Cyprus Fiasco Could Undermine the Euro Zone
Oct 25, 2013
The rescue of Cyprus was a microcosm of how the nations of Europe have failed to work together to adequately address their ongoing financial crises.
We Can Do Better
Oct 24, 2013
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, distrust in the financial sector was widespread. Even after the mess appeared to be cleaned up, the uncertainty over whether the worst was over remained real.
Trust and Finance
Oct 24, 2013
Finance is built on trust. It is based on promises about tomorrow, often paper promises backed by nothing other than words on a page. When trust in those promises breaks down, so too does the financial system. That is the lesson of thousands of years of history.
What Causes Inequality? An Econophysics Approach
Oct 23, 2013
In standard economics, inequality in outcomes is typically attributed to inequality of inputs, for example, from differences in education. Yakovenko thinks about inequality in a different way by extending some ideas from statistical physics.
The World Needs Eurobonds Now More Than Ever
Oct 23, 2013
The United States government openly flirting with a default on its debt is, to the financial system, like a Pope wondering out loud about the existence of God.
America’s Debt-Ceiling Debacle
Oct 22, 2013
When Greece’s sovereign-debt crisis threatened the euro’s survival, U.S. officials called their European counterparts to express bewilderment at their inability to resolve the issue.
Human Capital and Economic Inequality
Oct 21, 2013
Inequalities in skills are fundamentally linked to economic and social inequalities.
Economic theory declassified?
Oct 19, 2013
So, most Nobel Prize exegetes went a long way, this week, toward explaining that asset pricing is not primarily born out of theoretical reflection but out of prize-deserving empirical work.
Sovereigns versus banks: Crises, causes and consequences
Oct 18, 2013
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, few would dispute the risks of excessive borrowing. But which debts should one worry about – public or private? This column presents new research on the interplay of public and private debts since 1870 in 17 advanced economies. History demonstrates that excessive private-sector borrowing plays a greater role than fiscal profligacy in generating financial instability. However, when the credit boom collapses, the government’s capacity to alleviate the downturn is limited by the prevailing level of public debt.
Bringing History to Economics
Oct 17, 2013
This episode features grantee D’Maris Coffman of the Centre for Financial History talking about her organization’s commitment to a New Financial History and what the fruits of their approach can tell us about modern debt crises and sustainable debt levels.
Reinhart and Rogoff Respond to Criticism
Oct 16, 2013
Advisory Board members Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff today issued a response to recent criticism of their paper “Growth in a Time of Debt.”
Solving the Euro Zone Crisis
Oct 15, 2013
This episode features Pier Carlo Padoan, Chief Economist and Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD, talking about the euro zone crisis, Europe’s structural problems, and how uncertainty has damaged economic growth in Europe.
What You Can Do to Protect Yourself Against a Totally Unnecessary U.S. Government Default
Oct 14, 2013
If Congress and the White House fail to raise the debt ceiling this week and the United States defaults on its debt, what can we expect and how can we protect ourselves against these events?
The Political Economy of the Nobel Prize, 45th edition
Oct 12, 2013
This morning, when I woke up a few hours before the Nobel announcement, I felt seriously dissatisfied. I had meant to write a post on Thomson Reuters’s prediction that Card, Angrist and Krueger may win the Nobel for their work on empirical microeconomics.
What is Economic Success?
Oct 11, 2013
“You are now leaving the world as you know it.”
The Failure of the Euro
Oct 7, 2013
This episode features David Vines of Oxford University talking about the euro crisis. Can the monetary union survive the crisis?
Trade Deals Must Allow for Regulating Finance
Oct 2, 2013
World leaders who are gathering for the APEC summit next week had hoped to be signing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The pact would bring together key Pacific-rim countries into a trading bloc that the United States hopes could counter China’s growing influence in the region.
Where Do Preferences Come From?
Oct 1, 2013
How does economic theory match up with reality?
Why Economics Needs Economic History
Sep 27, 2013
The current economic and financial crisis has given rise to a vigorous debate about the state of economics, and the training which graduate and undergraduates economics students are receiving. Importantly, among those arguing most strongly for a change in the way that young economists are trained are the ultimate employers of these students, in both the private and the public sector. Employers are increasingly complaining that young economists don’t understand how the financial system actually works, and are ill-prepared to think about appropriate policies at a time of crisis.
The Failure of Financial Regulation
Sep 24, 2013
Anat Admati, author of The Bankers’ New Clothes: Whats Wrong with Banking and What to Do about It, talks about how to fix our broken banking sector.
Five Years on from Lehman: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
Sep 22, 2013
Sadly, it is questionable whether the economy has really improved.
Too Big to Fail and the State of Finance Today
Sep 21, 2013
What do we need to do to get the financial sector back on track?
A Model’s Crisis
Sep 21, 2013
Friedrich von Hayek described the economist’s task as demonstrating how little we really know about what we imagine we can design
Lehman Was Not Alone – Measuring System Risk in the 2008 Crisis
Sep 21, 2013
what would measures of systematic risk have indicated to Treasury Secretary Paulsen if they had been available at that time?
Bankers Will Be Let Off the Hook If We Don't Start to Take Ourselves Seriously
Sep 20, 2013
How can we contain institutional failure?
Current Account Rebalancing Since the Crisis
Sep 19, 2013
A look at the large role the trade deficit of the United States has played since the 1980s.
The End of 'Financialization'
Sep 18, 2013
The failure of Lehman Brothers on 15 September 2008 marked the beginning of the end of the world’s love affair with financialization.
Learning from Lehman: Lessons for Emerging Markets from the Financial Crisis
Sep 18, 2013
What can emerging economies learn from the financial meltdown in advanced economies?
The Lehman Crisis and the Unfinished Business of Financial Reform
Sep 18, 2013
With the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, a crisis in part driven by derivatives on subprime mortgages, a seemingly obscure sector of the financial market help fuel the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
The Lehman Crisis and the Unfinished Business of Financial Reform
Sep 18, 2013
what have we learned from the crisis and what should we have learned?
Simon Johnson: The Problem of Too Big to Fail Is Even Bigger Than Before 2008
Sep 17, 2013
Simon Johnson, Professor at MIT and former chief economist of the IMF, calls for much higher capital requirements for big banks.
Did Capitalism Fail? Looking Back Five Years After Lehman
Sep 17, 2013
How could reputable ratings agencies – and investment banks – misjudge things so badly?
The Failure of Free-Market Finance
Sep 16, 2013
Five years after the collapse of the U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers, the world has still not addressed the fundamental cause of the subsequent financial crisis – an excess of debt. And that is why economic recovery has progressed much more slowly than anyone expected (in some countries, it has not come at all).
The Financial World Five Years after Lehman Brothers
Sep 16, 2013
What have we learned about the American political economy from the crisis and its aftermath?
Economic Analysis Isn’t Objective – It’s As Personal As It Gets
Sep 14, 2013
What happens when professionals lose touch with the people they’re supposed to serve?
Swimming against the Current: A Remembrance of Ronald Coase (1910-2013)
Sep 13, 2013
Ronald Coase, who passed away last week at age 102, spent his academic career swimming against the current.
Inequality – It’s Bad…And It’s About to Get Way Worse
Sep 12, 2013
What’s behind rapidly worsening inequality in the United States?
Economics and Political Power during the Crisis
Sep 11, 2013
What was the political dynamic driving post-crisis economic policy?
Europe: Is the Union over?
Sep 10, 2013
Let Them Eat Credit: Has Financial Capitalism Failed the World?
William Janeway: Can China Innovate at the Frontier?
Sep 10, 2013
Can China lead the way on innovation?
Working Paper
Conference paperThe Two Innovation Economies: Follower and Frontier
Sep 2013
Can China lead the way on innovation?
The Philosophy of Economics: The Institute Kicks Off Event in China
Sep 7, 2013
Economic theories that have been predominant over the past few decades have broken down, and we now have to start creating a new economics that reflects the realities of today.
Webinars and Events
The Good Life The Challenge of Progress in China Today
ConferenceSep 7–8, 2013
Every nation faces the challenge of imagining what a good life means. Sound nutrition, shelter, health care, personal safety, social stability, security of savings, clean air and water, and the development of children are among the elements of what many envision as vital to a happy and healthy society.
Dilemma Not Trilemma: The Global Financial Cycle and Monetary Policy Independence
Sep 6, 2013
The global financial cycle has transformed the well-known trilemma into a ‘dilemma’. Independent monetary policies are possible if and only if the capital account is managed directly or indirectly. This column argues the right policies to deal with the ‘dilemma’ should aim at curbing excessive leverage and credit growth. A combination of macroprudential policies guided by aggressive stress‐testing and tougher leverage ratios are needed. Some capital controls may also be useful.
Bring on the Bubble: William Janeway on the Future of Green Technologies
Sep 4, 2013
Where will today’s innovation come from?
The Euro Crisis - The German Perspective
Sep 4, 2013
Kiel Institute President Dennis Snower talks about the euro zone crisis
Saving Economics from the Economists - A Tribute to the Late Ronald Coase
Sep 2, 2013
The degree to which economics is isolated from the ordinary business of life is extraordinary and unfortunate.
Understanding Money: Free Course Produced by the Institute for New Economic Thinking!
Sep 1, 2013
The course explores how money markets they work, in the U.S. and internationally.
The Long Battle For A Living Wage Goes On
Aug 30, 2013
The battle for a living wage for the nation’s poorest workers is set against the backdrop of mass unemployment and the highest level of economic inequality in the U.S. in almost a century.
The Euro Crisis - The Spanish Perspective
Aug 27, 2013
Institute for New Economic Thinking grantee Hans-Joachim Voth talks about the crisis in Europe.
Why is economic sense so often morally appalling?
Aug 20, 2013
what is economically correct must always be balanced with what is morally right.
Are Central Bankers Trying To Do Too Much?
Aug 19, 2013
William White, chairman of the Economic Development and Review Committee (EDRC) at the OECD in Paris
What Was the Real Cost of the Great Recession?
Aug 18, 2013
We are coming up to the fifth anniversary of the Lehman crash in September 2008. How bad was it? Have we fixed the problems?
Making Finance Work for Innovation
Aug 12, 2013
How can we get the financial sector back to serving its intended function?
Katharina Pistor: The Legal Theory of Finance
Aug 9, 2013
economists still conceive of law too narrowly, mainly as a means to reduce transaction costs and protect investors.
The State of the Global Economy - A Central Banker's Perspective
Aug 5, 2013
Why didn’t central banks see the financial crisis coming?
Working Paper
Grantee paperWhere Did All the Money Go? Stimulus in Fact and Fantasy
Jul 2013
The Obama stimulus remains controversial even as we approach the fourth anniversary of its launch.
Detroit, and the Bankruptcy of America’s Social Contract
Jul 31, 2013
What does the bankruptcy of Detroit say about the US social contract?
The Future of China and the RMB - A Historical Perspective
Jul 29, 2013
Should China internationalize the RMB? Will it take the lead on sustainable development? Can it maintain growth and productivity?
Understanding Bank Liquidity
Jul 28, 2013
The shortage of liquidity in the interbank market in China has sparked off a fear of “monetary famine.” This seems rather odd when the national savings rate is 50 per cent of GDP
Why Economics Needs Economic History
Jul 28, 2013
What Japan and the UK Demonstrate about Macroeconomic Stimulus
Jul 27, 2013
Adam Posen, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, discussing the lessons of macroeconomic stimulus provided by the recent histories of Japan and Great Britain.
When Is the Time for Austerity?
Jul 26, 2013
Recent austerity policies have been guided by ideology rather than research. This column discusses research that reconciles disparate estimates of fiscal multipliers in the literature. It finds that common identification assumptions are problematic. Matching methods based on propensity scores show how contractionary austerity really is, especially in economies operating below potential.
Did Capitalism Fail? The Financial Crisis Five Years On
Jul 24, 2013
Did the global economic collapse in 2008 stem from structural failures in the capitalist system?
The Real Story of Detroit's Collapse
Jul 23, 2013
“How could Michigan officials possibly talk about cutting the average $19,000-a-year pension benefit for municipal workers while reaffirming their pledge of$283 million in taxpayer money to a professional hockey stadium?
What Modern Monetary Theory Tells Us About Economic Policy
Jul 22, 2013
Warren Mosler, president of the financial services firm Valance Company and one of the founders of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), speaks about what MMT tells us about economic policy. How can MMT help get the economy back on track?
Methodology, Systemic Risk, and the Economics Profession
Jul 22, 2013
Changing the incentives for how economists determine both the content of the subject and their approach to scientific research could increase the range of thinking in the profession
Game Theory: Too Much and Too Little?
Jul 20, 2013
In introducing game theory (in chapters 7-9), MWG build upon the theory of rational choice by individual agents, developed previously in the book to attempt to analyze (describe, explain, and even predict?) the interactions of such agents as well as the outcomes to which they give rise. In previous chapters, MWG discuss interactions only in the form of the arms-length interactions of numerous firms and consumers in specific markets (e.g. under ‘perfect competition’, in chapters 3 and 5).
Wealth and Power - China's Long March to the Twenty-first Century
Jul 15, 2013
Orville Schell, Director of the Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations, discussing his new book, “Wealth and Power: China’s Long March to the Twenty First Century.”
Should China Deregulate Finance?
Jul 11, 2013
Is China is “too big to fail.”?
Why Austerity Theory is the Economist's Atomic Bomb
Jul 9, 2013
Economic theories are powerful things, to be used and misused. Those who write economic theory and do economic policy need to be aware of the consequences of what they are doing.
The Future of Japan and Abenomics
Jul 8, 2013
Will Abenomics succeed in getting Japan’s economy back on the path to sustainable growth? Or is it doomed to fail?
You Didn’t Build That: The Entrepreneurial State
Jul 8, 2013
A review of The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths, the new book by Mariana Mazzucato
Webinars and Events
Aziz Premji Summer School 2013
WorkshopJul 4–11, 2013
Between July 5th and 12th, the second annual summer school in development economics, jointly sponsored by Azim Premji University and the Institute for New Economic Thinking, was held in Bangalore, India.
How Advanced Mathematics Can Support New Economic Thinking
Jul 2, 2013
Matheus Grasselli discusses how the use of advanced mathematics in economics enables innovative new thinking.
Interlinkages and Systemic Risk: Institute-sponsored Conference in Italy on July 4-5
Jul 2, 2013
The Institute have organized a Workshop on “Interlinkages and Systemic Risk” in Ancona, Italy that will take place on July 4th and 5th.
Working Paper
Grantee paperFrom Green Users to Green Voters
Jun 2013
We estimate the effect of the diffusion of photovoltaic (PV) systems on the fraction of votes obtained by the German Green Party.
Dirk Bezemer - Debt: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Jun 26, 2013
Why We Need To Rethink Economics
Jun 25, 2013
In this short interview, Institute co-founder George Soros tackles the question at the heart of the Institute’s mission: What’s wrong with economics and what can we do to change it?
Thirteen Ways to Split a Cake*
Jun 19, 2013
Axiomatic bargaining is presented in MWG in the context of welfare economics (Ch. 22), the aim being the formulation of reasonable criteria for dividing gains resulting from cooperative endeavors (the “joint surplus”). It is further presented as an application of cooperative game theory, in which an arbitrator distributes the joint surplus in a manner that reflects “fairly” the bargaining strength of the different agents (although we could conceive of a situation where the parties are bargaining without an external party). If bargaining fails, the outcome is the parties’ own fallback positions (the threat point, or status quo).
The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths
Jun 12, 2013
is the public sector really sclerotic and conservative in contrast with a dynamic and innovative private sector?
On the Link between Inequality, Credit, and Macroeconomic Crises
Jun 12, 2013
To what extant do existing mainstream models properly address issues such as heterogeneity and interactions, which are considered central ingredients to understand economic crises as emergent, endogenous phenomena.
Playing with the History of Economics
Jun 10, 2013
How to become a historian of economic thought? Members of the profession gather just once a year at the annual conference of the History of Economic Society but otherwise are dispersed in universities and archives all around the world.
Middle-Out Economics: A Truer Form of Capitalism
Jun 10, 2013
“Four men sat at a table. Raised sixty floors above the city, they did not speak loudly as one speaks from a height in the freedom of air and space; they kept their voices low, as befitted a cellar.”
Growth, Debt, and Past versus Future: A Visual Elaboration
Jun 5, 2013
How does debt influence growth?
Restoring Accountable Governance
Jun 3, 2013
Collective Action When Market Forces Overwhelm the Nation State
Working Paper
Conference paperGWAS of 126,559 Individuals Identifies Genetic Variants Associated with Educational Attainment
May 2013
A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of educational attainment was conducted in a discovery sample of 101,069 individuals and a replication sample of 25,490. Three independent single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are genome-wide significant (rs9320913, rs11584700, rs4851266), and all three replicate.
Helicopter money as a policy option
May 29, 2013
‘Helicopter money’ may in some circumstances be the only certain way to stimulate nominal demand
Dancing in the Dark: Creating an Economics for the 21st Century
May 12, 2013
In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, many of our policy makers and top economists are still stumbling in the dark.
Institute Grantee Vamsi Vakulabharanam Wins Amartya Sen Award for ‘Distinguished Social Scientists’ in India
May 12, 2013
Dr. Vamsi Vakulabharanam, an associate professor of economics at the University of Hyderabad and a grantee of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, has won the prestigious Amartya Sen Award, a newly instituted honor given by the Indian Council for Social Sciences Research (ICSSR).
Working Paper
Grantee paperTechnology Diffusion: Measurement, Causes and Consequences
Apr 2013
This chapter discusses different approaches pursued to explore three broad questions related to technology diffusion: what general patterns characterize the diffusion of technologies, and how have they changed over time; what are the key drivers of technology, and what are the macroeconomic consequences of technology.
More Services Means Longer Recoveries
Apr 28, 2013
Recovery from recessions takes longer than it has in the past.
The rise of economics as engineering II: the case of MIT
Apr 24, 2013
Looming behind the aforementioned narratives of postwar economics is a notion – economics as engineering – which at times appears as a metaphor and at times stands for a straight depiction of economists’ professional milieu and practices.
The rise of economics as engineering I : setting the scene
Apr 23, 2013
The rise of the economist as engineer is, economists and historians say, an essential characteristic of the development of economics in the postwar period.
Economics Needs Replication
Apr 23, 2013
The recent debate about the reproducibility of the results published by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff offers a showcase for the importance of replication in empirical economics.
Young Scholars Will Bring New Economic Thinking
Apr 23, 2013
So why am I hopeful about the future?
A chronology of economics at Carnegie (in progress)
Apr 22, 2013
To illustrate the previous post on the difficulties in putting together a chronology, here is tentative chronology of economics at Carnegie. It’s still in process, and links, sources and entries will be updated as I read.
Lending in the Dark: China's Shadow Banking Sector
Apr 22, 2013
The proliferation of China’s opaque, loosely regulated (or unregulated) shadow-banking system has been raising fears of possible financial instability. But just how extensive – and how risky – is shadow banking in China?
On the difficulty of assembling a chronology and other F....moments in history of economics research
Apr 21, 2013
This year, I’m sharing an office with an econometrician on Mondays and with a geographer on Fridays (you don’t want to go into the subtleties of the French educational system).
History of applied economics: now what?
Apr 17, 2013
There is a “tendency to neglect applied economics in writing the history of economic thought,” Roger Backhouse and Jeff Biddle remarked in 2000. They then followed the “applied” trail back into the XIXth and early XXth centuries, at a time the scope and nature of economics were debatted by continental and especially British political economists