Sven Giegold, born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1969, studied University degree in Adults Education, Policy and Economics in Lüneburg, Bremen and Birmingham. He graduated his Master’s degree in Economic Policy and Economic Development at the University of Birmingham (UK).
From 1986 till 2001 he worked voluntary in the youth environment movement. In 2000 he started as a Cofounder of Attac Germany, representative of Friend of the Earth Germany in the council of Attac. Since 2001 he speeches and presence in the media on globalization critics, ecology, and tax policy. In 2002 he became Cofounder of the International Tax Justice Network (London) and is active by European Attac coordination.
July 2009 Mr. Giegold became a Member of the European Parliament, Coordinator of The Greens/ EFA in the Economic and Monetary Affairs committee, Rapporteur on ESMA (European Securities and Market Authority). January 2010 Mr. Giegold became Cofound of the Institute Solidarische Moderne e.V. (Berlin).