The University of Texas Inequality Project is a research group concerned with measuring and explaining movements of inequality in wages, earnings, and incomes around the world. The main technical projects covered by this research are: (1) updates of the core global inequality data-sets from 2008 through 2010 or 2011, depending on when source data become available; (2) comparative assessments of the quality of inequality indicators, drawing on the entire published literature for a wide variety of countries; (3) GIS mapping of changing inequalities using global and national data, with sector-region measurements embedded in the maps; (4) detailed national studies for particular countries, including notably China, Korea, Mexico and Argentina; and (5) an assessment of the Piketty thesis that rising inequality is related to r>g. Finally, this project will begin the development of teaching-friendly materials in this area for course adoption. To get the latest updates on this project, please visit the website of the University of Texas Inequality Project.