Why Cities Are Key to Escaping Poverty
Jan 31, 2018
There’s no turning back from humanity’s move to high-density living, says Ed Glaeser. The task of the century will be making cities more liveable.
Why Big Firms No Longer Pay (Much) More
Jan 28, 2018
The corporate titans of yore once offered a sizable wage premium over smaller employers—but not anymore. What happened?
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesInequality in the 21st century
Jan 2018
A critical analysis of Piketty’s work
How Pseudoscientific Rankings Are Distorting Research
Jan 18, 2018
The shocking—but illustrative—example of how an Italian government agency concocted statistics to evaluate scholarship, hid them from the public, and masqueraded them as science. It’s a growing phenomenon
How Black Businesses Helped Save the Civil Rights Movement
Jan 15, 2018
Behind towering figures like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. were the taxi dispatchers, pharmacists, grocers, and other small business owners who were instrumental in making civil rights a reality.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesLending a Hand: How Small Black Businesses Supported the Civil Rights Movement
Jan 2018
A large literature has detailed the seminal roles played in the Civil Rights Movement by activists, new political organizations, churches, and philanthropies. But black-owned businesses also provided a behind-the-scenes foundation for the movement’s success.
China’s Green Opportunity
Jan 12, 2018
China is now the world’s largest greenhouse-gas emitter, accounting for over 25% of the global total. But the country has also demonstrated a growing understanding that a truly green economy promises to improve quality of life and create enormous opportunities for technological and political leadership.
Here’s Why Sexual Harassment Matters for Economists
Jan 11, 2018
To get justice, targets must show measurable harm. Economists can help
How to Rewrite the Rules of Globalization
Jan 10, 2018
How did globalization create such discontent in developed and developing countries alike? Nobel laureate and INET grantee Joseph Stiglitz explains in this 150th episode of our “New Economic Thinking” video series.
How Money Won Trump the White House
Jan 9, 2018
It wasn’t Comey or the Russians. Trump prevailed because his campaign carefully targeted key states with late infusions of big money from private equity, casinos, and other far right contributors, a remarkable wave of donations from small donors, and substantial infusions from the candidate himself.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesIndustrial Structure and Party Competition in an Age of Hunger Games: Donald Trump and the 2016 Presidential Election
Jan 2018
The U.S. presidential election of 2016 featured frontal challenges to the political establishments of both parties and perhaps the most shocking election upset in American history.
Working Paper
Conference paper$MeToo: The Economic Cost of Sexual Harassment
Jan 2018
To get justice, targets must show measurable harm: economists can help.
Nancy Folbre’s Feminist, Unorthodox Economics
Jan 4, 2018
The renowned feminist economist discusses the importance of heterodoxy, radicalism, and social justice to the discipline
Years granted: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018Imperfect Knowledge Economics (IKE)
Note: As of March 2019, the Imperfect Knowledge Economics(IKE) Program has been re-launched as the INET Program on Knightian Uncertainty Economics (KUE). Please see the KUE page for updates on this body of work.
INET Grantee Lazonick’s Research Shapes DC Share Buyback Debate
Dec 22, 2017
Sen. Tammy Baldwin features arguments in questions to SEC nominees, pharmaceutical industry witness
How Public Spending Creates Jobs and Growth—Without Inflation
Dec 21, 2017
Contrary to conventional wisdom, government stimulus can improve the health of the economy for years after, without inflationary side effects
What Mainstream Economists Get Wrong About Secular Stagnation
Dec 21, 2017
Forget the myth of a savings glut causing near-zero interest rates. We have a shortage of aggregate demand, and only public spending and raising wages will change that.
Working Paper
Conference paperVeiling
Dec 2017
Veiling among Muslim women is modeled as a commitment mechanism that limits temptation to deviate from religious norms of behavior.
Larry Summers: Reagan’s Tax Plan Was Better Than Trump’s
Dec 20, 2017
Summers discusses inequality, the GOP tax plan, and our economic future
Conference Session
Servaas Storm: Secular Stagnation, Loanable Funds and the ZLB
Dec 16, 2017 |
Servaas Storm’s commentary on the papers presented at the secular stagnation conference.
Why Stopping Tax “Reform” Won’t Stop Inequality
Dec 15, 2017
Inequality isn’t driven by taxes—it’s driven by the power of capital in relation to workers
Working Paper
Conference paperTransition to Slower Population Growth: Demography and its Effect on Real Interest Rates
Dec 2017
The past 30 years has witnessed a worldwide decrease in real interest rates. We demonstrate that a large part of the fall in interest rates can be explained by changes in demography, which are as the result of a sudden fall in fertility rates across all of the advanced economies in the early 1970s.
Working Paper
Conference paperEndogenous Technology Adoption and R&D as Sources of Business Cycle Persistence
Dec 2017
We examine the hypothesis that the slowdown in productivity following the Great Recession was in significant part an endogenous response to the contraction in demand that induced the downturn.
Working Paper
Conference paperSecular Demand Stagnation in the 21st Century U.S. Economy
Dec 2017
The concern that an economy could experience persistent, and in some sense unusual, weakness goes back to Keynes’s General Theory and led Alvin Hansen to coin the term “secular stagnation.”
Working Paper
Conference paperAging, Output per capita and Secular Stagnation
Dec 2017
This paper shows that aging has positive effect on output growth per capital at positive interest rates, due to capital deepening.
Working Paper
Conference paperStagnation Traps
Dec 2017
We provide a Keynesian growth theory in which pessimistic expectations can lead to very persistent, or even permanent, slumps characterized by high unemployment and weak growth.
Working Paper
Conference paperInequality and Aggregate Demand
Dec 2017
We explore the transmission mechanism of income inequality to output.
Working Paper
CommentarySome Thoughts on Secular Stagnation, Loanable Funds and the ZLB
Dec 2017
I have read the various conference papers and am struck by the fact that many use the (omnipresent New-Keynesian) model of an aggregate loanable funds market to diagnose secular stagnation and investigate possible remedies.
Working Paper
Conference paperThe Rate of Return on Everything, 1870–2015
Dec 2017
This paper answers fundamental questions that have preoccupied modern economic thought since the 18th century.
Working Paper
Conference paperAre Low Real Interest Rates Here to Stay?
Dec 2017
Long-term real interest rates across the world are low, having fallen by about 450 basis points (bps) over the past thirty years.
Working Paper
Conference paperA Model of Secular Stagnation: Theory and Quantitative Evaluation
Dec 2017
This paper replaces an earlier version of a paper released in 2014 under the title “A Model of Secular Stagnation.”
Conference Session
The Debate over Secular Stagnation
Dec 15, 2017 | 09:15—10:15
Conference Session
Long-Run Interest Rates and Secular Stagnation
Dec 15, 2017 | 02:10—03:30
Conference Session
Secular Stagnation and Inequality
Dec 15, 2017 | 11:00—12:30
Conference Session
A Conversation with Lawrence H. Summers and Adair Turner
Dec 15, 2017 | 01:00—02:00
Webinars and Events
Is Slow Growth the “New Normal”?
ConferenceIf So, What Are the Policy Solutions?
Hosted by Secular Stagnation
Dec 15, 2017
Distinguished Scholars Including Larry Summers and Adair Turner Present Evidence of the Trend and Policy Solutions
How Academic Conformity Punishes Women—and Restricts the Diversity of Economic Ideas
Dec 14, 2017
Skewed measures of “research output” hold back women who think differently or study smaller subfields in economics—and it’s harming the discipline as a whole
Conference Session
Explaining a Decade of Stagnation: Where Do We Go From Here?
Dec 14, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion with Steven M. Fazzari, INET Grantee and the Bert A. & Jeanette L. Lynch Distinguished Professor of Economics, Washington University.
Webinars and Events
World Economic Roundtable
DiscussionExplaining a Decade of Stagnation: Where Do We Go From Here?
Dec 14, 2017
The World Economic Roundtable seeks to help the business, investment, and policy communities understand ongoing changes in the world economy and to promote a discussion of ideas that can advance the goal of a widely shared global prosperity.
Three Surprises on Climate Change from Economist Michael Grubb
Dec 12, 2017
Two years after the 2015 Paris Agreement, where we stand today is better than you may think
Why Research and Innovation Are Vital for Southern European Economies—and Eurozone Survival
Dec 11, 2017
Austerity measures have battered the region and created instability throughout the Eurozone. Here’s one way out of the mess.
Narrative as Destiny: Steering Markets and Innovation to Serve Society
Dec 6, 2017
“The stories we tell ourselves about the world are a map of the world as we see it. And if we want to change the world, we have to change the story first.”
Research Program
Secular Stagnation
Are Falling Interest Rates and Slower Growth the “New Normal”?
Webinars and Events
Law Economics Policy Conference
ConferenceDec 4–6, 2017
Organized by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) in collaboration with the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), New York, the aim of LEPC 2017 is to bring together legal, economic and public policy thinkers to consider a variety of real world issues in India in a holistic manner.
To commemorate the 150th episode of our video series, “New Economic Thinking,” we are highlighting some of the most compelling content from the series here.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesCorporate Scandals and Regulation
Dec 2017
Are regulatory interventions delayed reactions to market failures or can regulators proactively pre-empt corporate misbehavior?
Conference Session
The Unfolding Energy Revolution: Lessons from Europe and the United Kingdom
Nov 30, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion with Michael Grubb, INET Grantee and Professor of Energy and Climate Change at University College of London.
YSI Event
YSI workshop on history of economic thought ahead of the Conference of the Latin American Association for the History of Economic Thought (ALAHPE).
WorkshopNov 28, 2017
The History of Economic Thought and the Philosophy of Economics working groups are organising a Young Scholars Workshop on the methods and approaches to the history of economics that have consolidated during the last two decades.
Nothing Natural About the Natural Rate of Unemployment
Nov 24, 2017
With unemployment reaching very low levels in major economies, despite low – and slowly rising – inflation, it’s time for central banks to rethink their reliance on the so-called natural rate. No numerical target for this rate can serve as an anchor for monetary policy.
Conference Session
China’s International Economic Strategy
Nov 21, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
The Implications of Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative for China and the World Economy
How Despair Helped Drive Trump to Victory
Nov 16, 2017
From the Rust Belt to Rural America, Economic and Social Distress Helped Shape the 2016 US Presidential Election Outcome
Euractiv: Champion of ‘helicopter money’ questions universal basic income
Nov 14, 2017
“As chair of Britain’s Financial Services Authority, Adair Turner saw the collapse of the financial system firsthand. In the aftermath of the crisis, he became one of the main advocates of helicopter money – but today he doubts if universal basic income is the best way to address growing inequality. Adair Turner spoke with EURACTIV’s Jorge Valero during INET’s conference held in Edinburgh (Scotland”
China vs. the Washington Consensus
Nov 13, 2017
The 2008 financial crisis was a shock to faith in entirely free financial markets. But the neoliberal assumptions underlying the previously dominant “Washington Consensus” continue to inform much Western commentary on China’s economy.
YSI Event
YSI @ UNCTAD International Debt Management Conference 2017
ConferenceNov 13–15, 2017
The Young Scholars Initiative will be hosting a group of young scholars to attend the meetings and discussions in and around UNCTAD International Debt Management Conference of 2017.
Scottish First Minister Opens #INET2017
Nov 10, 2017
Nicola Sturgeon covers a range of topics including how economists’ work relates to policymaking, the financial crisis and the dangers of groupthink, how dissatisfaction with stagnating wages and rising inequality played into political shocks like Brexit, the legacy of Adam Smith, why new economic thinking is so important, and what her government is doing to foster and apply it.
Research Program News
BBC World Service Interviews CGET Commissioners Rob Johnson and Winnie Byanyima
Nov 10, 2017
Why the solution to global inequality may actually be the revival of old school policies such as public education and organised labour rights.
Research Program News
BBC World Service Interviews CGET Commissioners Rob Johnson and Winnie Byanyima
Nov 10, 2017
Why the solution to global inequality may actually be the revival of old school policies such as public education and organised labour rights.
YSI Event
The Crisis of Globalisation
21st FMM Conference
ConferenceNov 9–11, 2017
The 21 FMM conference of the The Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) will take place in Berlin on 9-11 November 2017.
Redefining Inequality
Nov 8, 2017
As the old lines continue to blur, what does inequality mean in the modern global economy? And, how does the economy need to evolve to address these changes?
Commission on Global Economic Transformation Announcement
Nov 6, 2017
Several founding CGET members announce the ambitious project and respond to questions from the press.
The Dark Side of Discrimination in the Economics Profession
Nov 3, 2017
How Women Are Forced to Conform to the Research Habits and Interests of Men
The Big Questions Are Back
Nov 3, 2017
How Germany, the EU and the economics field itself suffer from myopia—and what we can do about it
Economists Often Say History Is Irrelevant. That’s A Mistake
Nov 1, 2017
Examining the past is essential to understanding the present
Deutsche Welle: Can we avoid another financial crisis?
Oct 26, 2017
“Economist Steve Keen specializes in researching how private and public debt mountains arise and generate financial crises. In an interview with DW, he explains how the ECB could solve the problem — but probably won’t.”
Euractiv: Oxfam chief: ‘We also feel the lack of trust among citizens’
Oct 24, 2017
“Winnie Byanyima believes it is high time to come up with fresh thinking in the world of politics and economy. But first, deeper self-criticism is needed across the board because all fields, including the NGO sector, are affected by a lack of trust from citizens.”
Bloomberg: Inequality Is Biggest Danger for Global Growth, Warn Top Economists
Oct 24, 2017
Bloomberg highlights INET’s new Commission for Global Economic Transformation
Research Program News
Inequality Is Biggest Danger for Global Growth, Warn Top Economists (Bloomberg News)
Oct 24, 2017
This article originally appeared on Bloomberg
Euractiv: Catalonia, a viable independent state?
Oct 23, 2017
“Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz tells that the region would be accepted in the EU and therefore become a viable independent economy if it applied, but the former chair of the UK’s Financial Services Authority Adair Turner disagrees.”
Bloomberg: Sturgeon Urges May to Shut Out Brexit Hardliners and Get a Deal
Oct 23, 2017
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon quoted by Bloomberg at INET’s Reawakening conference in Edinburgh
Working Paper
Grantee paperEmpirical Research on the Revolving Door ‘Shadow Lobbyists’
Oct 2017
The US federal lobbying industry, based in Washington DC, is major focal point for political money and the exercise of influence, with expenditures peaking at approximately $2.5 billion per annum during the first Obama administration.
Conference Session
The Real High Income Trap: Political Money, Political Establishments and Power
Oct 23, 2017 | 09:30
Not just an American dilemma: is political money in dual economies the biggest problem of all?
Working Paper
Conference paperWhy Observation of the Behaviour of Human Actors and How They Combine Within the Economy, is an Important Next Step.
Oct 2017
One might think of the satisfied consensus reigning in macroeconomics before the financial crisis (and still relatively entrenched) as evidence of “Groupthink” in a “Divided State”
Working Paper
Conference paperWhy central bank models failed and how to repair them
Oct 2017
The consensus that reigned in macroeconomics before the financial crisis has come under renewed attack.
Conference Session
The Future of Macroeconomics
Oct 23, 2017 | 04:30
Macroeconomics and finance beyond DSG
Conference Session
What's the Future?
Oct 23, 2017 | 08:30
Working Paper
Conference paperCarbon producers’ tar pit: dinosaurs beware
Oct 2017
The path to holding fossil fuel producers accountable for climate change & climate damages
Conference Session
In the Long Run Are We All Dead?
Oct 23, 2017 | 04:30
Climate Change and Denial
Working Paper
Conference paperFinancial Reform Is Working, But Deregulation That Incentivizes One-Way Bets Is Sowing the Seeds of Another Catastrophic Financial Crash
Oct 2017
The deregulatory zeal of the 1990s and 2000s has returned to the US and the post-Brexit plans to protect the City in the UK sound like the pre-crash light-touch mentality that fueled global regulatory arbitrage. As a result, a foremost “challenge of our time” is to stop “subsidizing more one-way bets” and “doubling down on failure.”
Working Paper
Conference paperGlobalization and Japanese Manufacturing Industry
Oct 2017
As globalization proceeds rapidly, manufacturing industry in most of developed countries declined steadily.
Working Paper
Conference paperFracturing at the Core of the Global Order
Oct 2017
The Death of the Seventy-year American Empire
Working Paper
Conference paperThe Functional Importance of Asset Backed Securities
Oct 2017
An Assessment and Some Policy Implications
Working Paper
Conference paperThe humble economist
Oct 2017
What economics can – and can’t – tell us about climate change
Conference Session
Doubling Down on Failure Subsidizing More One Way Bets?
Oct 23, 2017 | 02:30
One-way bets and bubble machines: How can central banks restrain moral hazard when markets know they bail out big banks in financial crises?
Conference Session
Core Fractures and International Relations
Oct 23, 2017 | 04:30
As dual economies transform countries, how does world politics adjust?
Working Paper
Conference paperInnovative Enterprise and Sustainable Prosperity
Oct 2017
We want an economy that generates stable and equitable growth—or what I call “sustainable prosperity.” We want productivity growth that makes it possible for the population to have higher living standards over time. We want an equitable sharing of the gains from productivity growth among those whose work efforts and financial resources contribute to that growth. And we want sufficient job stability to enable workers to remain in productive employment for some four decades at work while providing them with enough savings to provide them with adequate incomes over some two decades of retirement.
Working Paper
Conference paperDualism and Economic Stagnation
Oct 2017
Can a Policy of Guaranteed Basic Income Return Mature Market Economies to les Trente Glorieuses?
Working Paper
Conference paperWealth Creation and the Entrepreneurial State
Oct 2017
Building symbiotic public-private partnerships
Conference Session
Reversing Dual Economies?
Oct 23, 2017 | 11:00
What can policy do to remedy the spread of dual economies in the developed world?
Working Paper
Conference paperGender and the Future of Macroeconomics
Oct 2017
Decomposition by such an important category as gender helps us understand the economy at the macro level, and design macroeconomic policy, better. It also provides the foundation for advocating equal gender rights and outcomes. But, where gendered policy issues arise in mainstream macroeconomics (income maldistribution, labour market composition, etc.) the subject matter is narrowed by its microfoundations, by focusing on GDP growth and on suboptimal outcomes being explained by market imperfections.
Conference Session
Macroeconomics of Gender
Oct 23, 2017 | 12:45
What would it look like if women and other marginalized groups could fully participate in our economy and society?
Research Program News
Institute for New Economic Thinking uses Edinburgh conference to unveil new initiative to 'transform' global economy (Business Insider UK)
Oct 23, 2017
This article originally appeared on
CommonSpace: Nobel prize-winning economist makes the case for Scottish independence in the EU
Oct 23, 2017
Commission on Global Economic Transformation member Joseph Stiglitz argues that an independent Scotland in the EU would “resolve a lot of the uncertainties” of Brexit at INET’s Reawakening conference in Edinburgh
The Edinburgh Reporter: Call for green investment to transform Scotland’s economy
Oct 23, 2017
INET Chairman Adair Turner and Grantee Mariana Mazzucato comment on the Friends of the Earth Scotland event and a green economic transition.
Conference Session
Why Do Estimates of Immigration's Economic Effects Clash So Sharply?
Oct 22, 2017 | 03:30
Untangling the Facts about Immigration in the World Economy.
Conference Session
Emerging Economies
Oct 22, 2017 | 03:30
Coping with the dysfunction of advanced economies, and developing strategies for economic development.
Conference Session
Identity Norms and Narratives
Oct 22, 2017 | 03:30
The Role These Factors Play in Shaping Economic Knowledge and Behavior
Conference Session
James Heckman on Intergenerational Issues
Oct 22, 2017 | 05:15
Working Paper
Conference paperBetting on Hitler – The Value of Political Connections in Nazi Germany
Oct 2017
This paper examines the value of connections between German industry and the Nazi movement in early 1933. Drawing on previously unused contemporary sources about management and supervisory board composition and stock returns, we find that one out of seven firms, and a large proportion of the biggest companies, had substantive links with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Firms supporting the Nazi movement experienced unusually high returns, outperforming unconnected ones by 5% to 8% between January and March 1933. These results are not driven by sectoral composition and are robust to alternative estimators and definitions of affiliation.
Working Paper
Conference paperImperfect Knowledge, Unpredictability and the Failures of Modern Macroeconomics
Oct 2017
After re-iterating five well-known theorems about the properties of conditional expectations in stationary settings—such as providing unbiased minimum mean square error predictions despite in- complete information, and the law of iterated expectations—we clarify unpredictability and illustrate its prevalence empirically.
Working Paper
Conference paperFrom the Prevailing Paradigm to the Qualitative Expectations Hypothesis
Oct 2017
In the paper that we present this afternoon, Soren Johansen, Anders Rahbek, Morten Tabor, and I introduce the Qualitative Expectations Hypothesis (QEH) as a new approach to modeling macroeconomic and financial outcomes.