The Chartbook of Economic Inequality
Mar 18, 2014
We are not “all in it together.”
The Challenges of Europe's Monetary Union
Mar 9, 2014
Pisani-Ferry discusses the challenges facing the creation of a common monetary union in the form that was eventually agreed in the 1990s absent a political union.
The Exchange Rate as a Monetary Phenomenon
Mar 6, 2014
What exactly is an exchange rate?
Macrowars, economists' narratives, and my dreamed history of macro
Mar 2, 2014
The last straw in the enduring blog debate over microfoundations has taken a decisive historical turn.
Working Paper
Grantee paperGreenhouse Gas and Cyclical Growth
Feb 2014
A growth model incorporating dynamics of capital per capita, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and labor and energy productivity is described.
Working Paper
Grantee paperVarieties of Keynesianism
Feb 2014
Recent claims, particularly in Paul Krugman’s column and blog, on the superiority of the Hicks-Modigliani version of Keynesian economics calls for a re-thinking of the issues raised in the early controversies over what Joan Robinson called “bastard Keynesianism”.
Adair Turner’s Debt Addiction Remarks Turn Heads
Feb 27, 2014
Adair Lord Turner’s powerful comments about the global economy’s addiction to private debt are continuing to reverberate around the world.
German Court decision: Legal authority and deep power implications
Feb 26, 2014
Who wields supreme power over the ECB? This column analyses the recent ruling by the German Constitutional Court that the ECB cannot act as lender of last resort. Although seemingly couched by the referral of this decision to the European Court of Justice, this is a bid for power and the return to the pre-crisis paradigm of ‘ultra posse nemo obligatur’.
Building a Bridge Between Political And Economic Reform
Feb 23, 2014
In this “New Economic Thinking” interview, EBRD Chief Economist and Special Adviser to the President Erik Berglof, who also is a member of the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s Governing Board, discusses the report’s findings with Institute President Rob Johnson.
Is Italy's New Government Just More of the Same?
Feb 22, 2014
A showdown has taken place within Italy’s governing coalition.
Inequality and the Current Account
Feb 17, 2014
Institute for New Economic Thinking grantees Christian Belabed and Thomas Theobald and their co-authors have revived this old theory as a hypothesis to explain the apparent statistical link between rising income inequality and current account deficits.
Thomas Scheiding: A history of scholarly communication in economics
Feb 10, 2014
We invited Thomas Scheiding from Cardinal Stritch University to review what we know about the scholarly communication process in economics. Tom has written forcefully on the history and economics of economic literature (see for instance, his 2009 JEM article). His latest is a study of the scholarly communication process in physics (an article in Studies).
Escaping The Addiction to Private Debt Is Essential for Long-Term Economic Stability
Feb 10, 2014
Inflation targeting insufficient: central banks and governments must manage the quantity and mix of credit created
A Computer Simulation of Monetary Dynamics
Feb 1, 2014
Sometimes new tools are what we need to create new thinking.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesSovereigns versus Banks: Credit, Crises and Consequences
Feb 2014
Two separate narratives have emerged in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis. One interpretation speaks of private financial excess and the key role of the banking system in leveraging and deleveraging the economy. The other emphasizes the public sector balance sheet over the private and worries about the risks of lax fiscal policies. However, the two may interact in important and understudied ways.