Working Paper

Explaining Dualism in a Gender Perspective: Gender, Class and the Crisis

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In the economic literature, several scholars have addressed the narrative of a two-stage European crisis. In a first stage, the so-called “he-cession”, men would have been hit the most by the economic recession induced by the financial crisis. Shortly thereafter, in the “she-austerity” stage, women would have suffered the heaviest burdens of the fiscal retrenchment measures. If that were the case, the policy response to the crisis would be producing an increase in the – already high pre-existing – gender inequality.

In this work we analyse the most recent micro-data available at the European level, the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), containing information on European households’ incomes in the time span 2008 - 2015. As it turns out, the crisis and the policy response to it have impoverished several European households and increased income inequality in Europe, also in a gender dimension. 

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