Macroeconomics in Perspective
Jan 31, 2014
Reflections of the Université Catholique de Louvain “Macroeconomics in Perspective Workshop”
Roiling India Politics Risks Economic Reforms
Jan 24, 2014
India’s economic leaders are determined to rein in skyrocketing inflation, but the country’s volatile political landscape may prevent reforms from taking hold.
The Myth of Maximizing Shareholder Value
Jan 22, 2014
Lazonick discusses how we evolved from a society in which corporate interests were largely aligned with those of broader public purpose into a state where crony capitalism, accounting fraud, and corporate predation are predominant characteristics.
Capital Markets Balkanization Should Not Prevent Regulation
Jan 13, 2014
Fears that bank regulation or capital controls could lead to a “balkanisation” of global capital markets are overstated and should not constrain policy action to address the problems created by volatile short term capital flows and excessive credit creation, says Adair Turner, Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking and former chairman of the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority.
When is a Bubble a Bubble?
Jan 11, 2014
Bubbles have become a major focus of discussion in today’s financial markets. But very few people actually define what they mean when describing this financial phenomenon.
Webinars and Events
Winter School on Law and Finance
WorkshopJan 5–8, 2014
The Institute will host the Winter School on Law and Finance at Columbia University’s Global Center in Paris on January 6-9, 2014.
Financial Reform in a Crisis: The Swedish Solution
Jan 3, 2014
Did the so-called “Scandinavian approach” offer a better alternative than the Geithner plan?
Beyond Representative-Agent Macroeconomics
Jan 3, 2014
Corrado DiGuilmi and Laura Carvalho, grantees of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, have individually been exploring two possible alternative analytical entry points: mean field methods from physics and stock flow consistent modeling from accounting. The idea behind their grant is to work together to combine these two approaches, the first bottom-up and the second top-down.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesUnemployment and Innovation
Jan 2014
This paper analyzes equilibrium, dynamics, and optimal decisions on the factor bias of innovation in a model of induced innovation.
Years granted: 2012, 2013, 2014Voter and Consumer Behavior toward Energy Policy through the Lens of New Behavioral Paradigms: A Path to a Sustainable Economy?
This research project discovers how real people, not just the abstractions of traditional economic theory, respond to various possible policy interventions aimed to bring climate change under control and thus which policies will have the biggest impact.
Years granted: 2013, 2014Contagion of Sentiment, Investor Trading Activities, and Financial Crises
This research project studies the pricing and liquidity implications of sentiment and disagreement as origins of radical uncertainty in financial markets.
Years granted: 2013, 2014Managing Uncertainty: An Anthropology of Financialization in post-Mao China
This research project develops a new field of anthropology: the anthropology of financialization, focusing on China and two main institutions of financialization, management consultancies and fund managers.
Years granted: 2013, 2014Countervailing Monetary Power: Emerging Markets and the Re-Regulation of Cross-Border Finance
This resarch project examines the economic theory, policy, and international political economy of cross border finance in the run up to and in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008.
Years granted: 2013, 2014A Theory of Financial Market Instability Even Under Perfect Conditions: Bubbles and Crashes in Rational Belief Equilibrium
This research project seeks to develop a theory of how bubbles and crashes can arise even when all agents are rational, informed, and trading in perfect markets.
Years granted: 2013, 2014Dynamic Contagion Mechanisms in Financial Networks
This research project develops a novel framework to capture both instantaneous and dynamic contagion mechanisms arising in financial networks when balance sheet linkages across entities exist.