Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesExecutive compensation in Europe: Realized gains from stock-based pay
Sep 2018
This paper adds to the empirical evidence on the extent to which stock-based pay incentivizes and rewards European corporate executives. It shows that the actual realized gains (that is, take-home compensation) from stock-based pay of CEOs in European publicly-listed firms may be underestimated by the use of “estimated fair value” measures. The paper also documents the heterogeneity among countries in terms of the levels and components of CEO take-home pay. We base our work on a sample of 301 large, publicly-traded companies listed in the S&P Europe 350 index from 11 EU countries: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom for the fiscal year 2015. Through analyzing companies’ annual reports, we have hand-collected data on various elements of compensation of the company’s CEO in 2015, including the gains that executives realize from stock-based pay. We document that on average half of the total compensation of the European CEOs in our sample is stock-based, measured by actual realized gains, with large differences among countries. Although in some European countries the majority of total compensation is stock-based, the proportions are still well below those that prevail in the
Why We Should Worry About Monopsony
Sep 2, 2018
When a small group of companies can dominate a labor market, wages—and workers—suffer
Global Inequality is a Threat to Democracy
Aug 29, 2018
Winnie Byanyima shows how we all suffer when corporations evade taxes
America’s Broken Retirement System is a Recipe for Political Chaos
Aug 27, 2018
Expanding, rather than cutting, Social Security is the solution
American Prospect Features INET Pharma Research
Aug 27, 2018
The American Prospect highlights William Lazonick’s INET paper on US Pharma’s Financialized Business Model.
YSI Event
Political Economy of Capitalism
WorkshopAug 27–29, 2018
The Economics of Innovation Working group and the Economic History Working Group together with the Département d’histoire, économie et société at the University of Geneva, are launching the event Political Economy of Capitalism to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27-28-29 August 2018.
Unstable Capital Flows Threaten Emerging Economies
Aug 24, 2018
It’s not just Turkey—from India to Indonesia, external financial liabilities are a looming threat
Market Power, Low Productivity, and Lagging Wages: The Real Drivers
Aug 23, 2018
To understand labor productivity—and growing inequality—you have to look at the “dual economy”
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesRace to the Bottom: Low Productivity, Market Power, and Lagging Wages
Aug 2018
“Dualism” in the structure of production across sectors of the US economy, employment by sector, productivity levels and growth, real wages, and intersectoral terms-of trade increased markedly between 1990 and 2016.
Social Stability and Resource Allocation within Business Groups
Aug 22, 2018
In China, the government uses the purses strings of state-owned enterprises to control social unrest
What Economists Can Learn from Hippies
Aug 22, 2018
Behind sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll were moral values, says music industry veteran Danny Goldberg
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesSocial Stability and Resource Allocation within Business Groups
Aug 2018
Using datasets on transactions within business groups and social sentiment in China, I show that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) use internal funds to address social unrest, complying with the government’s political goals.
The Zero-Sum Economy
Aug 20, 2018
The anthropologist David Graeber has argued that as much as 30% of all work is performed in “bullshit jobs,” which are unnecessary to produce truly valuable goods and services but arise from competition for income and status. But the deeper problem is that more and more economic activity performs a merely distributive function.
WNYC Interviews Michael Greenberger
Aug 16, 2018
WNYC interviews Michael Greenberger about his INET paper on the unregulated derivatives market, and the threat it poses to the global financial system
Washington Post Features Bill Lazonick's Research
Aug 16, 2018
The Washington Post cites William Lazonick’s INET paper on shareholder value
YSI Event
YSI Africa Convening
Regional ConveningAug 16–18, 2018
Young Scholars based in Africa are invited to convene in Harare, Zimbabwe. The event serves to strengthen the African network of new economic thinkers pursuing a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to attend the annual conference of the Zimbabwe Historical Association in the same trip.
YSI Event
YSI Africa Convening
Regional ConveningAug 16–18, 2018
Young Scholars based in Africa are invited to convene in Harare, Zimbabwe. The event serves to strengthen the African network of new economic thinkers, in pursuit of a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to the annual conference of the Zimbabwe Historical Association in the same trip.
Vox Cites Bill Lazonick Research
Aug 15, 2018
Vox cites William Lazonick’s INET paper on shareholder value
The Mechanics of Cryptocurrency
Aug 15, 2018
INET Global Commissioner Peter Bofinger breaks down cryptocurrencies, and why they’re actually far from “anonymous”
How Artists Can Make Social Change
Aug 15, 2018
Watch music industry veteran Shep Gordon and INET President Rob Johnson talk about how reality TV, celebrity chefs, and surfing explain American politics and economy today.
Rethinking Social Progress in the 21st Century
Aug 14, 2018
A new report examines the path to global social progress. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers
Cryptocurrency in Context
Cryptocurrency is one of the hottest topics in finance, yet it is often misunderstood, both by the general public and self-proclaimed “experts.” In this collection, members of the INET community offer a broader look at the economics of cryptocurrency, and money itself.
Why Digital Currency Won’t Save Us
Aug 13, 2018
State-issued digital money may avoid some pitfalls of cryptocurrency, but it’s no financial panacea
INET Welcomes Two Academic Council Members
Aug 13, 2018
Sheila Dow and Antonella Stirati bring their scholarly expertise to INET’s research advisory group
INET Swaps Research in Albany Times-Union
Aug 11, 2018
Zephyr Teachout and Morris Pearl cite Michael Greenberger’s INET paper in an op-ed in the Albany Times Union
Wall Street Is Better at Gambling Than Finance
Aug 8, 2018
Dennis Kelleher of Better Markets explains how we can stop the financial industry from gaming Washington
INET Welcomes Two Governing Board Members
Aug 7, 2018
Arminio Fraga and Richard Vague bring their economic expertise to INET
Macroeconomics and the Italian Vote
Aug 6, 2018
To understand the rise of the League and 5 Star Movement, look at economic indicators
YSI Event
YSI Workshop: Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography
In collaboration with the Collective Learning Group at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
WorkshopAug 5–7, 2018
The workshop aims to bring together experienced researchers with young scholars in the fields of Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography to understand knowledge accumulation and spillovers through products, people and places. Those interested in interdisciplinary research, especially bridging a gap between these topics are strongly encouraged to apply.
The Rise of Hedge Fund Activism
Aug 3, 2018
How corporate raiders coopted “shareholder democracy” for their own ends
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Subversion of Shareholder Democracy and the Rise of Hedge-Fund Activism
Aug 2018
This paper explains how hedge-fund activists are exerting power over corporate resourceallocation far in excess of the actual voting power of their shareholdings.
Austerity Caused Brexit
Aug 2, 2018
Places hit hardest by austerity cuts were more likely to vote for UKIP and Leave
The Gay Wage Penalty—and Premium
Aug 1, 2018
Gay men earn 20% less than straight men, but gay women earn up to 20% more than straight women. Why?
YSI Event
YSI Economic History Workshop @ World Economic History Congress
WorkshopJul 29, 2018
The YSI Economic History Working Group invites scholars to submit their research on alternative perspectives and different approaches to the study of economic history. The workshop will take place on 29 July, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts, preceding the World Economic History Congress (29 July - 3 August).
Boycott the Journal Rankings
Jul 27, 2018
Journal rankings are a rigged game. The blacklist of history of economic thought journals isn’t a fluke nor a conspiracy—it exposes how citation rankings really work
Glasnost and Perestroika in Economics
Jul 25, 2018
James Galbraith says academic economics is in need of radical reform
America’s White Collar Middle Class Takes a Terrifying Slide Down the Mobility Ladder
Jul 24, 2018
Alissa Quart’s new book chronicles the pain of a disgruntled class that could change the country’s political landscape.
Ending the Wild West of Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Jul 23, 2018
Clear rules and sound principles for debt restructuring would level the playing field between developing countries and creditors
YSI Event
Technology, Globalization and the Environment: Latin American Development in the XXI Century
ECLAC Summer School on the Latin American Economies
WorkshopJul 23–24, 2018
The Latin America Working Group and the Keynesian Economic Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) of the Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET) are hosting the workshop “Technology, Globalization and the Environment: Latin American Development in the XXI Century” to be held at the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC) in Santiago de Chile on the 23-24 July 2018.
New York Times Features INET Derivatives Research
Jul 22, 2018
The New York Times features Michael Greenberger’s INET paper on how banks evade derivatives regulation
YSI Event
YSI Latin America Convening
Regional ConveningJul 19–21, 2018
Young Scholars based in Latin America are invited to convene in Buenos Aires. The event serves to strengthen the Latin American network of new economic thinkers pursuing a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to enjoy several partner events during the same week.
When Meritocracy Breeds Greed
Jul 18, 2018
Journalist Steven Brill discusses how the U.S. lost sight of the common good
Why We Need a Federal Jobs Guarantee
Jul 11, 2018
13 million people looking for living wage work is not a “full employment” economy
Reproducibility Crisis Reaches All Randomised Controlled Trials
Jul 9, 2018
The social and medical sciences depend on randomised control trials – though they face more assumptions and biases than commonly thought.
YSI Event
Advanced Graduate Workshop on Poverty, Development and Globalization
WorkshopJul 8–21, 2018
This small interdisciplinary workshop, is organized by the Azim Premji University, Institute for Policy Dialogue and the Institute for New Economic Thinking. The goal of the workshop is to bring together graduate students studying development studies at a sufficiently advanced stage of their dissertation work to be able to discuss and receive feedback on their research.
Was Martin Luther King a socialist?
Jul 5, 2018
Was Martin Luther King a socialist? New book may surprise you.
YSI Event
YSI @ Association for Heterodox Economics Conference
WorkshopJul 5–7, 2018
The YSI Economic Development Working Group will host a series of panels at the annual conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, with the goal of developing an innovative research program on productive structures, institutions, distribution, and economic development.
YSI Event
YSI Summer Academy: Finance, Law, and Economics
Challenges of Global Legal Diversity
WorkshopJul 5–7, 2018
This three-day summer academy and annual meeting of the Finance, Law, and Economics Working Group aims to bring together graduate students and young professionals pursuing careers in international economic law. By learning from prominent academics and practitioners in the field, participants will develop the fundamental skills to handle multi-jurisdictional and interdisciplinary issues, while broadening their networks. After successful attendance, YSI FLE will issue the corresponding certificates.
Don’t Let a Crisis Go to Waste
Jul 3, 2018
Matias Vernengo explains how economic crises reveal the nakedness of neoliberal policies
Fast Company on INET Swaps Research
Jul 2, 2018
Fast Company covers Michael Greenberger’s paper for INET on how banks evade regulation of credit default swaps
YSI Event
YSI @ STOREP Conference 2018
ConferenceJun 28–30, 2018
YSI is hosting sessions at the 2018 STOREP conference.
We Can—And Must—Reform Capitalism
Jun 27, 2018
Fred Block says capitalism is not an unchanging monolith—which means we can make it better
YSI Event
Whatever happened to Economics?
Joint workshop of Rethinking Economics and the YSI Philosophy of Economics Working Group @ STOREP
WorkshopJun 27–30, 2018
From 28-30 June the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy will be gathering in Genova to ask the question “Whatever has happened to political economy?”. Before the start of the conference, Rethinking Economics and the YSI Philosophy of Economics Working Group will host a workshop to discuss a related question: “Whatever happened to economics?”. Professor Geoffrey Hodgson will participate in our discussion.
Money and the Unflappable Economist
Jun 25, 2018
The Koch brothers scandal at George Mason University
Forbes on INET's Jim Chanos Interview
Jun 22, 2018
Forbes cites our interview with Jim Chanos on Bitcoin
Italy’s Crisis Is the Left’s Crisis
Jun 22, 2018
When politics is defined in terms of “populism” vs. “the mainstream,” the possibility for real economic reform is diminished.
A Poetic Challenge to Global Capitalism That Will Rend Your Heart
Jun 21, 2018
Edoardo Nesi’s new book tracks the destructive march of globalization and neoliberal capitalism through his own life and the places, like Italy, that lie broken in its wake.
The Dismal Science and the Beautiful Game
Jun 20, 2018
A light-hearted economic analysis of the World Cup
The American Behind the Deutsche Mark
Jun 20, 2018
70 years ago today, Edward A. Tenenbaum helped pull off an astounding feat—successfully reforming Germany’s currency after World War II
Another Financial Crisis Could Be Coming
Jun 20, 2018
Michael Greenberger says unregulated credit default swaps could take down the economy—and taxpayers—again
How the Largest Banks Are Leading Us to a New Financial Crisis
Jun 19, 2018
By evading regulation of credit default swaps, the major U.S. banks put taxpayers—and the entire economy—at risk
NPR: INET Report Says Banks Taking Risks with Swaps
Jun 19, 2018
NPR’s All Things Considered features Michael Greenberger’s INET Working Paper on how banks evade credit default swaps regulation
Bloomberg Features INET Swaps Research
Jun 19, 2018
Bloomberg covers Michael Greenberger’s paper for INET on how banks evade regulation of credit default swaps
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesToo Big to Fail Banks' Regulatory Alchemy
Jun 2018
Converting an Obscure Agency Footnote into an “At Will” Nullification of Dodd-Frank’s Regulation of the Multi-Trillion Dollar Financial Swaps Market
YSI Event
YSI Workshop @ IAFFE
WorkshopJun 18–21, 2018
The YSI Gender and Economics Working Group will host a workshop during the pre-conference of the 27th IAFFE Annual Conference. Members of the Gender and Economics WG will also be welcomed to take part in the workshop and mentoring activities organized by IAFFE in the pre-conference.
Italy Holds A Mirror to a Broken Europe
Jun 14, 2018
The election of Italy’s right-wing, populist government exposes the economic and democratic shortcomings of the European project and its nationalist rivals
YSI Event
Paradigms of Economic Policy: Examples and Lessons from the Nordics
WorkshopJun 14–15, 2018
The symposium focuses on the various paradigms of economic and social policy at work in the Scandinavian countries, in light of the most recent macroeconomic developments given by increased inequality, population ageing and automation.
Making Sense of Globalization in the 21st Century
Jun 13, 2018
In a complex world, we’ll experience more “black swans”, and the things that standard economic models assumed away will matter much more.
The Roots of Argentina’s Surprise Crisis
Jun 12, 2018
A change in macroeconomic policies will not be sufficient to set Argentina on a path of inclusive and sustained economic development. But, as last month’s currency scare showed, abandoning the approach adopted by President Mauricio Macri’s administration at the end of 2015 is a necessary step.
Who Says Labor Laws Are “Luxuries”?
Jun 11, 2018
The World Bank and IMF say developing economies can’t afford to have strong labor laws. Actually, they can’t afford not to.
To Understand China’s Economy, Look to Its Politics
Jun 7, 2018
The removal of term limits for Xi Jinping may be a better indicator of economic health—or crisis—than official statistics
Worrying About the Deficit is So 17th Century
Jun 6, 2018
In “celebration” of the late Pete Peterson’s 92nd birthday (see guest list), an excerpt from 19th Century historian Lord Macaulay’s History of England, on hundreds of years of unwarranted panic about government debt.
Teaching Economics the Adam Smith Way
Jun 6, 2018
The economist had to learn moral philosophy before anything else—an underpinning that’s still helpful for today’s students
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesLabor Institutions and Development Under Globalization
Jun 2018
Labor market regulation is a controversial area of public policy in both developed and developing countries.
YSI Event
Institutions and Communities in the History of Economic Thought
YSI Workshop @ ESHET 2018
WorkshopJun 6, 2018
The Institute of New Economic Thinking Young Scholars Initiative (INET YSI) Working Group on the History of Economic Thought is organizing a YSI Workshop on Institutions and Communities in the History of Economic Thought on 6 June in Madrid, Spain, ahead of the Annual ESHET Conference
Business Insider on INET's Jim Chanos Interview
Jun 5, 2018
Business Insider cites our interview with Jim Chanos on Bitcoin
Marketwatch on INET's Jim Chanos Interview
Jun 5, 2018
Marketwatch cites our interview with Jim Chanos on Bitcoin
CNBC on INET's Jim Chanos Interview
Jun 5, 2018
CNBC cites our interview with Jim Chanos on Bitcoin
Jim Chanos: “Cryptocurrency is a security speculation game masquerading as a technological breakthrough”
Jun 4, 2018
The “dean of short sellers” says bitcoin is the last thing he’d want to own in the event of a catastrophe.
Quartz: Rob Johnson on George Soros's Plan for Europe
Jun 4, 2018
Quartz features INET President Rob Johnson on INET Co-Founder George Soros’s plan to save the EU
YSI Event
YSI Europe Convening
Regional ConveningMay 31–Jun 3, 2018
As in previous years, young scholars will come together in Trento during the annual Festival dell’Economia. This gathering will serve as the YSI Europe Convening for 2018. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their work with YSI members from across Europe, while also partaking in the Festival dell’Economia.
Meet the Hidden Architect Behind America's Racist Economics
May 30, 2018
Nobel laureate James Buchanan is the intellectual linchpin of the Koch-funded attack on democratic institutions, argues Duke historian Nancy MacLean
What Role Should Economists Play in Climate Policy?
May 30, 2018
Economist James K. Boyce argues that the distribution of carbon tax revenue is just as important as the price itself
Working Paper
PresentationCitation Counts: Consequences on the Development of Economics
May 2018
A presentation from the panel “Research Evaluation in Economic Theory and Policy Making” at the 2018 G20 Global Solutions Summit in Berlin
Working Paper
Conference paperPerformance-Based Incentives, Research Evaluation Systems and the Trickle-Down of Bad Science
May 2018
Alberto Baccini’s presentation for INET’s panel on research evaluation at the G20 Global Solutions Summit in Berlin, May 2018.
INET Memo to G20: The Trouble with Economic Research Evaluation
May 28, 2018
In a memo for the G20, INET calls for changes to the evaluation of economic research to ensure that economic theory—and policy—is more rigorous, innovative, and in service to society.
Breaking the Stranglehold of the Orthodoxy in Economics
May 28, 2018
Introducing INET’s body of work on dysfunctions in research evaluation, Rob Johnson shows how breaking academic conformity is vital for the economics profession—and the economy itself.
The Crisis of Conformity in Economics
Academia—and economics in particular—has increasingly placed emphasis on measures of research “quality” that do more to narrow intellectual exploration than they do to produce good scholarship. With a mandate of reforming the economics profession, INET has produced a series of research on the issues of evaluation and citations, academic conformity, and exactly what makes “good” economics.
How Government Drives Innovation
May 25, 2018
Bill Janeway explains why “efficiency is the enemy of innovation,” and how venture capitalists and the state advance technological change
What Money Can't Buy
May 23, 2018
What Money Can’t Buy is a six part series exploring the role of money and morals in today’s world.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Focus of Academic Economics: Before and After the Crisis
May 2018
Has the global financial crisis of 2007 had a visible impact on the economics profession?
The New Statesman: Michael Sandel on Populism and Democracy
May 21, 2018
Michael Sandel takes What Money Can’t Buy’s themes of markets and morals and applies them to an analysis of the rise of populism in the West.
Argentina’s Unseen Fragility
May 18, 2018
With growth fueled by an increase in debt, Argentina is facing an uncertain economic future, despite investors’ generally rosy view. The government of Mauricio Macri has options to address the country’s macroeconomic risks, but none of them will be free of tough choices.
To Reform Capitalism, Look to Marx
May 16, 2018
200 years after Marx’s birth, many elites have taken unabashed pride in capitalism, a term that originally had negative connotations. To make our economy more just, we must reclaim Marx’s understanding of capitalism’s contradictions.
Working Paper
Conference paperCapitalism in the age of robots: work, income and wealth in the 21st-century
May 2018
Adair Turner, Chair of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Lecture at School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC April 10th 2018
In These Times: A Public Option in the Pharma Industry
May 11, 2018
In These Times cites INET research in calling for putting drug companies under public control.
The Forgotten Vision of Market Socialism
May 10, 2018
200 years after Marx’s birth, a look at how two economists sought to reconcile his idea of common ownership with market mechanisms
YSI Event
11. The history of African Economic Thought from Ptah-Hotep to Achille Mbembe
Why We Need a Global Public Economics
May 7, 2018
Global public goods, from health to peace to security, crisscross national and social boundaries. We need a new economic theory to understand their pivotal role in the global economy.
How Bill Cosby, Obama and Mega-preachers Sold Economic Snake Oil to Black America
May 2, 2018
It’s time to connect political violence with economic violence.