Should You Buy Bitcoin?
Feb 8, 2018
Over the next year, the Bitcoin price could double, soar tenfold, or collapse by 95% or more, and no economic analysis can help predict where in that range it will lie. Like other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin serves no useful economic purpose, though in macroeconomic terms, such currencies probably also do little harm.
Sadie Alexander: An Economist Ahead of Her Time
Feb 7, 2018
Nina Banks assesses the legacy of the first African-American economist in the United States
Washington Post: Don’t Let Pay Increases Coming Out of Tax Reform Fool You
Feb 6, 2018
In their op-ed in the Washington Post, INET grantee William Lazonick and Rick Wartzman show how companies are spending their tax savings on investors, not workers.
Global Commission
Learn more about the Commission on Global Economic Transformation
The Path to an African Economic Boom
Feb 2, 2018
The African Development Bank has laid out a plan for economic prosperity in the continent. But to get there, African countries must first confront jobless growth and underfunded infrastructure projects.
Why Cities Are Key to Escaping Poverty
Jan 31, 2018
There’s no turning back from humanity’s move to high-density living, says Ed Glaeser. The task of the century will be making cities more liveable.
Why Big Firms No Longer Pay (Much) More
Jan 28, 2018
The corporate titans of yore once offered a sizable wage premium over smaller employers—but not anymore. What happened?
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesInequality in the 21st century
Jan 2018
A critical analysis of Piketty’s work
How Pseudoscientific Rankings Are Distorting Research
Jan 18, 2018
The shocking—but illustrative—example of how an Italian government agency concocted statistics to evaluate scholarship, hid them from the public, and masqueraded them as science. It’s a growing phenomenon
How Black Businesses Helped Save the Civil Rights Movement
Jan 15, 2018
Behind towering figures like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. were the taxi dispatchers, pharmacists, grocers, and other small business owners who were instrumental in making civil rights a reality.
Working Paper
Working Paper SeriesLending a Hand: How Small Black Businesses Supported the Civil Rights Movement
Jan 2018
A large literature has detailed the seminal roles played in the Civil Rights Movement by activists, new political organizations, churches, and philanthropies. But black-owned businesses also provided a behind-the-scenes foundation for the movement’s success.
China’s Green Opportunity
Jan 12, 2018
China is now the world’s largest greenhouse-gas emitter, accounting for over 25% of the global total. But the country has also demonstrated a growing understanding that a truly green economy promises to improve quality of life and create enormous opportunities for technological and political leadership.
Here’s Why Sexual Harassment Matters for Economists
Jan 11, 2018
To get justice, targets must show measurable harm. Economists can help
How to Rewrite the Rules of Globalization
Jan 10, 2018
How did globalization create such discontent in developed and developing countries alike? Nobel laureate and INET grantee Joseph Stiglitz explains in this 150th episode of our “New Economic Thinking” video series.
How Money Won Trump the White House
Jan 9, 2018
It wasn’t Comey or the Russians. Trump prevailed because his campaign carefully targeted key states with late infusions of big money from private equity, casinos, and other far right contributors, a remarkable wave of donations from small donors, and substantial infusions from the candidate himself.