Mario Seccareccia is Full Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada where, since 1978, he has been teaching macroeconomics, monetary theory, labor economics, history of economic thought, and economic history, subjects on which he has also written extensively. He has published over 100 academic articles in scientific refereed journals or chapters of books, and has authored or edited a dozen books. He has also edited or co-edited approximately 35 special issues of journals. Many of these publications are of interdisciplinary nature and cover many areas of political economy. Mario Seccareccia has been visiting professor in a number of universities in France (Université de Bourgogne, Université de Grenoble, Université Paris 13, and Université Paris-Sud) and Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) and participates regularly in policy debate in both Europe and North America. He is also research associate at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives in Ottawa and, since 2004, has been editor of the International Journal of Political Economy, an interdisciplinary journal published by Taylor & Francis largely focused on policy questions of national and international scope.
Mario Seccareccia
By this expert
Central Banks, Secular Stagnation, and Loanable Funds
A Comment on Summers and Stansbury
Dualism and Economic Stagnation
Can a Policy of Guaranteed Basic Income Return Mature Market Economies to les Trente Glorieuses?
Thoughts on Mirowski and Neoliberalism from a Polanyian Perspective
Karl Polanyi demonstrated that Classical Liberalism and current Neoliberalism were organized political movements, but their successes sparked political backlashes against laissez-faire economics — a dialectic that continues to shape politics to this day.
Understanding the Great Recession
Some fundamental Keynesian and Post-Keynesian insights, with an analysis of possible mechanisms to achieve a sustained recovery.
Featuring this expert
Introducing the Symposium on Neoliberalism
Is Neoliberalism a fixed set of ideas, or even an identifiable political movement?
This is Water (or is it Neoliberalism?)
A meditation on Vercelli, Vernengo and Levitt & Seccareccia
Mathematics for New Economic Thinking
This workshop has the dual aim to expose mathematicians to new research problems in economics and economists to new techniques and developments in mathematics.