 2012
Being the smartest guys in the room doesn’t prevent you from making bad decisions.
Insights from Bagehot, for these Trying Times
May 11, 2012
Here is a talk I gave recently at Wake Forest University.
Let me tell you everything
May 7, 2012
Our usual problem in history (of economics) is a lack of information.
NH Media Features INET Imperfect Knowledge Economics Project
May 1, 2012
Human beings aren’t mechanical. And mechanistic economic theories can’t account for uncertainty or political instability and individual creativity.
Working Paper
Grantee paperDoes the Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus Depend on Economic Context?
Apr 2012
The topic of this session of the INET conference is a question: does the effectiveness of fiscal policy in stabilizing an economy depend on the underlying economic context in which the policy is implemented?
Working Paper
Grantee paperOld Lady Charm: Explaining the Persistent Appeal of Chicago Antitrust
Apr 2012
The paper deals with the mysterious persistence of the Chicago approach as the main analytical engine driving antitrust enforcement in the US.
Banks as creators of money
Apr 30, 2012
In conversation recently, I was called upon to defend the claim that banks are in the business of creating and destroying private money.
A Berlin Consensus?
Apr 29, 2012
The Washington Consensus is dead.
The Clash of Economic Ideas: A Review
Apr 25, 2012
When Paul Krugman paints John Maynard Keynes as a pioneering critic of dominant free-market economics, he exaggerates wildly, both about the rigidity of orthodoxy and about the pioneering character of Keynes’ critique.
INET Responds to L.A. Times Op-Ed Comments
Apr 25, 2012
New economic thinking is no passing fad. The movement for new economic thinking is here to stay - with broad-based, worldwide support from undergraduate and graduate students as well as both young and established professors and Nobel laureates.
Young People Tire of Old Economic Models
Apr 23, 2012
how economics students have begun to push back against the stale ideas that were proven wrong during the recent financial crisis.
Relativist versus absolutist history of economics
Apr 22, 2012
I don’t seem to be able to fully grasp Mark Blaug’s distinction between a relativist and an absolutist approach to the history of economics – first introduced in Economic Theory in Retrospect (1962) – and that is a source of much frustration.
Huffington Post Features INET Financial Stability Documentary, With Introduction by Rob Johnson
Apr 22, 2012
The Huffington Post spotlights the INET financial instability video, produced by Four Corners Media, accompanied by an extensive written introduction fromINET Executive Director Robert Johnson.
Life Among the Econ: Talking history with Axel Leijonhufvud
Apr 18, 2012
Like many economists, I have enjoyed Axel Leijonhufvud’s “Life among the Econ” and nodded appreciatively when he described the social classifications of the Econ as “Grads, Adults and Elders” and chuckled when the young grad tries to impress the elders of the ‘dept’ through adept ‘modl’ building; so when the man himself was holding a glass of champagne and chatting with me at the INET conference, I had to ask how he got that paper started.
Opening Models of Asset Prices and Risk to Non-Routine Change
Apr 17, 2012
Paper revised for the Institute’s Plenary Conference in Berlin
Mehrling on Soros
Apr 16, 2012
The text below is the comment I offered on Mr. Soros’ opening speech at INET’s Berlin Conference April 12, 2012. The text of Mr. Soros’ own speech is here. Video of the entire session is below—my bit starts at 55:00.
Feelings Offstage
Apr 15, 2012
INET Berlin 2012 - back home again. On stage, it’s been a huge amount of claims, assertions, and arguments about what went wrong, about what exactly happened, about why this time was different, about what will certainly happen, and about what remains deeply uncertain, about what “we” shall do about it, about what “we” could do better.
Financial Instability Mini-Documentary
Apr 14, 2012
Financial stability, or the lack thereof.
@INET Berlin: Paradigm Regained
Apr 14, 2012
The title of the conference, “Paradigm Lost,” is an obvious combination of two references.
Working Paper
Conference paperRevitalizing the Eurozone without Fiscal Union
Apr 2012
The ongoing eurozone crisis has prompted many to argue that monetary union withoutfiscal union was bound to fail.
Conference Session
Overhangs, Uncertainty and Political Order: Where Do We Go From Here?
Apr 13, 2012 | 03:15—05:15
Leading thinkers from outside the developed countries look to the future, spotlighting the pitfalls and opportunities thatawait us.
Working Paper
Conference paperFinancial Instability after Minsky:Heterogeneity, Agent Based Models and Credit Networks
Apr 2012
Albeit the majority of the profession either ignores Minskyís Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH) or considers it plainly wrong, at least since the mid-80’s a few influential economists —who have certainly not embraced any unorthodoxcredo —have grown more receptive to this idea and eager to incorporate it in their models, even if diluted and sometimes disguised in order to make it more palatable to the conventional “representative” macroeconomist
Working Paper
Conference paperTaking Stock of Complexity Economics: A Comment
Apr 2012
I am supposed to speak about Complexity Economics and the issues this theoretical approach is able to illuminate. Defined as such, it appears as if I should discuss methodology and I am reminded of Paul Krugman’s quote: “It is said that those who can, do, while those who cannot, discuss methodology”. So, having a discussion centered on methodology may give the impression that the panelists in this session are unable to make scientific progress.
Working Paper
Conference paperAndrew Haldane: Financial Arms Races
Apr 2012
Elephant seals have got too big for their beaches. A large specimen might weigh over 8000 lbs (3700 kg).Their size has a simple evolutionary explanation. Large males fight for the right to mate with a whole beach full of females. For elephant seals it is, quite literally, winner-takes-all. And the key to winning is simple – size.
Working Paper
Conference paperReal vs. Imagined Financial Markets The Regulatory Challenge
Apr 2012
We have grown accustomed to regulating financial markets based on imagined, not real markets. Real markets are shaped by and co-evolve with institutional arrangements within two fundamental constraints: Imperfect knowledge and the threat of illiquidity.
Working Paper
Conference paperFinance and Growth: When Credit Helps, and When it Hinders
Apr 2012
The financial sector can support growth but it can also cause crisis. The present crisis has exposedgaps in economists’ understanding of this dual potential.
Working Paper
Conference paperInstability in Financial Markets: Sources and Remedies
Apr 2012
In the seemingly never-ending aftermath to the economic crisis that began in 2007, there is little disagreement that financial markets are characterized by instability rather than stability.
Conference Session
How Can We Create a Financial System That Is Socially Useful?
Apr 13, 2012 | 06:55—08:45
Many feel that due to its size and scale the financial system has become a burden on society rather than a servant to it. What are the key elements of a productive financial sector?
Conference Session
Taking Stock of Complexity Economics: Which Problems Does it Illuminate?
Apr 13, 2012 | 06:55—08:45
Complexity economics represents a different vision of the economic process and has the capacity to illuminate different systems of behavior.
Day 2 Wrap Up - Berlin Conference
Apr 13, 2012
Read how did the second day of the Berlin conference go
Mark Thoma Excited about Student Presence at INET Berlin Conference
Apr 13, 2012
Mark Thoma has picked up on a significant aspect of this year’s INET annual conference
Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) Announces Major Fund-Raising Initiatives
Apr 13, 2012
The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) today announced a significant infusion of funding that over the coming years will make the organization self-sustaining and enable INET to dramatically expand its global reach, scale, and scope.
Explaining 'New Economics' with Two Diagrams
Apr 13, 2012
I think I am on the track of what ‘New Economics’ is, and one could roughly sum up two days of presentations in two diagrams:
How to spend the $75m Janeway and Soros just gave to INET!?!
Apr 13, 2012
Lunch was just interrupted Bill Janeway standing up to announce that this morning he decided to give $25m to INET and the board will fund-raise this up to $100m over ten years, but then George Soros added $50m in unconditional funding for INET.
Working Paper
Conference paperInstability in Financial Markets: Sources and Remedies The View from Economic History
Apr 2012
Taking a long‐run view from economic history, I make three points about instability in financial markets. First, I argue that economic historians have a relatively good understanding of the proximate causes of financial crises.
Working Paper
Conference paperInequality and Employment
Apr 2012
“Natural rate theory” has dominated interpretations of economic trends and policy prescriptions over many decades. European-type welfare state institution were claimed to cause a compressed wage distribution that distorts otherwise well functioning labor markets.
Working Paper
Conference paperMaterial intensity, productivity and economic growth
Apr 2012
Many models of economic growth exclude materials from the production function. Growing environmental pressures and resource prices suggest that this may be increasingly inappropriate.
Working Paper
Conference paperDoes the Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus Depend on Economic Context?
Apr 2012
The topic of this session of the INET conference is a question: does the effectiveness of fiscal policy in stabilizing an economy depend on the underlying economic context in which the policy is implemented?
Working Paper
Conference paperMoving Towards Climate Justice: Overcoming Barriers to Change
Apr 2012
The present paradox, as ecological economist Bill Rees is fond of putting it, is simple yet profoundly troubling: “The ecologically necessary is politically infeasible, but the politically feasible is ecologically irrelevant.”
Conference Session
Does The Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus Depend on The Context? Balance Sheet Overhangs, Open Economy Leakages, and Idle Resources
Apr 13, 2012 | 10:15—12:05
The effectiveness of fiscal stimulus in promoting economic recovery appears to depend upon many factors.
Conference Session
Instability in Financial Markets: Sources and Remedies
Apr 13, 2012 | 10:00—12:05
What creates instability in financial markets? How does the weight of debt, the structure of expectations, or radical uncertainty contribute to instability?