Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesAntitrust and Economic History: The Historic Failure of the Chicago School of Antitrust
May 2019
This paper presents an historical analysis of the antitrust laws.
Lance Taylor on Growth, Distribution, and the Future of Capitalism
May 1, 2019
Lance Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research, delivers the annual Heilbroner Memorial Lecture on the Future of Capitalism.
Macroeconomic Stimulus à la MMT
Apr 30, 2019
Modern Monetary Theory is problematic. Launching large scale fiscal programs that rely on it would be skating on thin ice.
INET Welcomes Gaurav Dalmia to Its Governing Board
Apr 25, 2019
Dalmia brings his expertise in business, finance and economic trends in South Asia to INET
11 New Economic Thinkers You Should Watch
In commemoration of the 200th episode of INET’s New Economic Thinking video series, we’re highlighting 11 new economic thinkers who embody the INET spirit: creative thinking, passion for social justice, and fearlessness in breaking the status quo. If you like what you see, make sure to check out our YouTube channel for more!
The Antitrust Case Against Facebook You Need to Know About
Apr 22, 2019
“Facebook is undermining our country, our democracy.”
Working Paper
ReportTechnological Disruption in the Global Economy
Apr 2019
A report of the Commission on Global Economic Transformation’s subcommittee on Inequality, Technology, and the Future of Work
U.S. Borrowers Still Pay More Than What’s Fair
Apr 19, 2019
Low interest rate policy can only do so much to bring the relief to American borrowers that they deserve: past monetary policies, credit market regulations and stagnant labor productivity growth all get in the way. Interest rate policy activism is part of the problem, not the solution.
HuffPo Cites INET Stock Buyback Research
Apr 19, 2019
The Huffington Post features INET research on stock buybacks
Boing Boing on Facebook Privacy Research
Apr 18, 2019
Boing Boing covers Dina Srinivasan’s research on Facebook, privacy, and monopoly power
Can Antitrust Law Rein in Facebook’s Data-Mining Profit Machine?
Apr 17, 2019
Facebook engaged in an elaborate bait and switch on user data: Privacy disappeared when competition did. Laws governing competition could change that.
Why We Must Resist Conventional Economic Wisdom
Apr 17, 2019
Dani Rodrik says that when ideas become conventional wisdom, we are blind to their limitations
Webinars and Events
INET Panel @ Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2019
ConferenceApr 15, 2019
Excellence and Conformity in Economics: how to set the incentives straight
INET Leadership Meets with Portugal’s Finance Minister and Eurogroup President
Apr 12, 2019
Group discussed pressing issues in the eurozone and the need for new economic thinking
How to Ruin a Country in Three Decades
Apr 10, 2019
Italy’s austerity-fueled crisis is a warning to the Eurozone
Why Corporate-Led Globalization is Unsustainable
Apr 10, 2019
Globalization’s elite winners get lower taxes while its losers pay more
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesLost in Deflation
Apr 2019
Why Italy’s woes are a warning to the whole Eurozone
When Innovation Meets Authoritarianism
Apr 3, 2019
China is the staging ground for an economic experiment: Can innovation succeed when it’s directed by an authoritarian stat
A Belief in Meritocracy Is Not Only False: It’s Bad for You
Apr 2, 2019
Despite the moral assurance and personal flattery that meritocracy offers to the successful, it ought to be abandoned both as a belief about how the world works and as a general social ideal.
YSI Event
Reimagining the Eurozone
INET to G20: Bank Regulation Can't Be Heads Banks Win, Tails Taxpayers Lose
Mar 28, 2019
At a G20 preparatory meeting in Berlin, an INET panel analyzed how governments can prevent banks from exploiting taxpayer-funded bailout guarantees
Why We Should Decriminalize Sex Work
Mar 27, 2019
Stigmatizing and relegating an activity to the shadows doesn’t improve anyone’s welfare
Can Markets Corrode Relationships?
Mar 25, 2019
Kristen Ghodsee discusses her research on how love and relationships function under socialism and capitalism, and what economists miss about the rise of right-wing populism in Eastern Europe
INET Event in Kerala Featured in Times of India
Mar 25, 2019
The Times of India features INET’s event, “Rebuilding Kerala Economy: Time for a Paradigm Shift?”
INET Event in Kerala Featured in The Hindu
Mar 25, 2019
The Hindu features INET’s event, “Rebuilding Kerala Economy: Time for a Paradigm Shift?”
The Many Costs of Social Media Addiction
Mar 23, 2019
“Founding father” of virtual reality explores the ways digital platforms change economic relationships Computer scientist Jaron Lanier explains the uneasy relationship between an analog world and a corporate digital infrastructure.
Why We Need Diversity and Pluralism in Economics, Part II
Mar 22, 2019
INET talks to Jayati Ghosh and Marina Della Giusta
Webinars and Events
Rebuilding Kerala Economy: Time for a Paradigm Shift?
ConferenceMar 22–23, 2019
Part of INET and the Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR) roundtable series, “Vikàsàrth: Development and the Economy.”
Krishna Bharadwaj, the Torchbearer of Economics
Mar 21, 2019
During her long career she illuminated many of the shortcomings of neoclassicism, and offered alternative paths
Is MMT “America First” Economics?
Mar 20, 2019
Modern monetary theorists ignore how their policies could hurt developing countries
The Future of Work Is Going to Be More Human
Mar 20, 2019
As automation takes on more routine tasks, work will become more about creativity, ethics, and empathy
Technology: From Copycats to Innovators
Mar 19, 2019
Richard Vague looks at what it’ll take for the U.S. to win the R&D race
Populism, Trump, and the Future of Democracy
Mar 15, 2019
The most popular political philosopher of his generation on liberal responsibility worldwide for the rise of the hard right
Better Labor Standards Must Underpin the Future of Work
Mar 14, 2019
As technology and deregulation continue to shape the labor market, maintaining strong worker protections is as important as ever
Why Economists Failed as “Experts”—and How to Make Them Matter Again
Mar 12, 2019
Economists should stop pretending to be scientists and go back to the core of the discipline—as a field of inquiry and way of thinking
Research Program News
Global Commission Discusses Macroeconomics and Finance in New York
Mar 11, 2019
The latest meeting of INET’s Commission on Global Economic Transformation addressed the flaws in existing macroeconomic and financial models—and explored solutions to foster shared prosperity
Diversity and Excellence: Not A Zero Sum Game
Mar 11, 2019
As young scholars, we have formulated a new plan for fostering diversity in both identity and scholarly thinking in economics—preconditions for academic rigor.
Why We Need Diversity and Pluralism in Economics, Part I
Mar 8, 2019
INET talks to Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, Claudia Goldin, and Maria Cristina Marcuzzo
Economic Consequences of the U.S. Convict Labor System
Mar 7, 2019
US counties with prison labor often have lower wage and employment growth
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesEconomic Consequences of the U.S. Convict Labor System
Mar 2019
Prisoners employed in manufacturing constitute 4.2% of total U.S. manufacturing employment in 2005; they produce cheap goods, creating labor demand shock.
Joe Stiglitz: The Challenges Facing China
Mar 6, 2019
The Nobel laureate economist discusses how an activist government is needed to tackle problems like climate change
Joan Robinson, the Rational Rebel
Mar 5, 2019
The heterodox scholar was a fierce critic of neoclassical economics. But she also insisted that economics be driven by science, not ideology.
Why We Need the Knightian Uncertainty Hypothesis
Mar 4, 2019
INET’s President introduces a new research program that challenges orthodox assumptions about the limits of economic knowledge
INET Announces Program on Knightian Uncertainity Economics
Mar 4, 2019
Rethinking the role of markets and government policy in light of our inherently limited ability to foresee economic and social outcomes
Servaas Storm Featured in Frontline
Mar 4, 2019
Servaas Storm’s INET research is featured in the Indian news magazine Frontline
Do Real Estate Markets Make Our Cities Less Livable?
Mar 4, 2019
Author Samuel Stein talks about how capitalism shapes housing and what economists have in common with city planners
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Knightian Uncertainty Hypothesis: Unforeseeable Change and Muth’s Consistency Constraint in Modeling Aggregate Outcomes
Mar 2019
This paper introduces the Knightian Uncertainty Hypothesis (KUH), a new approach to macroeconomics and finance theory.
Research Program
Knightian Uncertainty Economics (KUE)
Rethinking the role of markets and government policy in light of our inherently limited ability to foresee economic and social outcomes
Fighting for Gender Equality in Economics Is Not Nearly Enough
Mar 1, 2019
The field of economics is aggressively sexist and biased against new and unconventional ideas. Revelations about gender and ethnic discrimination show the need to reorient the whole system toward more freedom, respect, openness, and pluralism. But how?
Sex, Power, and the Perils of Economic Writing
Mar 1, 2019
For women discussing economics, it’s still easier to be seen than heard
Diversity and Pluralism in Economics
This new series will explore different takes on and claims about the challenges of women and minorities in economics, opening up a debate on a range of questions.
INET’s Center for Innovation, Growth and Society Discusses Antitrust Policy and Big Tech
Feb 28, 2019
Inaugural conference addresses pressing issues around emerging technologies’ impact on economies and communities
YSI Event
History of Economic Thought
Crime Report Features Shannon Monnat on Opioids
Feb 28, 2019
The Crime Report features Shannon Monnat’s research on opioids
YSI Event
YSI @ the 45th Eastern Economics Association Conference
WorkshopFeb 28–Mar 3, 2019
The Keynesian Economics and Complexity Economics Working Groups announce two special sessions, to be held at the annual conference of the EEA in New York.
Behavioral Economics: The Next Generation
Feb 27, 2019
To understand behavior and choice, we need to borrow from not just cognitive science but also sociology.
YSI Event
Gender & East Asia (Joint)
William Lazonick in the New York Times on Pharma CEO Pay
Feb 26, 2019
INET grantee William Lazonick’s research on drug pricing is featured in a New York Times op-ed
YSI Event
Urban and Regional Economics
YSI Event
YSI Event
States and Markets
YSI Event
South Asia
YSI Event
Keynesian Economics
YSI Event
YSI Event
YSI Event
Gender and Economics
YSI Event
Financial Stability & East Asia (Joint)
YSI Event
Finance, Law and Economics
YSI Event
Economic History & East Asia (Joint)
YSI Event
East Asia
YSI Event
YSI Event
YSI Event
YSI Event
The Black Woman Economist Who Pioneered a Federal Jobs Guarantee
Feb 22, 2019
Decades before it caught on with other economists, Sadie Alexander was the first economist to recommend a government jobs guarantee in the US
YSI Event
YSI North America Convening
Regional ConveningFeb 22–24, 2019
On February 22-24, 2019, the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) will host its North America Convening in Los Angeles.
Webinars and Events
2019 Annual ASEER (GSÖBW) Conference
ConferenceCrossing Borders, Embracing Pluralism: Perspectives on Teaching Socio-Economics and Pluralism in Economics
Feb 21–22, 2019
What is the relationship between pluralist economics and interdisciplinary socio-economics? How does pluralist academic teaching need to be structured in economics or business administration in order to be successful? What should interdisciplinary socio-economic study programs look like, and how should teacher training in the field be designed? What kinds of new study materials, textbooks, and teaching methods are required?
Don't “Buyback” Fair Labor Standards
Feb 20, 2019
We need to ban stock buybacks, while building a movement for basic economic rights
Opioid Crisis Shows How Economic Inequality Kills
Feb 20, 2019
Pharmaceutical pushers like Purdue “couldn’t have done their dirty work” without America’s increasingly unbalanced economy
Financial Regulation Shouldn’t Be Hard—Here’s What We Need to Make It Work
Feb 20, 2019
We can land planes safely at crowded airports, yet we can’t manage to make our financial system safe. Why?
Science and Subterfuge in Economics
Feb 17, 2019
John Kenneth Galbraith noted in 1973 that establishment economics had become the “invaluable ally of those whose exercise of power depends on an acquiescent public.” If anything, economists’ embrace of that role has grown stronger since then.
How Imperfect Knowledge Shapes Financial Markets
Feb 15, 2019
Asset markets are indispensable in harnessing society’s diverse views and insights about future business performance. But those views are shaped as much by emotion and crowd mentality as by rational expectations.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesNew Evidence on the Portfolio Balance Approach to Currency Returns
Feb 2019
Asset markets are indispensable in harnessing society’s diverse views and insights about future business performance. But those views are shaped as much by emotion and crowd mentality as by rational expectations.
Research Program News
Global Commission Discusses Tech + the Future of Work in San Francisco
Feb 14, 2019
The latest meeting of INET’s Commission on Global Economic Transformation addressed the impact of technological change on jobs and society—and how best to harness the power of tech
Is the Opioid Overdose Crisis a Story of Supply or Demand? Depends Where You Look
Feb 14, 2019
Economic distress in rural areas and opioid exposure in cities are key indicators of overdose deaths
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesThe Contributions of Socioeconomic and Opioid Supply Factors to Geographic Variation in U.S. Drug Mortality Rates
Feb 2019
Economic distress in rural areas and opioid exposure in cities are key indicators of overdose deaths
CityLab Features INET Research on Opioid Crisis
Feb 14, 2019
Atlantic CityLab features Shannon Monnat’s research on the opioid crisis
Economics' Race Problem: A Video Playlist
In this series, scholars and activists challenge economic orthodoxy by showing how race functions as an arbiter of access to power, privilege, and wealth.
Global Commission Discusses Tech + the Future of Work in San Francisco
Feb 13, 2019
The latest meeting of INET’s Commission on Global Economic Transformation addressed the impact of technological change on jobs and society—and how best to harness the power of tech
The Bogus Paper that Gutted Workers’ Rights
Feb 6, 2019
For years, governments in India and much of the developing world have followed the advice of a paper arguing that labor regulations actually hurt workers. The problem? The research was wrong.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesLabor Laws and Manufacturing Performance in India: How Priors Trump Evidence and Progress Gets Stalled
Feb 2019
For years, governments in India and much of the developing world have followed the advice of a paper arguing that labor regulations actually hurt workers. The problem? The research was wrong.
Is Free Money the Future of the Safety Net?
Feb 6, 2019
Universal Basic Income is gaining in popularity, among socialists and libertarians alike. But when it comes to implementation, the devil is in the details.
Adair Turner in the New York Times
Feb 4, 2019
The New York Times quotes INET Senior Fellow Adair Turner on the bifurcated workforce
Millionaire-Driven Education Reform Has Failed. Here’s What Works.
Jan 31, 2019
Journalist Andrea Gabor’s new book heralds a “quiet revolution” in education you didn’t know was happening
The Best Way to Measure Inequality
Jan 30, 2019
Thomas Piketty and his colleagues have insisted that tax records are better for measuring inequality than income surveys. They’re wrong.
The Natural Rate of Interest Is Anything But
Jan 28, 2019
Central bankers pursue a “neutral” rate that doesn’t exist
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesEstimates of the Natural Rate of Interest and the Stance of Monetary Policies: A Critical Assessment
Jan 2019
Starting with the literature on the estimates of the natural rate of interest, this paper critically analyzes the modern practice of identifying the benchmark rate of monetary policy with an equilibrium or neutral interest rate reflecting “fundamental forces” unaffected by monetary factors.
A Growth Slowdown is Coming
Jan 23, 2019
U.S. GDP accounting underestimates intangible capital, overstates financial capital, and is all but oblivious to the erosion of human and social capital.
Adair Turner on Bloomberg TV
Jan 22, 2019
INET’s Adair Turner talks about the slowdown in the Chinese economy on Bloomberg TV
Research Program
Commission on Global Economic Transformation
Chaired by Nobel laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Michael Spence, INET has assembled a global team of leaders and scholars calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy