YSI Working Group News
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: YSI webinar series on 'What Money Can't Buy' with Michael Sandel
May 1, 2018
To mark the release of INET’s “What Money Can’t Buy” with professor Michael Sandel, the YSI Philosophy of Economics Working Group and and Finance, Law and Economics Working Group invite young scholars working on issues related to the core issues in Michael Sandel’s lectures to present their work in a series of webinars. Professor Sandel will join the webinars to answer questions about the topics raised in his book, the video lectures and to give comment on the presentations.
The Real Driver of Rising Inequality
May 1, 2018
Wage suppression—not monopoly power—is fueling corporate profits and the growing gap between rich and poor
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesWhere Do Profits and Jobs Come From? Employment and Distribution in the US Economy
May 2018
“Meso” level analysis of 16 producing sectors sheds light on broad forces shaping growth of employment and profits.
Intellectual Property Watch: Patents Without Examination
Apr 30, 2018
INET Senior Economist Arjun Jayadev and Dean Baker explore the patent system of Brazil, and its implications for developing countries.
Bloomberg: Why Innovation Tends to Bypass Mainstream Economics
Apr 30, 2018
The discipline is divorced from real-world relevance and has lost credibility, writes INET Global Commissioner Mohamed A. El-Erian
Times Now News: America has been afflicted by an ideology that doesn’t work, says Joseph Stiglitz
Apr 30, 2018
Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, in an exclusive interview with, talks about what is wrong with current American capitalism, rise of a new kind of politics emerging from dissent towards government and more. Here are some excerpts from the interview.
Research Program News
Chicago Booth Review: Globalization is close to its ‘holy cow’ moment
Apr 30, 2018
Richard Baldwin writes on why we must rethink our outdated ideas about international trade.
How to Grow the Economy While Reducing Inequality
Apr 27, 2018
For the BRICS countries to not just grow their economies but also raise the standard of living of their people, inclusive growth that prioritizes poverty reduction is a must
Richard Eskow Interviews Lynn Parramore
Apr 24, 2018
“The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow” talks to Lynn Parramore about her INET piece on public education.
Webinars and Events
What Money Can't Buy Live
DiscussionApr 23, 2018
To celebrate the release of our new series “What Money Can’t Buy” join Harvard University Professor Michael Sandel and INET for a live conversation exploring the role of money and morals in today’s world.
BRICS to Play a Leading Role in Driving Future Global Economic Growth
Apr 20, 2018
But the five countries must still support greater investment in other emerging and developing economies
Webinars and Events
Kerner Commission Public Forum Race and Inequality in Trump’s America
ConferenceApr 20, 2018
Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, Mayor of Newark Ras Baraka, CEO of the Campaign for Black Male Achievement Shawn Dove, Pulitzer-prize winning author Heather Ann Thompson and more discuss race and inequality in Trump’s America Friday, April 20th 5-7pm.
Working Paper
CommentaryAnalysing Wealth Inequality: A Conceptual Reflection
Apr 2018
As early as 1900, German sociologist Georg Simmel identified a central feature of wealth in his seminal work The Philosophy of Money. Simmel writes about the superadditum of wealth for the rich, namely that a great fortune is encircled by innumerable possibilities of use, as though by an astral body.
YSI Event
1. African Economies in Transition
YSI Event
3. Revisiting and Confronting the Challenges of African Development
YSI Event
4. Rethinking Cooperatives and the African Agenda
YSI Event
5. The Current Challenges of a Complex Reality
YSI Event
2. New Approaches to African Economic History
YSI Event
6. A Critical Engagement with Financial Stability in Africa
YSI Event
10. Perspectives on the Challenges for Sustainable Development in Africa
YSI Event
9. Rethinking Political Economy: the State & Pluralist Economics Teaching
YSI Event
7. The Gender Division of Labour; Diversity and Change
YSI Event
8. Inequality in Africa
Why Americans’ Hatred of Taxes Is Fake News
Apr 13, 2018
Newspapers consistently underplay wide public support for higher taxes on businesses and the wealthy
Working Paper
Working paperA Distorting Mirror: Major Media Coverage of Americans’ Tax Policy Preferences
Apr 2018
Over the last four decades, Americans have consistently told pollsters that they favor higher taxes on business and the wealthy, even as tax policy has moved sharply in the other direction.
The Growing BRICS Economies
A series on the changing economic dynamics of the BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
The Growing BRICS Economies: An INET Series
Apr 12, 2018
The BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—play a crucial and growing role in the world economy. Sanjay Reddy kicks off our series exploring shifting social and economic dynamics within these countries, and what they mean for the global economy.
Michael Sandel on INET's What Money Can't Buy Video Series
Apr 12, 2018
Ahead of the series launch, Harvard’s Michael Sandel discusses the moral limits of markets with Rob Johnson
YSI Event
Finance in the 21st Century
YSI workshop @ Rethinking Finance Oslo
WorkshopApr 12–14, 2018
The INET YSI Financial Stability working group (WG) is organising a workshop as part of the Rethinking Finance Conference in Oslo at the Norwegian Business School BI on April 14th, 2018.
How Unregulated Finance is Killing Democracy
Apr 11, 2018
The twin threats of right-wing populism and unencumbered financial capitalism pose a crisis for democracy across the world, argues Robert Kuttner in his new book, Can Democracy Survive Global Capitalism?
The Corporate Plan to Groom U.S. Kids for Servitude by Wiping Out Public Schools
Apr 6, 2018
Training first-world children for a third-world life
Samuel Bowles Remembers Martin Luther King
Apr 5, 2018
The economist reflects back on the racial justice leader who showed him the limits of his academic training.
The Hidden Network That Propelled Civil Rights in America
Apr 5, 2018
Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders relied on black entrepreneurs to make their work possible
Are We Destined for a Slow Growth Future?
Apr 5, 2018
Steve Fazzari argues that stimulating demand is the key to jump-starting stagnant economies
Learning from MLK, the Inconvenient Hero
Apr 4, 2018
The vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 50 years later, and the relevance of his economic ideas today
MLK’s Economic Legacy
Fifty years after the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., INET looks back at his forgotten economic legacy. In the final years of his life, these provocative positions made King controversial, and they remain as urgent now as they were then.
The Forgotten Economic Vision of Martin Luther King
Apr 4, 2018
In the last years of his life, King was boldly forging a radical, multi-racial movement for economic justice
The Cross and the Lynching Tree (James Hal Cone and Bill Moyers)
Apr 4, 2018
Bill discusses symbolism of the cross and lynching tree with theologian James Cone.
RIP Vincent G. Harding, Historian Who Co-Wrote MLK’s “Beyond Vietnam” Speech
Apr 4, 2018
Cross posted from Thursday, February 28, 2008’s broadcast of Democracy Now!
YSI Event
Economic History
YSI Event
YSI Event
Finance, Law, and Economics
YSI Event
Urban and Regional Economics
YSI Event
Keynesian and Financial Stability
YSI Event
Inequality, Urban and Regional Economics, Financial Stability
YSI Event
Financial Stability
YSI Event
Latin America
YSI Event
Complexity Economics
YSI Event
YSI Event
Gender and Economics
YSI Event
Keynesian Economics
YSI Event
History of Economic Thought
YSI Event
States and Markets
YSI Event
Economics of Innovation
The Debt We Don't Talk About
Mar 28, 2018
Mainstream economists have ignored private debt to our peril
CNN: Democrats Plan Crackdown on Booming Stock Buybacks
Mar 21, 2018
INET grantee William Lazonick explains why Sen. Tammy Baldwin is proposing to ban stock buybacks.
This Is INET
Mar 21, 2018
Economics can be creative, it can be rigorous, it can be relevant.
Noam Chomsky on the Populist Groundswell, U.S. Elections, the Future of Humanity, and More
Mar 20, 2018
The renowned linguist, cognitive scientist, and historian on where we stand as an economy, as a country, and as human beings
Luigi Pasinetti on Disrupting Neoclassical Hegemony in Economics
Mar 20, 2018
The renowned economist reflects on the rise of neoclassical economics, the post-2008 surge of interest in non-mainstream, heterodox thought, and how young economists can remain independent in the face of biased evaluation systems
YSI Event
Cooperatives and the Future of Employment
YSI Event
Complex Systems and Economic Complexity
YSI Event
Reconciling Financial Stability and Economic Inclusion Across Space
YSI Event
The Economic Possibilities of Technology
YSI Event
The Concept of the State in Economic Theory
YSI Event
Disruptive Technologies, Inequalities, and Law
Conference Session
Call for Papers
Mar 19 - 24, 2018 |
How Well Does Financial Regulation Work?
Mar 15, 2018
What 200 Years of Government Interventions in Financial Markets Can Tell Us
The Male-centric Biases of Economic Models
Mar 15, 2018
The assumptions economists make in their models have implications not only for policymaking and choosing what data we collect, but also for the very definition of work, says Professor Maria Floro of American University.
Visions Beyond the Haunted House
Mar 14, 2018
Reflections on the Radical Vision of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Last Major Speech
Is There Another Bear in the Woods? How Not to Celebrate a 10th Anniversary
Mar 14, 2018
As the U.S. Congress works to undo financial regulation, INET reflects on the lessons of the Bear Stearns bailout
Britney and the Bear: Who Says You Can’t Get Good Help Anymore?
Mar 14, 2018
From the Archives: In the wake of the Bear Stearns bailout in 2008, INET Research Director Tom Ferguson and President Rob Johnson say taxpayers rescuing banks are owed their due: “If the public is going to pay for [bailouts]… it should also get paid back for them.”
The Bear Stearns Bailout, Ten Years Later
Ten years ago, the investment bank Bear Stearns collapsed. Its controversial rescue by the Federal Reserve and JP Morgan Chase marked a prelude to the global financial crisis, which would begin in earnest in September 2008. As part of INET’s look back at the financial crisis, we offer this series of reflections on the Bear Stearns bailout, the financialization of debt, and the moral hazard of government bailouts of banks.
Waiting for the Chinese Bear Stearns
Mar 13, 2018
Unregulated, speculative lending markets nearly brought down the global financial system 10 years ago. Now, Western banks are exporting this failed model to the developing world.
Rewarding Bad Behavior: The Bear Stearns Bailout
Mar 12, 2018
Ten years ago when Bear Stearns crashed, the Fed decided to bail out first, ask questions later. It was a mistake that set a bad precedent.
Ten Years after Bear Stearns, U.S. Financial Stability Is again in Danger
Mar 12, 2018
Banks are pushing for deregulation and roll backs of Dodd-Frank’s regular check-ups on their financial health. We should be worried.
The Government as an Entrepreneur
Mar 7, 2018
Mariana Mazzucato argues that the idea that entrepreneurship is confined to the private sector is wrong.
How Cuba Became a Biopharma Juggernaut
Mar 5, 2018
Cuba’s entirely state-owned biopharmaceutical industry has been remarkably successful, and can serve as a model for other nations
CNN: Are Stock Buybacks Deepening America's Inequality?
Mar 5, 2018
One of Wall Street’s favorite tools could be deepening the growing chasm between America’s rich and poor, according to INET grantee William Lazonick.
What Piketty Missed in Measuring Wealth
Mar 1, 2018
Despite assembling a formidable data set and leveling a bold argument, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century has theoretical and accounting flaws that distort its central findings
How America Turned Its Police Into an Army
Feb 28, 2018
Economist Olugbenga Ajilore shows the high cost of the American government’s arming of local police with military weapons, which has exacerbated lethal use of force against black communities
Stock Buybacks Hurt Workers and the Economy. We Should Ban Them.
Feb 27, 2018
Workers, innovation, and productivity all suffer when corporations spend their new U.S. tax breaks on stock buybacks.
A Note on the Gender Disparity in Quoted Experts
Feb 26, 2018
Why women experts are denied the same scholarly authority conferred to men, and what we should do about it
With Official Unemployment This Low, Why Are Wages Rising So Slowly?
Feb 26, 2018
By pushing workers into precarious, part-time work, “Third Way” governments of the past 20 years helped to create the disturbing economic trend that’s vexing orthodox economists
INET Research in a Stressful Year
Feb 23, 2018
In the face of laissez-faire capitalism at home and resurgent nationalism across the globe, INET offers an innovative look at the causes of—and solutions for—the problems that ail a fissuring world economy.
Webinars and Events
Financial Networks
ConferenceBig Risks, Macroeconomic Externalities, and Policy Commitment Devices
Feb 23–24, 2018
The objective of the conference is to exchange perspectives on the risks posed by financial networks, and the role these networks play in the well-functioning of the real economy.
How Music Helped James Baldwin Make Sense of Inequality
Feb 21, 2018
Ed Pavlić discusses the role of music in communicating suffering and resistance in the African-American experience
Don't Want a Robot to Replace You? Study Tolstoy.
Feb 20, 2018
Economist Morton Schapiro, president of Northwestern University, and his colleague, literary critic and Slavic studies scholar Saul Morson, argue that—contrary to popular belief—studying the humanities is the key to not getting outsourced.
CNN: Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion
Feb 16, 2018
INET grantee William Lazonick explains how the Trump tax cut is resulting in buybacks on Wall Street and bonuses for CEOs
Even in France, Money Rules Politics
Feb 15, 2018
France, like many Western European countries, has strong campaign finance laws and a vibrant multiparty system. Yet even there, money has had a corrosive effect on democracy, as private donations have an outsized impact on electoral outcomes.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Price of a Vote: Evidence from France, 1993-2014
Feb 2018
Money in politics is not a strictly American phenomenon. In France, despite strong campaign finance laws, campaign donations have a direct influence on legislative and municipal election results.
Le Monde: L’impact des dons sur les résultats électoraux est un sujet central En savoir plus sur
Feb 15, 2018
Julia Cagé explains the impact of money on French elections
Financial Markets Have Taken Over the Economy. To Prevent Another Crisis, They Must Be Brought to Heel.
Feb 13, 2018
Banks have long had undue influence in society. But with the rapid expansion of a financial sector that transforms all debts and assets into tradable commodities, we are faced with something far worse: financial markets with an only abstract, inflated, and destabilizing relationship with the real economy. To prevent another crisis, finance must be domesticated and turned into a useful servant of society.
When Demand Shapes Supply
Feb 11, 2018
Contrary to the neoclassical model’s assumptions, shifts in aggregate demand have persistent effects on GDP
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesPersistent Effects of Autonomous Demand Expansions
Feb 2018
The prevailing wisdom that aggregate demand ‘shocks’ determine short-run cyclical fluctuations around a supply-determined equilibrium growth rate and an associated equilibrium unemployment rate (or NAIRU) has been called into question by various streams of literature in the last decades. Specifically, a recently revived literature on hysteresis finds significant persistence in the effects of recessions and negative aggregate demand shocks (Blanchard et al. 2015; Martin et al. 2015).
Should You Buy Bitcoin?
Feb 8, 2018
Over the next year, the Bitcoin price could double, soar tenfold, or collapse by 95% or more, and no economic analysis can help predict where in that range it will lie. Like other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin serves no useful economic purpose, though in macroeconomic terms, such currencies probably also do little harm.
Sadie Alexander: An Economist Ahead of Her Time
Feb 7, 2018
Nina Banks assesses the legacy of the first African-American economist in the United States
Washington Post: Don’t Let Pay Increases Coming Out of Tax Reform Fool You
Feb 6, 2018
In their op-ed in the Washington Post, INET grantee William Lazonick and Rick Wartzman show how companies are spending their tax savings on investors, not workers.
Global Commission
Learn more about the Commission on Global Economic Transformation
The Path to an African Economic Boom
Feb 2, 2018
The African Development Bank has laid out a plan for economic prosperity in the continent. But to get there, African countries must first confront jobless growth and underfunded infrastructure projects.
Why Cities Are Key to Escaping Poverty
Jan 31, 2018
There’s no turning back from humanity’s move to high-density living, says Ed Glaeser. The task of the century will be making cities more liveable.