John Bogle: How Wall Street Lost Sight of Ordinary Americans
Jan 17, 2019
From tax loopholes to high-risk speculation, Vanguard’s founder reflects on the state of Wall Street and the change needed to make finance work for ordinary people.
Does Inflation Targeting Make the Poor Poorer?
Jan 16, 2019
When central banks set inflation targets, they effectively redistribute income from wage earners to bondholders
The New Feudalism
Jan 9, 2019
Under the guise of “philanthropy,” business elites have an increasing grip on society
New Economic Thinking at AEA 2019
Jan 7, 2019
This year’s American Economics Association conference featured INET researchers, a cocktail reception, and a new interactive poll
Research Program
Private Debt
The Private Debt initiative is an opportunity to articulate how private debt impacts the economy and to specify the pathways for its effects. The initiative will also lead to better knowledge for the use of regulators, policymakers, journalists, and the public. Finally, the Private Debt initiative will open a better-informed dialogue towards tangible solutions to the problems posed by excessive private debt.
The Hidden Decline in Human Capital—and the Danger Ahead
Jan 2, 2019
U.S. GDP accounting underestimates intangible capital, overstates financial capital, and is all but oblivious to the the erosion of human and social capital. A serious growth slowdown is coming.
Piketty's World Inequality Review: A Critical Analysis
Jan 2, 2019
Thomas Piketty and his colleagues have insisted that tax records are better for measuring inequality than income surveys. They’re wrong.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesFinance in Economic Growth: Eating the Family Cow
Jan 2019
The American economy changed rapidly in the last half-century. The National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) were designed before these changes started. They have stretched to accommodate new and growing service activities, but they are still organized for an industrial economy.
Vox Features INET Climate Research
Dec 31, 2018
Vox features INET’s package of climate research
The New Economic Giants
Dec 26, 2018
Eisuke Sakakibara: China and India will become titans on the world stage
Can Markets Corrupt Social Values?
Dec 14, 2018
Judge Richard Posner and Michael Sandel debate the moral limits of markets
The Atlantic Features INET
Dec 14, 2018
The Atlantic features INET’s curriculum committee
YSI Event
YSI Info Session & Panel Discussion:
Political Economy and New Economic Thinking
DiscussionDec 13, 2018
Learn about the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and join a panel discussion on Political Economy and New Economic Thinking with Thomas Ferguson, Perry Mehrling, and Katharina Pistor.
Toxic Philanthropy? The Spirit of Giving While Taking
Dec 10, 2018
America’s new “philanthrocapitalists” are enabling social problems rather than solving them
Webinars and Events
Artha Vivaad: Innovation Economy and the State
DiscussionDec 10, 2018
A panel discussion on the importance of the role of the state alongside private enterprise to encourage innovative entrepreneurship, productivity and economic growth in an “Innovation Economy.”
INET Welcomes Clive Cowdery to Its Governing Board
Dec 7, 2018
Cowdery brings his expertise in business, foundations, and publishing to INET
Why Economics Needs a Moral Dimension
Dec 7, 2018
Rob Johnson and Michael Sandel discuss the limits of rational choice
The Intercept Features INET Climate Research
Dec 5, 2018
The Intercept highlights INET research from Enno Schröder and Servaas Storm and Gregor Semieniuk, Lance Taylor, and Armon Rezai
Why “Green Growth” Is an Illusion
Dec 5, 2018
Wishful thinking and tinkering won’t cut it. Nothing short of a mass mobilization for deep de-carbonization across the global economy can avert the looming climate catastrophe.
Is Green Growth Possible?
Economists debate whether catastrophic global warming can be stopped while maintaining current levels of economic growth. Enno Schröder, Servaas Storm, Gregor Semieniuk, Lance Taylor, and Armon Rezai find there is a tradeoff between growth and decarbonization, while Michael Grubb responds with more optimism.
A Reply to Michael Grubb’s Growth-Decarbonization Optimism from Semieniuk et al
Dec 5, 2018
Hope for mitigating climate catastrophe may not be lost, but the scale of political change needed is no cause for optimism
Conditional Optimism: Economic Perspectives on Deep Decarbonization
Dec 5, 2018
A response to economists who doubt our capacity to decarbonize while maintaining robust growth
A Reply to Michael Grubb’s Growth-Decarbonization Optimism from Schröder and Storm
Dec 5, 2018
Market tweaks and incentives won’t save us from climate catastrophe. Only radical policy change will.
The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Change and the Economy
Dec 5, 2018
The new IPCC Report is overly optimistic about global productivity growth and fossil fuel energy use. More dramatic, immediate action is needed
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesEconomic Growth and Carbon Emissions: The Road to ‘Hothouse Earth’ is Paved with Good Intentions
Dec 2018
Wishful thinking and tinkering won’t cut it. Nothing short of a mass mobilization for deep de-carbonization across the global economy can avert the looming climate catastrophe.
YSI Event
Economic Questions (Blog): Special Call for Articles
YSI Event
Summer School on Computational Methods and Agent Based Modelling in Economics
WorkshopDec 3–7, 2018
The YSI Complexity Economics Working Group is delighted to invite all Young Scholars interested in Agent Based Modeling to apply for the Summer School on Computational Methods and Agent Based Modeling (Curitiba Summer School)
The Limits of the “Rational Economic Man”
Nov 30, 2018
Greg Mankiw says there should be a market for kidneys, but not for paying drug addicts to get sterilized.
YSI Event
YSI @ Energy Innovation Academy
ConferenceNov 28–30, 2018
The FSR Energy Innovation Area and the Complexity Economics Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the 1st Energy Innovation Academy.
Working Paper
CommentaryWhy We Need a Second Bretton Woods Gathering
Nov 2018
We need a new system of rules for the digital 21st century that enhances global digital cooperation and welfare. Nothing less than a historic gathering of the world’s key decision makers will get us there.
INET Chair Adair Turner in The Independent
Nov 26, 2018
The Independent profiles INET Chairman Adair Turner
Webinars and Events
3rd Law Economics Policy Conference, 2018
ConferenceNov 26–28, 2018
Organized by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi in collaboration with the Institute of New Economic Thinking, New York, the aim of the Law Economics Policy Conference series is to bring together legal, economic, and public policy thinkers to consider a variety of real world issues in India in a holistic manner.
To Be a Good Citizen, You Need Not Be Rich
Nov 23, 2018
LSE Director Minouche Shafik says that for democracy to work, we must keep the market out of certain domains
How We Can Avoid Climate Catastrophe
Nov 21, 2018
A new report shows an economically viable path to net-zero CO2 emissions in key industries by 2060
YSI Event
Inclusive or Exclusive Global Development?
Scrutinizing Financial Inclusion
WorkshopNov 21, 2018
Microfinance and then financial inclusion have become buzzwords in international development. Such initiatives have mobilised and generated large amounts of development funding, despite substantial amount of critique. Such critiques call for a more impartial assessment of the effectiveness of financial inclusion on the grounds that funds for microfinance, they argue, displaced development spendings on healthcare, education or infrastructure. In addition, the focus on expansion of financial markets to ‘bank’ and financially ‘include’ the poor may divert attention from more comprehensive and effective poverty reduction strategies. Critiques of this ‘way of doing development’ are often sidelined and labelled as ‘extreme’, ‘sloppy’ or ideology-driven rather than evidence-based. We believe that there is a need for contemporary development scholars from all disciplines to engage in those debates. This half-day workshop would bring in such scholars to discuss what we have learned from a decade of research on the microfinance, and how financial inclusion and the emergence of fintech may offer new opportunities - as well as risks - in for inclusive global development.
The Top Journals Club in Economics
Nov 20, 2018
Prejudice and collusion, not simply research quality, drive journal citations
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesCitation Patterns in Economics and Beyond
Nov 2018
Assessing the Peculiarities of Economics from Two Scientometric Perspectives
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesCitation Patterns in Economics and Beyond
Nov 2018
In this paper we comparatively explore three claims concerning the disciplinary character of economics by means of citation analysis.
Bill Lazonick Research in New York Times
Nov 19, 2018
William Lazonick’s INET research is featured in his New York Times op-ed
A Market for Votes?
Nov 16, 2018
Michael Sandel and Joe Stiglitz discuss why selling votes is bad for democracy, and how individual self-interest doesn’t always serve the public good
When the Middle Class Lost Its Wealth
Nov 15, 2018
Until 2008, rising home values gave the middle class a cushion amid growing income inequality. But following the financial crisis, that wealth has failed to return.
Apple’s “Capital Return Program”: Where Are the Patient Capitalists?
Nov 13, 2018
Instead of rewarding the taxpayers and employees who actually create value for the tech giant, Apple is doling out massive stock buybacks
U.N. Secretary-General Meets with INET Global Commissioners
Nov 12, 2018
António Guterres and CGET Commissioners discuss cooperating on inequality, climate change, multilateralism, and more
Money Matters
Nov 7, 2018
Neoclassical economics dismisses the role of money and the state in the economy. Keynes scholar Robert Skidlesky says it’s time for a re-evaluation.
Jacobin Q&A with Tom Ferguson
Nov 6, 2018
Jacobin Magazine’s Q&A with Tom Ferguson about his new INET paper.
Real News Network Features INET Paper on 2016 Election
Nov 6, 2018
Real News Network interviews INET Research Director Tom Ferguson about his new paper on money and the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Thomas Ferguson on Background Briefing
Nov 4, 2018
INET Research Director Tom Ferugson talks about Donald Trump and racial resentment with Ian Masters’s Background Briefing
YSI Event
LALICS-YSI INET Academy 2018
WorkshopNov 3–9, 2018
Our focus is on teaching and discussing theoretical and empirical methods related to the innovation processes in Latin America and the Caribbean and how these are linked to the economic development of the region. The Academy offers the opportunity to connect students to a research community integrated by high profile researchers.
Cheap Talk on Race and Xenophobia Keeps Americans from Confronting Economic and Political Peril
Nov 2, 2018
Adolph Reed, who researches race and politics, warns that “identitarian” politics can conceal the structural inequities of capitalism
The Rise of Fake News
Nov 2, 2018
Right-wing news sources have stopped playing by the rules of journalism
Big Money—Not Political Tribalism—Drives US Elections
Oct 31, 2018
Conventional wisdom asserts that American politics is becoming more and more tribal. But the chiefs of the tribes share a lot in common: dependence on big money.
The Intercept: Donald Trump Exploited Long-Term Economic Distress to Fuel His Election Victory, Study Finds
Oct 31, 2018
The Intercept covers a new INET paper from our Research Director Tom Ferguson and his co-authors.
Economic Distress Did Drive Trump’s Win
Oct 31, 2018
Contrary to the dominant media narrative, social issues like racism and sexism on their own can’t explain Trump’s success.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Economic and Social Roots of Populist Rebellion: Support for Donald Trump in 2016
Oct 2018
This paper critically analyzes voting patterns in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
The Rise of China and the Future of Work
Oct 29, 2018
The Rise of China and the Future of WorkArtificial intelligence could replace routine jobs but allow us to “pursue dreams”
YSI Event
YSI @ FMM Conference: 10 Years after the Crash
ConferenceOct 25–27, 2018
What did societies and politicians learn from the crash? What have been theoretical achievements in orthodox and heterodox economic thinking since then? Where do we go from here?
Beyond the Dollar
Oct 24, 2018
The current international monetary system is costly, unfair, and risky. “Economic nationalism” and deregulation in the U.S. will make it worse. A multilateral alternative is needed.
Can America Survive the Rule of a “Stupified Plutocracy”?
Oct 24, 2018
Donald Trump, democracy, and how the wealthy crush the American Dream
YSI Event
1st GLOBELICS pre-Conference for Young Scholars
Workshop Series on Financing of Innovation and Infrastructure for Development
WorkshopOct 23, 2018
The YSI Economics of Innovation, Economic Development and Africa Working Groups, in partnership with Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems (GLOBELICS), Globelics Alumni, are organizing the 1st GLOBELICS Pre-Conference for Young Scholars entitled ‘Financing of Innovation and Infrastructure for Development’.
Partisan Frenzy Rules Washington, but Does it Have to Rule Americans?
Oct 22, 2018
To connect across difference is the only thing that will save us from rule by the privileged few.
Why Wages Are Stagnating in Latin America
Oct 19, 2018
William Lazonick has shown how the doctrine of “shareholder value” has hurt wages in the United States. But in Latin America, where family corporations dominate, the story is more complicated.
Jacobin Features INET Paper on 2016 Election
Oct 19, 2018
Jacobin Magazine features research from INET Research Director Tom Ferguson and co-authors on big business support for Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign.
New Economic Thinking Needs Old Ideas
Oct 17, 2018
Investigating the history of economic thought fuels innovative thinking
YSI Event
Economics and the Development of Africa
YSI Workshop @ 13th Annual Meeting of the African Economic History Network
WorkshopOct 13, 2018
The YSI Africa Working Group is convening in Bologna, Italy in conjunction with the 13th Annual Meeting of the African Economic History Network. Our meeting in Bologna follows what promises to be a successful convention in August 2018 at the YSI Africa Convening in Harare, Zimbabwe. The YSI Africa Working Group is committed to continuing important conversations about how economic history can contribute to the study of development of Africa. We are particularly interested in thinking about the types of new approaches to the study of economics and economic history.
Why Hysteria Over the Italian Budget Is Wrong-Headed
Oct 10, 2018
Reactions to the size of the proposed plan rely on discredited assumptions and betray a fundamental misunderstanding of economic growth—and austerity
Can AI Free Humans from ‘Routine’ Work?
Oct 10, 2018
Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to replace routine jobs, says Dr. Kai-Fu Lee. But done right, that process could allow us to “pursue dreams, spend time with our loved ones and find out why we exist as humans”
James Heckman in The Economist
Oct 6, 2018
Nobel laureate James Heckman, Sidharth Moktan and their INET-funded research on economics journals is featured in The Economist.
YSI Event
Endogenous Preferences and the Consequences of Economic Incentives
Workshop by the YSI Behavior and Society Group
WorkshopOct 5–7, 2018
Young scholars in the fields of behavioral and experimental economics, philosophy, and related disciplines will be given the opportunity to present their work at a workshop in New York. Samuel Bowles (Santa Fe Institute), Shaun Hargreaves Heap (King’s College London) and Mario Rizzo (New York University) will also present their work and give feedback to the young scholars.
Inequality Represents a Wasted Opportunity for Poverty Reduction
Oct 4, 2018
Economists who dismiss inequality as a problem secondary to poverty miss the point: Inequality is part of what drives poverty
The End of American Exceptionalism
Oct 3, 2018
“We don’t look after each other at all,” says Jeffrey Sachs on America today
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesPublishing and Promotion in Economics: The Tyranny of the Top Five
Oct 2018
This paper examines the relationship between placement of publications in Top Five (T5) journals and receipt of tenure in academic economics departments.
The Tyranny of the Top Five Journals
Oct 2, 2018
Getting published in a top five economics journal is a near-requirement for tenure. But it’s a poor measure of research quality within a system that punishes creativity.
Noam Chomsky Cites Thomas Ferguson's Paper
Oct 2, 2018
In a piece for The Intercept, Noam Chomsky cites Tom Ferguson’s paper on the influence of money in US congressional elections.
James Heckman in The Chronicle of Higher Education
Oct 1, 2018
Nobel laureate James Heckman, Sidharth Moktan and their INET-funded research on economics journals is featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Rob Johnson on Background Briefing
Oct 1, 2018
INET President Rob Johnson appears on Background Briefing with Ian Masters to discuss the tenth anniversary of the bailout
Why Dodd-Frank Is a Shell Game for Banks
Sep 27, 2018
Ten years after the crisis, financial regulation leaves taxpayers holding the bag for banks’ safety net.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesDouble Whammy: Implicit Subsidies and the Great Financial Crisis
Sep 2018
This paper concerns itself with the joint effect of implicit subsidies that are built into the US housing-finance system and financial safety net.
How Economics Became a Cult
Sep 26, 2018
Steve Keen: “What an education in economics does is make you into a zealot
Joseph Stiglitz and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Talk Social and Economic Justice
Sep 25, 2018
A Nobel Prize-winning economist and the second-most-famous democratic socialist in America sit down together
YSI Working Group News
The 2008 Global Financial Crisis as History - YSI Webinar series
Sep 25, 2018
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. …This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not before.” This YSI Webinar and Reading Group aims to contribute to the historicization of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and its repercussions.
The Rise of the Radical Right in Scandinavia
Sep 21, 2018
After Sweden’s elections, a look at how immigration and economics explain a political puzzle
A Better Bailout Was Possible
Sep 20, 2018
Back in 2008, a critical opportunity was missed when the burden of post-crisis adjustment was tilted heavily in favor of creditors relative to debtors. The result was not only prolonged stagnation, but also the Republican Party’s embrace of demagogic populism and the election of Donald Trump.
YSI Event
Hello, Can You Hear Me? Added Value and Inequalities in a Global Market
ConferenceSep 20–21, 2018
The Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is supporting the conference “Hello, Can You Hear Me? Added Value and Inequalities in a Global Market,” that will be held at La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), on September 20th and 21st. The event is promoted by CEST and funded by the Young Scholars Initiative – INET and by the “Luigi Einaudi” Research Centre.
How Despair Fueled Trump
Sep 19, 2018
Trump’s surprise win areas looked like a drug overdose map
Research Program News
Danny Quah on the Future of Global Trade
Sep 17, 2018
What would global trade without the U.S. at the helm look like? INET Global Commissioner Danny Quah investigates.
Double Whammy: Implicit Subsidies and the Great Financial Crisis
Sep 15, 2018
A financial industry safety net enriches bankers and their shareholders — at our expense
George Soros: 10 Years After the Crash
Sep 15, 2018
George Soros and Rob Johnson Discuss the Causes and Consequences of the 2008 Financial Crisis
Under Trump, the Next Financial Catastrophe is Cooking
Sep 13, 2018
Ten years after Lehman Brothers’ collapse, the Wall Street casino is running amok
New Book: Inequality and Inclusive Growth in Rich Countries
Sep 12, 2018
INET Oxford’s Brian Nolan writes on his new book for VoxEU
The Economy’s Cuban Missile Crisis
Sep 12, 2018
In 2008 a global financial meltdown was just barely contained. But Adam Tooze says that the crisis of confidence has had long aftershocks
Macroeconomics Predicted the Wrong Crisis
Sep 10, 2018
Distracted by the perceived threat of a Chinese savings glut, mainstream macroeconomists missed the writing on the wall of the 2008 crisis
Adair Turner on Bloomberg TV
Sep 10, 2018
INET Chairman Adair Turner reflects on the 2008 financial crisis on Bloomberg TV
Summers vs. Stiglitz
Been following Larry Summers and Joe Stiglitz’s debate over secular stagnation? Check out their INET work on the topic here and decide for yourself who makes the better case.
Mortgage Fraud Fueled the Financial Crisis—and Could Again
Sep 7, 2018
Both before 2008 and today, there’s a disturbing tendency in Washington to not take mortgage fraud seriously
2008: A Retrospective on the Financial Crisis
Before 2008, mainstream economics thought a global economic crisis on the scale of the Great Depression was impossible. Then Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. A decade later, INET looks back at the causes of the global financial crisis, and what policymakers—and economists—must change to prevent another one.
Mainstream Macroeconomics and Modern Monetary Theory: What Really Divides Them?
Sep 6, 2018
Despite disparate policy beliefs, MMT and orthodox macro rely on many of the same theoretical foundations
YSI Event
Call for Papers: Inclusive or Exclusive Global Development? Scrutinizing ‘Financial Inclusion’
Why Economists Failed to Predict the Financial Crisis
Sep 5, 2018
10 years later, Nobel laureate George Akerlof says the walls within economics need to come down
The Problem with Paying Executives in Stock
Sep 4, 2018
In Europe and the United States, stock-based compensation discourages long-term corporate sustainability
When the Levee Broke
Sep 4, 2018
Ten years ago, the financial crisis washed away faith and trust in economics as a guide to social prosperity. Filling a void is difficult. We are still hard at work.